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Tears of Love
2010/04/27 15:27:45瀏覽537|回應0|推薦9

Tears of Love


Tears of love, not knowing where my destiny is going, I have lost my true love.

My tears of love shall run down my face because they say we're a disgrace.

No one can see the pain we go through.

They only see our Tears of Love, that the rain run though.

Someday we'll say the reason why we cry is because our Tears of Love have only been for each other.


Tears of love, not knowing where my destiny is going, I have lost my true love.

My tears of love shall run down my face because they say we're a disgrace.

No one can see the pain we go through.

They only see our Tears of Love, that the rain run though.

Someday we'll say the reason why we cry is because our Tears of Love have only been for each other.

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