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Wedding Vows
2010/05/06 15:39:26瀏覽645|回應0|推薦15

Yang Guo, I've dreamed of the dragon I'd want to be with forever: strong, smart, kind, tender, romantic. You're better than I dreamed. When I'm with you, my heart glows with pleasure, and I wonder how I could be so blessed. I was born for you. Let me be your friend, your playmate, your biggest fan. I offer you my heart, my mind, my life.

Xiao Long Nu, I always knew the kind of phoenix I wanted: bright, attractive, fun-loving, affectionate. You're all that and more. When we're together, I'm happier than I've ever been before. You bring out the best in me. You're so easy to love, and no one can love you like I do. Let me be your hero, your lover, your greatest admirer. I offer you myself, my love, my life.

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