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MMOEXP: EA are always huge releases
2024/06/12 09:59:14瀏覽2|回應0|推薦0

The annual sports franchises of EA are always huge releases, which is why this times FC 24 will be no different. EA FC 24 Coins has found itself in hot water because of the questionable use of microtransactions in advertising however the game is expected to deliver the same gameplay experience that players have been accustomed to, but by adding some new features to career mode.

FC 24 will be released within the next week, and a lot of soccer fans are at the waiting on the edge of their seats for the chance to play 2023s version of the popular European football and pro soccer game. As with the majority of modern video games, FC 24 will include microtransactions, in addition to the fee per player for the privilege of playing the game, as well as both marketing as well as the inexplicably high cost of the FIFA Points microtransactions have angered many players.

EA promoted microtransactions to kids and loot boxes, which generate real-world cash but do not promise a game-specific reward and more overtly advertise that these purchases are a crucial component of the game. In reality, players are able to play FC 24 without having to pay one cent after the purchase. There was a lot of anger on social media and EA has decided to pull the advertisement from the magazine due to the anger.

EA stated to Eurogamer in a statement that it is reviewing its marketing practices and plans for future media outreach specifically targeted at children. The company also acknowledged its own error by stating that the advertisement was not appropriate for an issue for children and specifically an toy magazine. It is possible to pay as little as $60 to play FC 24. Although thats not an enormous amount of cash (thanks to the new price increase) Its crucial that all players know that theyre not required to spend more than that for an enjoyable experience in the game.

This isnt the first microtransactions-related controversy that EA has faced, as many fans will remember the infamous Star Wars Battlefront 2 loot boxes and a justifying Reddit post from EA breaking a record for Reddit post downvotes. Others have pointed out the fact that The Sims 4 DLC costs hundreds of dollars to purchase each pack, which is enough for many players. Children, in particular, do not have much additional pocket money, so its illegal to deceive players into believing that they cannot play a game even when they dont have the cash to purchase microtransactions.

Its great that EA has made this change for cheap Fut 24 Coins. even if its Star Wars and The Sims games didnt receive any sort apology or apology or backpedaling. I hope this sMMOexpals an improvement in EAs public relations strategy to make it more user-friendly.
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