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2024/05/23 16:59:51瀏覽1565|回應0|推薦0 | |
最近的跡象是伊朗總統賴西(Ebrahim Raisi)及其同伴被謀殺。多個以色列和其他知名情報現在報導說,這是以色列摩薩德進行的暗殺。
伊朗最高領袖哈梅內伊(Ali Khamenei)表示:「如果我們找到以色列涉嫌參與伊朗總統直升機失事的證據,我們的回應將超乎以色列及其盟友的想像。」
這顯然是撒旦猶太教徒的又一絕望之舉,試圖引發三戰以消滅大部份人類。請記住,哈梅尼是羅斯柴爾德家族安插的,以在他們計劃的上海合作組織對抗G7(Gog VS Magog/兩個不受控的力量互相較勁)的多項戰爭中扮演角色。
作為這項計劃的一部份,伊朗伊斯蘭革命衛隊(IRGC)聖城軍指揮官卡阿尼准將(Esmail Qa’ani)向英國、德國和法國發出警告,此前這三國派出戰鬥機防禦以色列政權上月對伊朗發動的報復行動。換句話說,由於以色列被阻止發動全面戰爭攻擊伊朗,他們將試圖利用歐洲國家來代替。
根據五角大樓中的地球解放聯盟消息,實際上將發生的是以色列將不復存在,傀儡將被去除。消息補充道:「對於本雅明及其親信來說,我們現在處於終局。」當局補充道:「波斯可能會重返巴列維王朝。王位繼承人巴列維(Reza Pahlavi)正接受培訓。他與白帽子聯盟合作。」可在這裏觀看他父親巴列維國王試圖為美國人民關於猶太教控制者的問題開明。
舉例來說,假加拿大反對黨領袖普利弗爾(Pierre Poilievre)就以色列問題撒謊。他聲稱猶太人在那裏已生活了3000年,這是謊言。這片土地是猶太。請記住,普利弗爾曾因從加拿大人民處通過欺詐性的中共人類共敵國測試竊取的資金而受賄。可以肯定他也受到勒索。當然,這也適用於疫苗大屠殺者特魯多。
與此同時,在以色列和美國,猶太人已開始醒覺。內政部的猶太職員莉莉(Lily Greenberg)辭職,她稱拜登「手上沾滿了無辜者的血...我從猶太傳統中學到的是,每一條生命都是珍貴的。我們有義務為面臨暴力和壓迫的人站出來,在不公正面前質疑當局。」
澳洲也面臨危機。澳政府剛通過了一項撒旦標誌的數字身份證法案。勞工部長瓊斯(Stephen Jones)表示這完全是「可選的」,但隨後無意中透露企業可「強制執行」它。
這與疫苗護照和新冠疫苗有關。參議員馬羅伯茨(Malcolm Roberts)警告稱,政府知道疫苗殺人,他們「刻意壓制醫生」不報告疫苗死亡案例。
軍六告訴說,在澳洲,一名高級撒旦教徒,同時也是高優先級的白帽子目標,是前財政部長科斯特羅(Peter Costello)。
科斯特羅因為背叛澳洲特種部隊試圖救援麥坎(Madeleine McCann)的行動而獲得了一份舒適的世界銀行工作。
麥坎是索羅斯的親生女兒,被培養成特殊的犧牲品,奉為撒旦的「新娘」。他們說,歐盟委員會主席巴羅佐(Jose Manuel Barroso)和比利時皇室成員參與了犧牲儀式,以及許多其他西方精英也涉及其中。
腐敗登政府現在基本上承認,參與了為了酷刑和犧牲而進行的兒童販賣。危地馬拉秘書長皮涅達(Ángel Pineda)正調查邊境地區的兒童販賣案件,導致了對由拜登老婆擔任主席的《拯救兒童》慈善機構的突襲。皮涅達聲稱,腐敗登威脅說他在「玩火」。
這個曾被視為禁忌的話題現在正成為主流知識。在這方面的反映是,羅杰斯(Aaron Rodgers)和卡爾森(Tucker Carlson)提醒大家,馬克斯韋爾(Ghislaine Maxwell)因販運兒童而被起訴,但沒有把兒童賣給任何人,很可能是效命於摩薩德,愛潑斯坦沒有在聯邦獄裏自殺,並談論波西米亞叢林(Bohemian Grove)和秘密會社對社會精英進行勒索。正常化揭露犯下對兒童犯罪的精英!
人們也開始意識到許多所謂的領導人是假貨。為了笨拙地掩蓋這一點,假總統拜登使用行政特權阻止釋放他與特別顧問羅拔赫爾(Robert Hur)的訪談錄音。這是因為這些訪談證明,無論是誰在扮演「拜登」的角色都太衰老,不適合被關進大牢。
他們剛剛宣佈《CNN》將在喬治亞州亞特蘭大舉辦2024年總統辯論,由拜登和特朗普參與。辯論將於6月27日晚上9點(東部時間)在CNN、CNN Max直播,無需有線電視賬戶即可在《http://CNN.com》上觀看。
這個黑天鵝事件很可能是某種大流行,用作藉口對國人實施極權統治。據里斯(Greg Reese)等人報導,聯邦政府一直在進行大規模的非法行動,將未經審查的外國人湧入國境然後分佈到各地,並提供住所和財務支援。他們還被提供武器以執行聯合國的疾病X瘋鎖計劃。
美計劃中的大流行只是撒旦式世衛組織陰謀的一部份,試圖利用「X疾」來奪取極權世界控制。例如,在這裏可看到他們的奴隸羅姆尼(Mitt Romney)呼籲加強政府干預,包括對禽流感接種疫苗。
他和其可薩霸主所負的罪行深不可測。例如,可在這裏觀看扎克布什(Zach Bush)解釋大藥廠怎樣通過「專利瘋鎖」阻止救命的癌症治療,以便繼續從昂貴且無效的治療中獲利。基本上,讓癌症患者活得足夠長以便奪取他們的所有財產。在19世紀,癌症患者不到20人中只有一個;現在是一半。
這些罪犯及其政治傀儡仍試圖發動一場核戰。例如,可看到參議員格雷厄姆(Lindsey Graham)呼籲以色列動用核武。
他們還出動了CG版本的紐蘭(Victoria Nuland),呼籲對俄進行飛彈打擊。這些行動和報復已經開始。
俄國家杜馬議長沃洛丁(Vyacheslav Volodin)警告:「任何西方武器對和平的俄城市的使用都可能引發使用更強大武器保護俄公民。」他強調:「西方政棍必須意識到他們的責任,盡一切努力防止情況升級成世界性的災難。」
這場鬥爭的一部份可能也包括政棍的互相報復性刺殺。波蘭總理圖斯克(Donald Tusk)表示,自斯洛伐克總理菲科(Robert Fico)刺殺未遂以來,他就不斷在網上收到死亡威脅。
烏政權的崩潰現在已對所有人都是明顯的了。一名烏特種偵察部隊指揮官亞羅斯拉夫斯基(Denys Yaroslavskyi)表示:「我們並無第一道防線。而且我們看到,俄軍走進來,沒有任何地雷場。」
為什麼沒防禦呢?梅查反腐敗中心負責人博胡斯拉維茨(Martyna Bohuslavets)報告說,原本用於烏防禦工事的數百萬美元被「轉移到化名的前線公司」。
然後塔斯社報導稱「塞爾維亞總統武奇奇(Aleksandar Vucic)感謝俄當局支持其國家的領土完整並尊重其主權」。暗示塞爾維亞即將發動戰爭,武奇奇表示「我們國家所選擇的道路...並不容易,但我們期待得到所有塞爾維亞真正朋友的全力支持。」
在另一個來得太遲又太少的舉動中,肯塔基州共和黨眾議員馬西(Thomas Massie)宣佈引入《H.R. 8421》,即聯邦儲備局廢除法案。馬西議員的立法案取消了美聯儲理事會和聯邦儲備銀行,並廢除1913年制定的聯邦儲備法,該法案建立了聯邦儲備系統。
在相關的舉動中,美聯儲主席鮑威爾(Jerome Powell)再次檢測呈陽性,這已是他第二次確診(首次確診是2023年1月18日)!波蘭情報評論道:「現在還有誰會去檢測新冠病毒呢?答案是:那些即將被送進關塔那摩灣的人!!鮑威爾,享受你的橙色連身衣和在守衛嚴密的社區免費餐點吧。」
國家國際商務合作協調中心副主席庫茲涅佐夫(Pavel Kuznetsov)告訴《消息報》說:「很可能會就金磚國支付區塊鏈支付系統、不受美控制的數字貨幣結算以及俄中之間的支付新渠道達成協議。俄中的企業,迫切需要眼下和此刻的解決方案。」
俄外交部發言人扎哈羅娃(Maria Zakharova)表示,俄總統普丁最近對中共的訪問將決定世界的未來。「這些是具有重大意義的步驟,將決定我們地區乃至整個地球的未來。」
反映這些觀點的拉瑟姆教授(Professor Andrew Latham)表示:「多重對齊的崛起需要國際關係的基本轉變。主要大國必須從零和競爭的思維模式轉變為促進更靈活框架的思維,以滿足更廣泛參與者的關切,而不僅僅是傳統盟友。」
【原文】Benjamn Fulford Weekly Report, May 20, 2024
《Paper work for new international system being drawn up as Satanic rule implodes》
Lawyers and bankers are drawing up documents for a new international system that will be phased in starting this autumn and going into 2025. This work is necessary because, if the details are not worked out properly, huge problems will emerge as things snowball into massive world changes. This fine-tuning requires time. What needs to be made clear though is that this is not going to be a transfer of power from one secret group to another, The new system will be handed over to the people so that 「the meek shall inherit the earth.」
In the meantime, the Satanic 「rules-based world order」 will continue to implode. This means were are going to experience a lot of turbulence as the last of the Satanists struggle desperately to keep control of the planet and avoid war crimes tribunals.
The latest sign of this was the murder of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and his companions. Multiple Israeli accounts & other well-known accounts now report it was an assassination done by Israeli Mossad.
Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei says that 「if we find evidence that Israel is involved in the helicopter crash of the President of Iran, we will respond beyond the imagination of Israel and its allies.」
With Raisi dead, Iranian sources say the next Supreme Leader is most likely Ali Khamenei’s son, Mojtaba Khamenei. This means a return to dynastic rule in Persia. Whose dynastic rule is yet to be decided though.
What is clear is this is yet another desperate attempt by the Satanic Zionists to start World War III in order to murder most of humanity. Remember, Khameini was installed by the Rothschilds to play his role in their planned Gog (Shanghai Cooperation Organization) versus Magog (G7) Armageddon war.
As a part of this planned show, Brigadier General Esmail Qa’ani, commander of the Quds Force of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) sent a warning to the UK, Germany, and France after the trio deployed their warplanes to defend the Israeli regime against a retaliatory operation staged by Iran last month. In other words, since Israel has been stopped from starting an all-out war with Iran, they will try to use European countries instead.
Planetary liberation alliance sources in the Pentagon say what will happen instead is Israel will cease to be a State and Israeli puppets will be removed. 「We are in the end game now for Netanyahu and his close associates,」 the source says adding 「Persia may return to the Pahlavi dynasty. Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi is being groomed. He is working with the WH Alliance.」 Here you can watch his father King Pahlavi try to enlighten the American people about their Zionist controllers.
「The Persian people are definitely shifting away from the current rulers,」 the source says
A shift away from current leaders is needed in most Western countries as well. This means is the white hat military still has a lot of house cleaning to do before the new financial system and new international architecture start.
This cannot be done under current Western leadership. In an example of this, fake Canadian opposition leader Pierre Poilievre can be seen lying below about Israel. How about his statement that the Jews have lived there for 3,000 years? It is a lie. This is the land of Judea. Remember, Poilievre has been bribed with money stolen from Canadians via fraudulent PRC tests. It is a safe bet he is also being blackmailed. The same of course is true of vaccine mass murderer Justin Castrudeau.
What people in the West need to realize is that the holocaust was a mass sacrifice to Satan in order to initiate Satanic rule over the world. The Temple the Satanists planned to build was to be a place of human and animal sacrifice. As a part of their plan, the Satanists forced brainwashed Europeans into Israel and convinced them to expropriate and murder the Judeans, whom they misleadingly call Palestinians.
This press release from the US military central command shows this is no longer going to be tolerated. It says that -with the backing of US troops- an international relief effort has begun to support the Judeans.
In Israel and the US meanwhile, the Jews have begun to wake up. Lily Greenberg Call, a Jewish staffer in the Department of Interior, resigned saying Biden 「has the blood of innocent people on his hands….What I have learned from my Jewish tradition is that every life is precious. That we are obligated to stand up for those facing violence and oppression and to question authority in the face of injustice,」 she said.
Awakened Jews like her are staging massive daily demonstrations to call for the removal of would-be dictator Benyamin Satanyahu. The provocation against Iran will not stop his removal from this earth.
His removal will be part of a lot of removal work to be done in the West before it is completely cured of its Satanic infestation.
One example is the revealing of a portrait of King Charles that set the internet on fire with its’ Satanic images.
Charles was installed 6 months, 6 weeks and 6 days after the murder of Queen Elizabeth. This satirical video of him unveiling the portrait is basically true. Even though we have been told repeatedly the original Charles is dead; as long as avatars or CGs are presented to the world’s media, the fight is not over.
BBC also reports King Charles has handed over a prestigious army role to his son Prince William in 「a symbolic handing over of the baton.」 This is a German attempt to take control of the UK military and it will fail, MI6 warns.
Meanwhile, Kate Middleton, who friends of Princess Diana say was sacrificed to Satan, will not be appearing at Charles’ Wimbledon parade. She has not been seen in public since Christmas.
MI6 sources say they are fighting hard to remove the German-linked Satanists from power in England and Ireland and that it will happen sooner, rather than later.
There is also a crisis in Australia where the government has just passed a Satanic mark of the beast digital ID law. Labor Minister Stephen Jones says it’s completely 「optional,」 but then inadvertently reveals that businesses could 「mandate」 it.
In what was likely a related move, 「Google Cloud ‘accidentally deleted’ the private cloud account of the Australian pension fund worth $125 billion…Although service restoration commenced on Thursday, it may take some time for investment balances to reflect accurate figures. (translation: the money is gone).」
Looks like the Rockefellers are looting Australian pensions in addition to Japanese pensions to try to stay in business.
This is linked to vaccine passports and COVID-19 shots. The government knows the vaccines are killing people, and they are 「deliberately suppressing doctors」 from reporting vaccine deaths, warns Senator Malcolm Roberts.
MI6 informs us a top Satanist in Australia and a high-priority white hat target is former Treasurer Peter Costello.
Costello was rewarded with a cushy World Bank job for betraying an attempt by Australian special forces to rescue Madeleine McCann
from a Satanic sacrifice ritual, MI6 says. McCann was the biological daughter of George Soros who was brought up as a special sacrificial 「bride」 to Satan. EU Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso and Belgian royals were involved in the sacrifice ritual along with many other Western elites, they say.
The Biden administration in the US is now basically admitting they are involved in child trafficking for the purposes of torture and sacrifice. Guatemalan Secretary General Ángel Pineda is leading an investigation into child trafficking at the border, which led to a raid on the Save The Children charity formerly chaired by First Lady Jill Biden. Pineda claims the Biden administration is threatening him, saying he is 「playing with fire.」
The US government admits 85,000 unaccompanied minors went missing since the Biden administration started and now they are threatening government officials investigating this. This is the same as admitting they mass murder children.
This once-taboo subject is now becoming mainstream knowledge. In a reflection of this, Aaron Rodgers and Tucker remind everyone that Ghislaine Maxwell was indicted for trafficking children to no one and likely worked for the Mossad, Epstein didn’t kill himself in Federal Prison, and talk about the Bohemian Grove and secret societies blackmailing elites in our society. Normalize exposing the elite who commit crimes against children. Boom!
People are also waking up to the fact many of their so-called leaders are fake. In a clumsy attempt to cover this up, fake President Biden is using executive privilege to block the release of audio recordings of his own interviews with special counsel Robert Hur. This is because the interviews proved whoever is playing the role of 「Biden」 is too senile to qualify for prison.
Despite this, the criminal US government is still pretending an election will pit Biden against Donald Trump in November.
They just announced CNN will host a 2024 Presidential Debate between Biden and Trump in Atlanta, GA. The debate will air live on 6/27 at 9pm ET on @CNN, CNN Max and without a cable login on http://CNN.com.
If you look at the details you will realize there will be no live audience for this debate. In other words, it is likely to be a fake CG show using actors and AI.
This is all probably meant to distract people while the Khazarian Mafia prepares for some 「emergency」 black swan event, CIA sources say.
In addition to some sort of black swan event, it looks like the KM is also planning some sort of pink swan event. The US State Department just issued a worldwide travel warning for terrorist-inspired 「violence against LGBTQI+ persons and events.」 So stay away from big LGBTQ etc. events if you want to avoid becoming collateral damage.
The black swan event is likely to be some sort of pandemic used as an excuse to impose totalitarian rule on Americans. Greg Reese among others reports the Federal government has been conducting a wide-scale criminal operation of flooding the country with unvetted foreigners, distributing them across the United States, and providing them with homes and financial support. They are also being supplied with weapons to enforce the United Nations plan for Disease X lockdowns
Donald Trump warns the Democrats want to use bird flu to rig the 2024 elections.
These elites will keep releasing bio-weapons and planning to enslave us until they are neutralized.
The planned pandemic for the US is just part of a Satanic WHO plot to use 「Disease X」 to try to seize totalitarian world control. Here, for example, you can watch their slave Mitt Romney call for more government overreach, including vaccines for bird flu.
Fortunately, the WHO pandemic treaty talks in Switzerland are going nowhere because a critical mass of governments and people are on to their plot. For example here, Japan’s most senior cancer doctor Dr. Masanori Fukushima says COVID shots are 「essentially murder.」 He adds 「Slovakia, the US, Holland, the UK & Japan are just some of the nations objecting strongly to the WHO Globalist Pandemic Accord…We hope to bring awareness to the Japanese people & the rest of the World…The construction of a Totalitarian framework for the Global Vaccine Business leveraging the pandemic agreement」.
His warnings have triggered massive demonstrations in Japan. The Japanese underworld is also now actively hunting down the vaccinators.
In a sign he is getting nervous, here you can watch WHO owner Bill Gates worry about 「vaccine conspiracy theorists.」 It is a shame this mass murderer is still free but rest assured it will not be for long.
The crimes he and his KM overlords are responsible for run deep. For example, here you can watch Dr. Zach Bush explain how pharmacidical companies stop life-saving cancer cures with 「blocking patents」 so they can continue to profit from expensive and ineffective treatments. Basically, they keep cancer patients alive long enough to take all their money. In the 19th century, less than one in 20 people ever got cancer; now it is one in two.
These criminals and their political puppets are also still trying to start a out nuclear war. Here, for example, you can watch Senator Lindsey Graham call for Israel to use nukes.
They also trotted out a CG version of Victoria Nuland to call for missile attacks on Russia. These attacks and retaliation have already started.
There are huge chemical plant fires, rivers running red and other strange things going on in Germany that are not being reported.
We assume it is Russian retaliation for German attacks inside Russia.
「Any use of Western weapons against peaceful Russian cities may trigger the use of more powerful weapons to protect Russian citizens,」 State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin warns. 「Western politicians have to realize their responsibility and do everything to prevent the situation from escalating to a world-scale catastrophe,」 he emphasized.
There may also be tit-for-tat assassinations of politicians as a part of this struggle. Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk shares he’s been receiving death threats online since the assassination attempt against Slovakia’s Robert Fico.
What Khazarian mafia puppet leaders need to understand is that if they kill politicians who oppose them, there will be 100-fold retaliation. The days of terrorizing world leaders into submission with threats of murder are over. Things will escalate.
The escalation is coming as the Ukrainian regime collapses. President Vladimir Zelenskys term of office ended today (May 20th) meaning he is no longer an official head of state. That means that under international law Russia can now act on the arrest warrant it has issued for him. CIA sources say: 「Zelensky is afraid to leave wherever he is hiding because he knows there is an active contract in place.」 This headline is supporting evidence:
「Ukraine’s President Zelensky cancels all upcoming foreign trips as Russia advances in Kharkiv region.」
The collapse of the Ukrainian regime is now visible to all. 「There was no first line of defense. We saw it. The Russians just walked in. They just walked in, without any minefields」 Denys Yaroslavskyi Commander of a Ukrainian Special Reconnaissance Unit says.
Why was there no defense? The Head of the Mezha Anti-Corruption Center, Martyna Bohuslavets reports millions of dollars intended for construction of fortifications in Ukraine were instead 「transferred to front companies of avatars.」
In other words Zelensky and his henchmen are engaged in last minute looting.
Now that the Ukrainian war is over, revenge for the destruction of Yugoslavia is next. Last week Chinese President Xi Jinping visited Serbia where he said 「China supports Serbia’s efforts to safeguard sovereignty and territorial integrity on the Kosovo issue.」
Then Tass reports 「Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has thanked the Russian authorities for supporting his country’s territorial integrity and respecting its sovereignty.」 In a hint that Serbia is about to go to war, Vucic said 「the path our country has chosen…is not easy but we expect to get full support from all of Serbia’s true friends.」
As background, Yugoslavia was destroyed by Bill Clinton Rockefeller so they could create the criminal rump state of Kosovo to loot the huge mineral resources located there.
In a sign a revived Austro-Hungarian Empire is involved in this move, when Xi went to Hungary the following statement was issued:
「China and Hungary will work together to advance the China-CEEC (Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, the Slovak Republic, Slovenia, and the three Baltic States: Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania) cooperation in broader scope…resolutely uphold international fairness and justice, and advance the building of a community with a shared future for mankind.」
This is part of a much bigger move by the Chinese to end US hegemony. As a part of this, China sold off a record $53.3 billion of Treasury and agency bonds in the first quarter of 2024 and bought gold instead. Gold has outperformed US dollars bonds by 75% since 2020.
China is also engaged in some serious financial house cleaning. China has arrested dozens of state regulators, bankers and finance bosses in a corruption net this year. Our Asian secret society sources say it is part of a clean-up of Rockefeller and Rothschild agents.
There is also a fierce and under-reported battle taking place in Taiwan.
Taiwanese lawmakers are 「shoving, tackling, and hitting each other.」 This is because President-elect Lai Ching-te is set to take office without a legislative majority. The parliament is demanding oversight powers over the government, including a controversial proposal to criminalize officials who make false statements in parliament.
Asian royals say this battle in Taiwan is linked to a dispute over whether the replacement for the UN should be located in Japan and not Laos as proposed by the Chinese.
The Chinese are also trying to do something about their imploding housing market and have announced a slew of measures to boost the property market. They are spending over $40 billion to supply affordable housing and pledging to deliver unfinished homes. This is definitely too little too late and a lot more will have to be done.
In another too little too late move, Representative Thomas Massie (R-KY) announces the introduction of H.R. 8421, the Federal Reserve Board Abolition Act. Rep. Massie’s legislation abolishes the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve and the Federal Reserve banks. It also repeals the Federal Reserve Act, the 1913 law that created the Federal Reserve System.
「Americans are suffering under crippling inflation, and the Federal Reserve is to blame,」 said Rep. Massie. 「During COVID, the Federal Reserve created trillions of dollars out of thin air and loaned it to the Treasury Department to enable unprecedented deficit spending. By monetizing the debt, the Federal Reserve devalued the dollar and enabled free money policies that caused the high inflation we see today.」
In a related move Fed Chair Jerome Powell tested positive for Covid AGAIN (1/18/2023 was his first positive test)! 「Who gets tested for Covid these days? A: The ones getting GITMOED!! Enjoy your orange onesie and complimentary meals in a guard gated community Jerome,」 Polish intelligence sources comment.
Of course, the US cannot act alone because it is bankrupt vis a vis the rest of the world. They will have no choice but to accept the multipolar world being built by the BRICS.
「It is highly likely that the BRICS Pay blockchain payment system, which does not fall under the control of the United States, settlements in digital currencies, as well as the creation of new channels for payments between Russian and Chinese legal entities will be agreed upon. Business – both Russian and Chinese – needs urgent solutions, here and now,」 Vice President of the National Coordination Center for International Business Cooperation Pavel Kuznetsov told Izvestia.
In addition to this, the Russians have also agreed to join the gold-backed $100 trillion future planning organization initiative agreed upon by Asian and Western white hats, Russian FSB sources say.
The Russians also agree on the plan to replace the UN Security council with a seven-region world council, the sources say. This was clear from the various reports about the big Putin and Xi summit meeting last week.
Russia and China are working toward 「a fairer democratic…world order that would reflect the real weight of states and their associations,」 says Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov
President Putin described Russian-Chinese cooperation in world affairs as 「one of the main stabilizing factors in the international arena」 after his meeting with President Xi Jinping, emphasizing that the two countries jointly uphold the principles of a fair and democratic world order that reflects the rise of global multi-polarity.
The Chinese leader pointed to Beijing and Moscow’s joint commitment to 「fairness and justice」 in relations and cited the 「Cold War mentality…unilateralism, hegemonism, bloc confrontation and power politics」 pursued by some nations today as threats to peace and international security.
Russian President Vladimir Putin’s recent visit to China is set to determine the future of the world, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said. 「These are momentous steps that will determine the future not only of our region, but also of the entire planet,」 the diplomat said.
There is a widespread agreement with this sentiment in the West.
「The rise of multi-alignment necessitates a fundamental shift in how international relations are conducted. Major powers must transition from a zero-sum competition mindset to one that fosters more agile frameworks that address the concerns of a wider range of actors, not just traditional allies,」 says Professor Andrew Latham reflecting such views.
In yet another sign of the fall of the 「rules-based world order」 we noted the Nigerian government put out a full-page ad in the New York Times today announcing an auction of its oil resources in a way that would benefit the Nigerian people. It looks like Nigeria has kicked out the Rockefellers and nationalized its oil.
There is also a battle for control of Brazil and its vast resources.
We were told last week that Brazil was hit with floods caused by weather weapons. Now we hear 「a group of volunteers working to save people from the floods in southern Brazil claim they were misled into participating in an operation to remove several thousand firearms from the airport of Rio Grande do Sul state’s capital Porto Alegre.」
Unfortunately for us, we are unlikely to find out more because weathermen are forbidden from talking about weather weapons. This Weatherman has not been able to work again in the news media after this report. This is what happens when you tell the truth and expose the KM Deep State’s activities
On a final note this week we note a flying spy bug has been caught. Is this related to all those Cicadas we are hearing about?
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