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Chris Sutherland will stay on as
2017/08/25 18:02:02瀏覽123|回應0|推薦0
Programmed receives $780m takeover offer Chris Sutherland will stay on as managing director of Programmed. Photo: Attila CsaszarFraser Beattie
Investors have welcomed news this morning that Programmed Maintenance Services will be purchased by a Japanese staffing company for about $780 million in cash.
Programmed directors have unanimously backed PERSOL Holdings’ cash offer of $3.02 per share to wholly acquire the Perth-based business, which represents a 69 per cent premium to its three-month volume-weighted average price.
As part of the agreement, Programmed will continue to operate under its current business model and with its existing employees and customers, with managing director Christopher Sutherland to remain at the helm and also eventually join Persol’s management team.

( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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