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growth is significant
2018/04/03 17:14:17瀏覽218|回應0|推薦0

personal mortgage lending has always been a concern. Judging from the Banks, the first half of this year, third and fourth tier cities of the increase in individual loans.

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Agricultural banks personal mortgage balance rose 8.5 percent to 3.4 trillion yuan in the first half, up from 270 billion yuan at the end of last year, and accounted for 36 percent of new yuan loans in the first half, guo ningning, a vice president of the bank, said at a press conference. The banks mortgage rates are in line with the market, with overall mortgage rates around 5.4 percent in the first half of this year, up 69 basis points from the previous year.

It is understood that the quality of agbanks mortgage loans is good, but also realized a double dip. At the end of June, the non-performing loan balance was 10 billion yuan, down 1.3 billion yuan from the end of last year, and the non-performing rate was only 0.29%, down 0.07%. It is worth noting that in the first half of this year, the proportion of new mortgage loans in agricultural bank of Chinas third-and fourth-tier cities rose by 3.9 percentage points to 56%. Hot cities accounted for 9 percent, a decrease of 4.5 percentage points. Second-tier cities were flat, at 36 percent.

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in the second half of the year, agbank will continue to strictly implement policies, implement differentiated credit policies and increase demand for first homes, Mr. Guo said. More than 420 billion yuan was lent to farmers for housing development. We will further improve financial services, especially inclusive finance.

Icbc president gu shu said at a press conference yesterday that icbcs individual housing loans increased by 341.8 billion yuan in the first half of the year, mainly to support the housing needs of residents living and improving, 90% of which is the capital needs of primary and first homes. The average balance of the loan is about 300,000. The proportion of first-tier and second-tier cities and third-tier and third-tier cities is about 1 to 1, and the proportion of hot-spot cities is gradually decreasing. Asset quality is better, with the home loan delinquency rate currently at 0.29 percent anatomy illustration.

As for the interest rate of mortgage loans, Mr. Gu said icbc mainly implements a one-city, one-policy differential credit policy for real estate. According to the requirements of local regulation and market demand, the interest rate is determined according to the principle of risk pricing.

( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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