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請為我笑一個 (English)
2009/07/12 13:22:54瀏覽1441|回應7|推薦58

Many years ago...

I used to work at the university library while studying in the graduate school. One late Saturday evening, a (seemingly) very old gentleman came to the checkout counter I was tending. I looked at the book he planned to borrow (The Joy of Sex) and his library card. Oh yes! He was an 89-year old retired former chairman of the History Department.

I said to him half-jokingly, "Sir, I thought you were checking out some history books such as:  The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire."

He replied in earnest, "Young man! Can you tell that I AM reviewing history (我是在回顧歷史)?!"

The moral lesson is:  Never too old to study and learn (new tricks.)


Few years later...

I went to the university library and gathered about 25 books for a research project. I finally managed to put all those books on the checkout counter. Standing behind the counter was a beautiful Texan blond.

She gave me a weird look, then said in a not-so-friendly voice, "Have you read the library rules on that big sucker on the wall? Do you read or speak English? The rules clearly state that you can only borrow five books at a time for one week."

She then glanced at my (faculty) ID card and before I had a chance to reply, she said to me with a broad and charming smile, "Dear Professor 笨 (at least that's how she pronounced my last name 鄧), I just want to let you know that according to the same rules, YOU can borrow unlimited numbers of books and keep them for one whole year."

I replied happily, "I think I do know those stupid ass rules. But I can only carry these many books back to my office at one time.  Oh! by the way, thank you for your sincere compliments about my look."

The moral lesson is:  Never let people take advantage of your youth (不要讓人小看你年輕...)

Please enjoy the following beautiful classic

Smile A Little Smile For Me – The Flying Machine


( 心情隨筆工作職場 )
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2009/09/18 23:26 【博士多幼兒園跨國線上悅讀】 請為我笑一個 (shared by Pro Deng)


呵 真是有些遲鈍…
2013/09/05 11:13


真是愉快 足感心耶


才突然了解  原來

您的「笨腳獸」是「鄧教授」之意啊笑 (以前還頗納悶這個詞兒的)

笨腳獸 (洗腥割面 重出江湖)(DrGaryTeng) 於 2013-09-05 11:53 回覆:

教授教授 -- 會的野
應當之無愧 誰理你

太無厘頭哪 害羞

pearlz (民進黨抹黑霸凌WHO )
It is lucky
2010/01/26 17:58
to have a forever youthful appearance.  Sorry for missing the most important part in my comments.
笨腳獸 (洗腥割面 重出江湖)(DrGaryTeng) 於 2010-01-26 22:53 回覆:
感謝 的回應與讚美  
No one can look young forever, but one do can keep one's heart young forever.
人可老, 但.
沒有過不去的事情, 只有過不去心情.

May God bless your young and gracious heart.
Yours truly,

吹牛皮 大俠
great story
2009/07/29 11:45

thanks for sharing...

I salute to that 89-yo professor. His Department must be one of great departments. At 89, he was still writing history.

To the young lady, was it true that everything is BIG over there?

great story...

謝謝你的來訪, 我為你又寫了下列文章, 請您來賜教批評:
笨腳獸 (洗腥割面 重出江湖)(DrGaryTeng) 於 2009-07-29 12:25 回覆:

謝謝 回應喔

That professor is indeed 不老.

Yes!  Everything in Texas is BIG.  I had a 36-ounce prime steak at Austin, Texas just last year.

Thanks again.


Finally I found out your "Name" based on what
2009/07/16 04:51
very funny!
However, I thought is that
the blonde should not take all the blame
eventhough her attitude was rude.
because you looked too young to be a 狡獸

By the way, thank you for visiting my blog often.
Have a nice one!
笨腳獸 (洗腥割面 重出江湖)(DrGaryTeng) 於 2009-07-16 10:17 回覆:
感謝 的回應與讚美


Thank you for your sincere compliments on my look too.  But this time I really mean it.


I enjoy your great sense of humor.  You made me instantly feel some 20 years younger, and that's when this true story occurred.


You are quite an excellent writer and artist.  I like your articles and paintings a lot.  You will see me visiting your wonderful blog on a regularly basis.




BTW:  After reading your latest piece, I would like to pay a visit to Lake Arrowhead  one day.

2009/07/13 09:57

Dear Professor Deng,


Are you sure it’s just “youth”?

笨腳獸 (洗腥割面 重出江湖)(DrGaryTeng) 於 2009-07-13 11:31 回覆:
Dear Dr. C,

And of cause "inexperience" too.

As good brothers and sisters under the same "上天," you surely know what my Chinese translation is alluding to.

Bless you!

Professor Teng,
2009/07/13 03:07
Could you please be mercy to chose bigger font for the grace of your senior but humble reader like me.

I feel sorry to remind you but I DO have problem to struggle with your germ-style font although I am not so old as 89...............

Be mercy.
笨腳獸 (洗腥割面 重出江湖)(DrGaryTeng) 於 2009-07-13 03:36 回覆:

Dear Dr. Yichun,

Mercy is granted.  I just enlarged the font.  I am deeply sorry for your struggle in order to learn.  (Just kidding.)

My concern with bigger font is that the article will occupy too much space, plus the right-hand side will exceed the margins of most computer screens.

Sorry again.

笨腳獸 (洗腥割面 重出江湖)(DrGaryTeng) 於 2009-07-13 03:43 回覆:
BTW:  The size always looks fine on my computer.  Is it possible that something is wrong with my computer?  That is, I can read it fine, but the rest of you only see germ-style font?

why not?
2009/07/13 03:00
why didn't you respond the unfriendly blonde by requesting a hold for the book titled "the joy of sex" to her face?
笨腳獸 (洗腥割面 重出江湖)(DrGaryTeng) 於 2009-07-13 03:49 回覆:

Very good idea!

Unfortunately, all the books I borrowed on that day were books on topic related to male impotence.
