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20150723 布袋港 探路行
2015/08/03 00:31:55瀏覽431|回應1|推薦0

2015-07-23日 午後  布袋港 探路行 


看看天色,雨後青天,藍天白雲已然薄紗微掀加上和風煦煦,最是宜人郊遊去。當下,查看前往"布袋商港"地圖路線,估算路程和時間,及=即時行動:確認=出發。(布袋港旅客服務中心: 客運總站  passenger terminal) 



84東西向快速道路-->>北門出口-->>接台17-->>北門-->>靠左經由匝道走61 西濱-- >> 朝南-->>


可是,快速道路銜接得太順了、速度快、短線(點)之間的出口沒掌握好,於是,稍稍跑遠了(北) 再回首。轉南.......。

到了布袋鎮,在(後寮路--上海路--布新橋之前 ... )突然地"大彎路口"不知該轉向何方?何路!只好直直"衝"進入"太子廟"(=東宮廟=三位太子)旁"小"路一直走到底:後寮路、後寮南路與環河街丁字路口:見停泊於港灣內 的漁船 ...... 

速速 上堤岸拍照之後,便再回頭找尋目的地....



背景音樂: 何去何從 我必須徘徊漫步 。 

 Whither Must I Wander 
Ron Meixsell and Wahneta Meixsell

歌詞 :

Home no more home to me, whither must I wander?
Hunger my driver, I go where I must
Cold blows the winter wind over hill and heather:
Thick drives the rain and my roof is in the dust

Loved of wise men was the shade of my roof-tree
The true word of welcome was spoken in the door -
Dear days of old with the faces in the firelight
Kind folks of old, you come again no more

Home was home then, my dear, full of kindly faces
Home was home then, my dear, happy for the child
Fire and the windows bright glittered on the moorland;
Song, tuneful song, built a palace in the wild

Now when day dawns on the brow of the moorland
Lone stands the house, and the chimney stone is cold
Lone lt it stand, now the friends are all departed
The kind hearts, the true hearts, that loved that place of old

Spring shall come, come again, calling up the moorfowl
Spring shall bring the sun and the rain, bring the bees and flowers;
Red shall the heather bloom over hill and valley
Soft flow the stream through the even-flowing hours

Fair the day shine as it shone on my childhood
Fair shine the day on the house with open door
Birds come and cry there and twitter in the chimney
But I go for ever and come again no more)

( 在地生活雲嘉南 )
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2015/08/09 23:33

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