攬雀尾為掤、履、擠、按四式之總稱,宗師鄭曼青Cheng Man Ching 先生為了宏揚體育,鼓勵民眾廣泛參與學習太極拳,除了設計簡單易學的37式鄭子太極拳 外,更研創了「打不完攬雀尾」。其原理係將攬雀尾右式與左式,依序按前、後、左、右四 個方向,往復循環不斷運行。又因練習時間之長短,可視個人需要從心所欲,故而名之。謝 昭隆﹝Master Robert Hsieh﹞為鄭子太極拳37式第三代傳人,自1987年追隨干嘯洲大師入門拜師,干 大師乃鄭宗師得意真傳弟子之一〈其餘頗富盛名之師叔伯有:徐憶中、陶炳祥、梁棟材、羅 邦楨、陳志誠、黃性賢、劉錫亨、宋志堅、鞠鴻賓及吳國忠等人〉。每次練完楊氏嫡傳鄭子 太極拳套路,干大師一定會囑咐加練「打不完攬雀尾」,並告知師爺鄭曼青先生特別強調與 提示,一定要勤練此看似簡單之拳架,才易達鬆沉動盪之功與立地生根之效。時至今日謝昭 隆師父仍牢記在心不敢遺忘,傳授弟子習拳亦復如此。本太極拳影片,係率閩台兩地有緣拳 社入室弟子,在福州Fuzhou左海公園示範教學與練習時所攝。
Grasping the Bird's Tail is a name for collective postures for Ward Off, Roll Back, Press and Push in Tai Chi Chuan. Mr. Cheng Man Ching, the Grand Master, designed the 37-posture Cheng Tzu Tai Chi Chuan which is simple and easy for the general public to learn and to promote physical education. Besides the 37-posture style, he studied and invented Never Ending Grasp the Birds Tail. Its fundamental principle is to combine the right- and left-posture of Grasp the Birds Tail, and to reverse & repeat them in the 4 directions of forward, backward, left and right. It is thus named also because you can adjust practicing according to the available time. Great Master Kan Hsiao Chou always reminds Master Robert Hsieh, one of his followers since 1987, of practicing Never Ending Grasp the Birds Tail, a simple series as everybody sees it, after Robert finishes the Cheng Man Ching Tai Chi Chuan postures, so as to familiarize with the goal and effect of Keeping Relaxed and Deep but Swaying in Postures. Robert has never forgotten and also has been disseminating this teaching to his followers, too. This video clip was taken while Master Robert Hsieh was leading his disciples of Yo-yuan Tai Chi Club from both Fujien and Taiwan practicing Never Ending Grasp the Birds Tail in Zuo Hai Park, Fuzhou, on March 1, 2009.