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2024/06/06 17:06:37瀏覽1545|回應1|推薦2

《美企及以色列崩潰的同時 特朗普與亞力士展開死鬥》
在看起來像是《鐵達尼號》上的甲板椅爭奪戰中,特朗普和亞力士·索羅斯(Alex Soros)現在處於彼此公開交戰的狀態。可以肯定的是,亞力士、他的家奴奧巴馬以及他們整個派系將會輸掉這場戰爭。
無論如何,讓我們從美政治劇場開始,因為這顯示了美和西方政治內訌走向某種高潮。美太空軍的消息現在告訴說,總司令特朗普仍在夏延山軍事基地。他們聲稱他掌控着美的核武庫。這一點已證實,當所謂的美國防部長奧斯汀(Lloyd Austin)在1月份因癌症住院時,「拜登政府」中沒有人知道。如果「拜登」控制着核武庫,這將是不可能的。
這場戲劇將繼續。亞力士現在已接管了左翼宣傳機器,並為他老爸索羅斯被真·特朗普處決而進行報復性鬥爭。他在推特上對奴僕們說:「民主黨應該在任何機會都把特朗普稱為已被定罪的重刑犯。重複是關鍵...」這直接來自納粹宣傳首領戈培爾(Joseph Goebbels)的手冊。
聯盟還公開了以前被壓制的關於奧巴馬「撒旦之雷」(Thunder of Satan)的電郵,其中包括這樣一封:
·比爾克林頓(Bill Clinton)
·希拉莉(Hillary Clinton)
·提姆凱恩(Tim Kaine)
·伊莉莎白·沃倫(Elizabeth Warren)
·吉米卡特(Jimmy Carter)
·哈里里德(Harry Reid)
·本·阿弗萊克(Ben Affleck)
·科里布克(Cory Booker)
·阿爾·弗蘭肯(Al Franken)
·佩洛西(Nancy Pelosi)
揭露折磨和謀殺兒童的是可薩領導人為自己生命而戰的原因。羅拔·德尼羅(Robert de Niro)就是典型的例子。中情局的一名消息人說: 「他和戀童癖廢友都怕得要死。」
據《BBC》報導,1998 年,德尼羅被法國當局拘留和審問,因為他在國際人口/兒童販運活動頭目布爾喬亞(Jean-Pierre Bourgeois)的「小黑本」和客戶名單中被發現。此案揭露了誘拐年輕女性的殘忍手段,其中一些女性年僅15歲。德尼羅承認與布爾喬亞介紹給他的女性私通。

地下消息來源說,在積極追捕的名單中包括假美大使伊曼紐爾(Rahm Emanuel)和頂級撒旦教徒阿米蒂奇(Richard Armitage)。
一名又一名人士警告,日政府計劃在9月引入一種名為「複製子疫苗」的東西,將讓每個種苗者傳染給周圍的人。據日獨立黨的小清水李察(Richard Koshimizu)表示,這一行動由富士膠片公司負責,該公司與洛氏三邊委員會有關聯。

對於本筆者來說,已變得很個人化。一名女性熟人最近被診斷患有一種未知類型的結核病,安置在隔離病房。衛生福利官隨後試圖說服她說我也感染了,以給他們一個借口強迫我入院。這正是他們如何殺死斯蒂爾(Robert David Steele)的方式。毋庸置疑,對於這次嘗試負責的人正被追捕。
整個系統崩潰只是時間問題。美國《RXR Realty》(房地產公司)的CEO雷克勒(Scott Rechler)表示:「不久,由於破產或整合,可能會有500到1000家較小的銀行消失。」正如我們之前所顯示的,大型銀行事實上也已破產,因為它持有的債券和貸款價值已下跌了50%,商業房地產價格已消失。現在它都像一頭在車燈下呆住的鹿一樣,但整個系統崩潰的惡性循環是遲早問題。圖表顯示了部份情況:

目前情勢加劇惡化,以色列剛剛通過入侵費城走廊,未越過加沙地帶,控制了拉法赫-埃及邊境口岸,違反了與埃及簽署的「和平營協議」。法國記者梅桑(Thierry Meyssan)表示:「然而,開羅立即認為特拉維夫向它宣戰。如果埃及自衛,將爆發一場以色列無法贏得的地區戰爭。」
以色列將領布里克(Yitzhak Brik)表示,埃及軍是中東最強大的軍隊之一,擁有約4000輛坦克,其中包括2000輛現代化坦克,還擁有強大的船艦和戰鬥機:與埃及破壞和平將對以色列的安全造成災難性影響,在發生衝突時,以色列將無法採取其他措施,只能向上天祈禱。


俄還在非洲加大了投入。最新消息顯示,華格納公司(Wagner)CEO普里戈津(Yevgeny Prigozhin)剛剛現身於中非共和國和乍得。俄聯安局消息表示,普里戈津實際上並未像世界媒體報導那樣於去年遇害。

然而,德國卻毫不接受,因為他們忙於在東歐重建德意志帝國。波蘭情報消息告訴我們,德特工和波蘭總統圖斯克(Donald Tusk)在上任的頭幾週非法接管了公共媒體和檢察官辦公室。他還取消或延遲了所有減少波對德依賴的投資項目。
英國軍情六處表示,德還試圖扭轉英脫歐,重新控制英。英相蘇納克突然辭職以及他自殺式的競選策略似乎旨在將控制權交給工黨領袖斯塔瑪(Keir Starmer)。正如以下影片所示,斯塔瑪沒有堅定的立場,只是重複他被告知要說的話,即使這完全與他之前說的相矛盾。在顯示他真正老闆的意願中,當被問及選擇威斯敏斯特(英政治中心)和達沃斯(WEF)時,他毫不猶豫地選擇了「達沃斯」。
軍六表示,斯塔瑪將「力爭兩個任期,第一個任期會更接近歐盟,然後在第二個任期內重新加入,這有可能引發內戰。」更有可能的是,德在英的行動將被斬首。當「白帽子聯盟」對內閣首席秘書西蒙凱斯(Simon Case)提出懸賞時,凱斯聯繫了軍六,表示問題出在前軍六局長斯卡雷特(John Scarlett)身上。當斯卡雷特被懸賞時,他轉身表示問題出在歐盟委員會主席馮德萊恩身上。
德媒體報導稱馮德萊恩是個極其腐敗的政棍。圍繞她許多醜聞中最新的一起是,她利用自己的影響力幫助俄公司《克拉斯尼·奧克蒂亞布》(Krasnij Oktyabr)逃避俄在烏發動特殊行動後歐盟實施的制裁。「克拉斯尼·奧克蒂亞布」在俄生產了40%的不鏽鋼,並向德汽車工業供應。
長期關注必得堡會議的記者埃斯圖林(Daniel Estulin)告訴瓊斯一些最近必得堡會議上討論的事情,可在以下鏈接中觀看相關視頻。
【原文】Benjamin Fulford Weekly Report, June 3, 2024
《Donald Trump and Alex Soros fight to the death as US Corporation and Israel implode》
In what looks like a fight to the death over deck chairs on a sinking Titanic, Donald Trump and Alex Soros are now in a state of open warfare against each other. It is a good bet Soros, his Barack Obama house slave and their entire faction will lose the war. However, this will not stop the fact the US Corporation owes its’ people $200 trillion and the rest of the world $53.4 trillion and so will not be able to continue as is. Israel, meanwhile, is about to be taken over by Egypt and Turkey.
In any case, while the US public was distracted by this fight, the US military, the Russians, the British Empire and the Asian secret societies agreed at emergency Bilderberg plus US/Chinese military meetings last weekend to start a future planning organization. They also agreed the US Corporation will be replaced by the United States of North America.
Anyway, let us start with the US political theater because it shows US and Western political infighting is headed for some sort of climax. US Space Force sources are now telling us Commander-in-Chief Donald Trump is still at the Mt. Cheyenne military base. They claim he is the one who controls the US nuclear arsenal. This was proven by the fact that when so-called US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin was hospitalized with cancer in January, nobody in the 「Biden administration」 knew about it. If 「Biden」 controlled the US nuclear arsenal this would have been impossible.
In any case, the Space Force sources say the real Trump is now running two different Trump avatars. One is located at Mar A Largo and is running the election campaign against the fake Joe Biden. The other is located in New York and participating in all the legal drama there (We would appreciate it if readers in New York and Florida could investigate these allegations). The source also claims Biden is also controlled by the white hats and is being told to deliberately act the way he does in order to help wake up more sheeple.
According to this source, allowing Trump to be convicted as a felon on what should be minor misdemeanors -while the people against him get away with torturing and murdering children- is part of a psyops to wake up the still sleeping part of the population.
Certainly, it appears to be having that effect, boosting Trump’s popularity and causing a huge influx of donations.
The drama will continue. Alex Soros has now taken over the left-wing propaganda machine and is fighting to avenge the execution of his father George Soros by Donald Trump. He showed that when he tweeted to his servants that 「Democrats should refer to Trump as a convicted felon at every opportunity. Repetition is the key…」 This is straight from the playbook of Nazi propaganda Chief Joseph Goebbels.
The white hat alliance responded with a barrage of leaks about George Soros and the evil he has been responsible for. The videos below tell us the following things:
In 1993 Soros recommended NATO wage war against Russia using Eastern European populations.
Soros is behind the global illegal immigrant invasion.
Elon Musk says George Soros 「fundamentally hates humanity」 and that he’s doing things that 「erode the fabric of civilization.」
George Soros financed the revolution in the Ukraine and numerous other color revolutions.
Leaked documents from his Open Society Foundation explain how he controlled elections and foreign governments in Europe and elsewhere. His plan was to wreck Europe with his open borders as well as destroy Europe and the USA.
It is Soros and his Khazarian Mafia handlers who are paying all the military-age foreign men to flood Europe and the US.
The alliance has also released previously suppressed emails about Barack 「Thunder of Satan」 Obama including this one:
「A young boy the age of 5. He will make the perfect catamite for the president. He will arrive from Romania on Tuesday. I’m sure the president will be pleased.」 The names listed in the report are nothing short of a who’s who in American politics and Hollywood:
·Bill Clinton
·Hillary Clinton
·Tim Kaine
·Elizabeth Warren
·Jimmy Carter
·Harry Reid
·Ben Affleck
· Cory Booker
·Al Franken
· Nancy Pelosi
Exposure of the torture and murder of children is why the KM leaders are literally fighting for their lives. Robert de Niro is a case in point. 「He is scared shitless of what’s coming for him and his pedophile buddies,」 a CIA source says. According to the BBC, De Niro was detained and questioned by French authorities in 1998, after he was found in the 「little black book」 and list of customers of Jean-Pierre Bourgeois, the leader of an international human/child trafficking operation. The case uncovered the brutal methods used to snare young women, some as young as 15. De Niro admitted to fornicating with the women Bourgeois introduced him to.
That is why two months ago he said that if Trump wins he will 「come looking for me.」
Now he is saying the 「government will perish from the earth」 if Trump gets re-elected as US President.
The Asian Secret Societies will play a major role in this. A major group with tens of millions of members and hundreds of thousands of professional assassins has come under new leadership. This group now says they will get justice for the 500,000 Japanese who were murdered by vaccination since 2021. The Japanese underworld is also in on this. Top yakuza bosses met last week with Western white hat representatives and agreed to cooperate in the worldwide takedown of the Khazarian Mafia, They promised to take action on a list of hundreds of names they were given.
Among those being actively targeted are fake US Ambassador Rahm Emanuel and top Satanist Richard Armitage, the underworld sources say.
In a sign of desperation, the US embassy is embarking on a major bribery scam in order to stay in control in Japan, according to Japanese right-wingers who were offered the bribes. Under this scheme, Japan will buy US weapons and the Japanese side will get a kickback of 60% of the cost of the weapons. The other 40% will go to the US side. In other words, it is money laundering Fed funny money using overpriced weapons to try to hire bodyguards. It won’t work.
In a sign the current Japanese government is doomed, tens of thousands of Japanese demonstrated in front of the Health and Welfare Ministry on May 31st accusing them of mass murder.
Speaker after speaker warned the Japanese government was planning to introduce a 「replicon vaccine」 in September that would cause each person vaccinated to infect people around them. This operation is being run by Fuji Film, a company affiliated with the Rockefellers’ Trilateral Commission, according to Richard Koshimizu of the Japan Independence Party.
At the demonstration, Kazuhiro Haraguchi, the former Japanese Minister for Internal Affairs, became the latest major politician to apologize for the tsunami of deaths among the vaccinated population. The Japanese police and military are aware of this as well. Justice will be done.
This will happen in other countries as well. This Australian politician is a case in point. Look at the picture of him getting vaccinated and then look at the result.
Now an Australian court has ordered the government of Victoria to reveal to the public all 「secret」 documents that were used in making and formulating COVID-19 policy decisions.
Needless to say, the Khazarian Mafia will keep trying to release more bio-weapons to kill off humanity before they themselves are hung.
This is getting personal for this writer. A female acquaintance was recently diagnosed with an unknown type of tuberculosis and placed in an isolation ward. Health and Welfare Ministry officials then tried to persuade her to say I was also infected in order to give them an excuse to force me into a hospital. This is exactly how they killed Robert David Steele. Needless to say, the people responsible for this attempt are being hunted down.
The Asian societies are also going to remove all KM-affiliated or compromised politicians in South Korea, Taiwan, China and elsewhere the secret society sources say.
The Asians are also certain that even without assassinations, the entire KM control grid will collapse.
The United States is a case in point. In a sign of just how desperate the situation there is, Mexico has deported 240,000 American economic refugees in the past 60 days. Think about it: AMERICANS FLEEING TO MEXICO. Mexican government sources say the American refugees are causing inflation by spending US dollars created out of thin air to buy real stuff. These dollars are no longer accepted by the rest of the world; only Canada and Mexico. They are also being used to goose the stock market to hallucinatory levels.
As a reminder, the US dollars being printed in the US now have been quarantined from the $53.4 trillion held by the rest of the world. These dollars are going to be converted into a BRICS currency soon, according to Russian FSB and other sources.
Biden’s funny money is also causing problems in Canada as well. One in four Canadians does not have enough food and the Canadian food bank system is on the verge of collapse. Since Canada is one of the largest food exporters in the world, this is a clear sign the government of Justin Castrudeau is criminally incompetent.
It is just a matter of time before the whole system implodes. Soon 「500 to 1,000 smaller banks are likely to disappear because of insolvency or consolidation,」 says Scott Rechler, CEO of RXR. As we have previously shown, the big banks are also de facto insolvent because their bond and loan holdings have lost 50% of their value and commercial real estate prices have evaporated. They are all frozen like deer in the headlights now but it is only a matter of time before a vicious cycle of selling implodes the entire system. This chart shows part of the picture:
The rest of the world has promised to provide financing for the Republic of North America to replace the current corrupt and incompetent regimes in the USA and Canada as soon as the collapse takes place.
The trigger for the collapse is likely to be the fall of the Satanic regime now in place in Israel. Israel’s days are definitely numbered.
Turkish President Recep Erdogan has issued a call to arms saying 「’Israel is not just a threat to Gaza but to all of humanity.」 He adds 「No state is safe as long as Israel does not follow international law and does not feel bound by international law.」
Both Turkey and Egypt have promised to support the International Court of Justices’ genocide case against Israel.
To make things worse, Israel just broke the Camp Peace accords with Egypt by taking control of the Rafah-Egypt border post without crossing the Gaza Strip, by invading the Philadelphia corridor. 「Cairo, however, immediately considered that Tel Aviv had declared war on it. If Egypt defends itself, a regional war will ensue that Israel cannot win,」 says French journalist Thierry Meyssan.
「Israeli general Yitzhak Brik says the Egyptian army is one of the most powerful in the Middle East boasting around 4,000 tanks, including 2,000 modern ones, as well as powerful ships and fighter planes: breaking the peace with the Egyptians would be a catastrophe for the security of Israel in all respects and, in the event of a conflict, Israel would have no other recourse than to pray to God.」
Mossad sources, however, say before it goes under 「Israel plans to set off a major black swan event to distract the world’s attention later this month.」
This is a sign of desperation because Israel is also now under a complete land and sea blockade. In the latest development, the Yemeni Houthis claim to have hit and badly damaged, perhaps even sunk a US aircraft carrier. These photos sent to us by Pentagon sources appear to show the USS Eisenhower being hit by a missile and burning uncontrollably.
There is an attempted news blackout on this but military experts have long said US aircraft carriers are militarily obsolete and indefensible against hypersonic missiles.
Also, according to the Turks, the Russians hit the Yavorovsky training ground in western Ukraine with a hypersonic Kinzhal missile last week killing at least 300 people, including NATO personnel.
The Russians also just captured another US Patriot missile system and decided to hand it over to China. Since the US has sold lots of Patriot missiles at great expense to Japan, South Korea and Taiwan, this is bound to hurt.
It seems Wagner has just taken over Gold, Diamond, Uranium and other resources in these countries from the French.
The Russians also have an interest in shutting down commerce between Europe and Asia via the Middle East. The Houthis’ Red Sea blockade has made Russia’s Northern Sea Route attractive to a desperate West. Russian officials and media have been saying for years the 5,600 km Northern Sea Route is the shortest maritime route between Europe and Asia, and can shave 8,000 km or more of distance, and 40-60 percent in time, off shipments, compared to traditional Europe-Asia routes through the currently troubled waters in the Middle East. Virtually the entire length of the Arctic portion of the route passes through Russian waters. The Russians are keeping it open with a fleet of icebreakers and hope to charge transit fees.
The Russians are also upping the ante in Africa. In the latest development there, Wagner Chief Yevgeny Prigozhin has just shown up in the Central African Republic and Chad. Russian FSB sources say Prigozhin was not in fact killed last year as has been reported in the world’s media.
Meanwhile, a few countries away, US troops are being forced out of Niger and Joe Biden is leaving behind a $100 million US airbase to the pro-Russian regime.
We also suspect (but cannot prove) a Russian hand behind the recent troubles in the French territory of New Caledonia. New Caledonia’s main source of wealth is nickel mining, vital for electric vehicles. Until legal changes hiding ownership were passed in 1988 the sector was entirely controlled by the Rothschilds, former employers of Emmanuelle Macron.
This nickel medal, issued by SLN in the 1960s, features images of French, Dutch and Greek coins on one side and the company logo on the other. 
The loss of colonial resources is one of the reasons why Standard & Poor’s just downgraded France’s credit rating from AA to AA-.
This helps explain why French President Emmanuelle Macron Rothschild is trying so hard to push NATO into war with Russia.
The Germans, however, are having none of it because they are too busy rebuilding the German Empire in Eastern Europe. Polish intelligence sources inform us that in his first weeks in office German agent and Polish President Donald Tusk illegally took over public media and the prosecutor’s office. He also canceled or postponed all Polish investment projects that reduced the countries’ dependence on Germany. The current Polish government plans to transfer the remnants of Polish sovereignty into Germany’s hands, the sources say.
The resurgent German empire is also moving to secure energy independence. Germany’s cabinet approved on Wednesday a bill to fast-track the construction of hydrogen infrastructure, import and production facilities as Berlin bets on the fuel to help decarbonize Europe’s biggest economy, government sources said…The Hydrogen Acceleration Law will give infrastructure an 「overriding public interest」 status, meaning authorities will prioritize it in the approval process.
The Germans are also trying to reverse Brexit and take control of the UK again, MI6 sources say. The sudden resignation of UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and his suicidal election campaign strategy seems designed to hand over control to Labour Party leader Keir Starmer. As the video below shows, Starmer does not stand for anything and just says what he is told to say even if it completely contradicts what he said before. In a sign of who his real bosses are, when given the choice between Westminster and Davos, his answer was unequivocally 「Davos.」
MI6 sources say Starmer will be 「aiming for two terms, moving closer to the EU in the first term and then re-joining in the second, risking a civil war.」
A decapitation of the German operations in the UK is more likely. When a bounty was put on Chief Cabinet Secretary Simon Case by the white hat alliance, Case contacted MI6 to say the problem was former MI6 head, John Scarlett. When a bounty was placed on Scarlett, he turned around and said the problem was European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen.
German media report von der Leyen is a deeply corrupt politician. The latest of many scandals surrounding her is that she used her influence to help the Russian company 「Krasniy Oktyabr」 evade sanctions imposed by the European Union after the Russian special operation began in Ukraine. 「Krasnij Oktyabr」 produces 40 percent of stainless steel in Russia and supplies the German auto industry.
In any case, a bounty has now been placed on her head by the white hat alliance. Not because she helps Germany but because:
The Geneva International Peace Research Institute (GIPRI) has accused the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, of complicity in war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by Israel against Palestinians in Gaza. The complaint was filed by GIPRI against the European Commission head at the International Criminal Court (ICC) on 22 May. The complaint, supported by various human rights groups and prominent scholars and experts in international criminal law, urges the ICC prosecutor to initiate investigations based on the information provided against von der Leyen.
Behind the scenes, the Davos faction behind von der Leyen is trying to surrender. This was made clear from the discussions at the Bilderberg conference in Spain that just ended.
The reason is that after two years of negotiations, the effort by the World Health Organization to impose a global pandemic treaty has failed. Here you can watch WHO Director-General Tedros announce the failure of the Pandemic Agreement/Treaty.
The treaty was meant to use an artificially created pandemic or crisis to give the WHO power to control governments, force people to take vaccines and place them in concentration camps.
「Goodbye Terrorist Tedros. You and your Zionist buddies have lost. The military tribunals will be coming for you soon enough,」 comments a CIA source. 
Long-term Bilderberg reporter Daniel Estulin tells Alex Jones some of the things discussed at the recent Bilderberg in the video at the link below.
He says Bilderberg is a place where mid-level people are told what high-level people have decided.
He talks about how the elite have a plan for total control of humanity via technological slavery. 「The Bilderbergers have a dream of creating a new synthetic human. Harari and Soros talked about it. You create an artificial uterus and incubate it the same way you incubate chickens. You have artificial insemination and you genetically shorten the gestation period. Then you can make as many human slaves with limited consciousness as you need,」 he says.
However, Estulin says that with the failure of this plan, the elite who gathered there were scared and did not know what to do next.
「One of the reasons we are seeing the resistance against Trump is the fact they know if Trump wins a lot of them are going to be killed and most of them are going to be in prison so it’s them or us they are saying,」 he notes.
Also, Estulin says:
「What we are seeing right now has only happened twice in the past 2000 years. The first was around the fourth and fifth centuries when the Roman empire collapsed and feudalism came about. And then about a thousand years later between the 16th and the 17th centuries feudalism collapsed and was replaced with modern-day capitalism which today in its current form is on its deathbed so the problem is they don’t know what to replace it with. There is no one in the West who can explain what the model is going to look like.」
The fact is though, our own sources in Asian Secret Societies, the Pentagon, the Russian FSB, MI6 etc. know what it will look like. They all say a decision has been made to replace the five permanent members of the UN Security Council with a council representing seven regions. There was also a decision to create a future planning organization to take over the functional parts of the BIS, the World Bank, the IMF, etc.
As Estulin notes, the director of the Russian central bank works directly for the IMF. The IMF has agreed to the new plan, multiple sources, including the head of MI6 say.
There was a similar agreement at the Shangri La meeting in Singapore last week between military delegates from 45 countries, Pentagon sources say. First though, the current corrupt system needs to finish imploding. That is why we are definitely heading into a summer of discontent.
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2024/06/09 22:31












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