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1032_ Reading Explorer 2 Unit 11 “Small Wonders”
2015/05/21 15:01:20瀏覽395|回應0|推薦0

By: Teresa Yuh-yi 談玉儀

From: Wikipedia, Cobuild Dictionary and Reading Explorer 2           

Unit 11 “Small Wonders”

1.          amazonian 亞馬遜河的; (常作a-)(女子)勇猛好戰的;男子氣概的 Amazonian tribes are human societies living in the Amazon rainforest.

2.          ant colony (n.) 群螞蟻 An ant colony is a group of ants that live together in an organized society.

3.          astound (v.) 驚訝 If something astounds you, you are very surprised by it.

4.          blind (adj.) 盲目的 unable to see

5.          broaden (v.) 變寬,變闊;擴大 to become wider

6.          capability (n.) 能力,才能 the ability or power to do something

7.          carelessly (adj.) 粗心大意地 not paying attention to what one is doing, reckless

8.          congratulate (v.) 祝賀; (後接oneself)自我慶幸[(+on)] to express pleasure about something good that has happened

9.          constitute (v.) 構成,組成 to make up, to compose something that has parts or members

10.      credit (n.) 信譽 to attribute good qualities to some other source

11.      darkness (n.) 黑暗 nighttime, a condition without light

12.      declare (v.) 宣佈,宣告 to formally or officially state that something is true

13.      delay (v.) 延緩 to slow or stop for a time

14.      disturb (v.) 妨礙,打擾 to interrupt, upset, or bother someone

15.      emerge (v.) 浮現;出現 to come out of a place where one could not be seen

16.      fellow (adj. and n.) 同伴的 begins with whom one has something in common

17.      loyalty (n.) 忠心 the quality of staying firm in your friendship or support of someone or something

18.      microscope (n.) 顯微鏡 A microscope is a scientific tool that allows small objects to appear larger, so that details can be seen. 

19.      nest (n.) a place where birds or other animals raise their young

20.      observe (v.) 觀察 to watch closely and carefully

21.      overwhelming (adj.) 無與倫比的 affecting one so strongly that one cannot deal with it

22.      prey (n.) 獵物 An animal’s prey are the animals it hunts and eats in order to live.

23.      pupa (n. ; pupae 複數; pupate 動詞) A pupa is an insect that is in the stage of development between a larva and a fully grown adult. It has a protective covering and does not move.                                                                                                                               

24.      reaction (n.) 反應 a response, what you feel, say, or do after an experience

25.      retain (v.) 保留 to keep

26.      scanner (n.) 掃描機 A scanner is a machine that can take a picture of a thing for use by computers.

27.      suicidal (adj.) 自殺的 In a suicidal attack, the attacker loses its life in carrying out the attack.

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