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mysteriously disappeared
2016/05/11 14:33:02瀏覽169|回應0|推薦0
Now I dont know what you would make of that, but the townsfolk and Sliver Pete both saw it as a sign from God. Truly this had been Gods messenger and Sliver Pete had just killed the messenger. Unnerved he began backing away and had gotten 10 steps when the Preachers body twitched and slowly pulled itself upwards to a standing position.

  "Where are you going?" it boomed in a deep, sepulcher voice from the grave. "You owe me the Lords money."

  Sliver Pete simply fell apart. He gave a strangled squeak of terror, dropped his gun, whirled on his heels and ran up the street until he was out of sight. The stunned crowd watched him go before setting their fearful gaze back on the Preacher. Standing straight he flashed them a wide, friendly smile and suddenly didnt look so dead arctic tank. True, there was blood on his forehead but with one sweep of his sleeve it mysteriously disappeared.

  "Thats one problem you wont see again," he said in a voice again friendly. "And dont worry yourselves bout me. Except, that is, unless you dont want to make good on your promise of a reward for getting rid of that snake Sliver Pete." He winked.

  The townsfolk were happy to give Preacher Dan the reward. He didnt even collect all of it, only half, leaving the rest for the town church. Nobody ever heard from Sliver Pete again, although it was rumored he hadnt stopped running til hed got to New Mexico, married and become a farmer, never to touch a gun again.

  People couldnt stop talking about how a man could be shot six times and rise up as if he hadnt been shot at all seo company. But no one dared ask Preacher Dan to explain it and he left town so it remained a mystery to everyone except me.
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