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尚未輸入標題The game was sold out to 1.5 million with WoW cataclysm Gold
2024/06/03 16:14:16瀏覽10|回應0|推薦0

The new rules for PvP, WoW cataclysm Gold implemented in the current game in the latest patch, allows less avid players to accumulate significant rewards over time and the faster five-person encounters that will be introduced starting from Hellfire Peninsula onward will also make it easier to do military-grade plan and will encourage more regular random quests. However, while they are more welcoming for Blizzard's growing army of non-professional players, the arduous challenges presented by the brand new raid content for 25 players as well as the heroic difficulty settings, as well as the longand complicated route towards Mount Hyjal should keep focused players engaged for many years to be.

Blizzard has stated previously that it intends to announce an expansion every year until the end of time and, if The Burning Crusade is anything to be believed, it's likely that players will playing in Outland as the next expansion goes into beta testing.

With the third expansion to its 12-million-subscriber-strong massively multiplayer online role-playing game on store shelves last week, Blizzard has confirmed that the streak has continued. Today Blizzard, the Activision sister company revealed the fact that WoW Cataclysm Classic: Cataclysm sold more than 3.3 million units across both digital and retail channels within the first 24 hours of its release. Blizzard says that this rate gives Cataclysm it the status of "fastest-selling PC game of all time."

The third expansion of the most rated MMORPG Cataclysm includes numerous exciting new options to the game. The most significant change is the complete overhaul of the game's in-game world. Azeroth has been destroyed and the most popular locations are drastically changed and the old one is now new once more. The expansion raises the cap on leveling up at 85. It also introduces two additional races to the game that are goblins and Worgen.

The year WoW Cataclysm Classic Gold for sale of 2014 has been one of the best for Blizzard. In July the Irvine studio based in California launched Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty which was the initial installment in a series of three releases for its sci-fi, real-time strategy franchise. The game was sold out to 1.5 million within just 48 days of its release, and was reaching 3 million players in the month of September.
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