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2021/12/16 15:30:05瀏覽1813|回應0|推薦0

《陰謀勢力一敗塗地 白帽子的重大勝利》
據摩薩德和美國太空司令部(USC)來源,為解放被撒旦控制的地球而戰的聯盟,上週奪取了聯合國和歐洲央行的實際控制,取得重大勝利。這就是世界經濟論壇主任克勞斯·施瓦布(Klaus Schwab)和歐盟央行行長拉加德上週前往南極的背後原因。


美國CDC主任羅謝爾·瓦倫斯基(Rochelle Walensky)週五下午證實,美國僅有一名患者因歐米茄而住院
德國新任財政部長克里斯蒂安·林德納(Christian Lindner)首次亮相,宣佈為氣候題目注入600億歐元。這些資金將來自於之前「未使用的債務」。
這是一機構個對吉斯萊恩·麥克斯韋(Ghislaine Maxwell)被控戀童癖的粉飾性審判的回應。其中最大的進展是,一名受害者在法庭上表示她看到了一張吉斯萊恩裸體懷孕的照片。那孩子後來怎麼樣了?
無論如何,另一個表明白帽子正打擊媒體造假的跡象是,演員朱西·斯莫利特(Jussie Smollett)被認定犯有偽造種族仇恨罪。這證明中共資助的安地法組織在美製造種族戰爭的陰謀被制止。
與此同時,截至2021年12月,紐西蘭總理傑芯達·阿德恩( Jacinda Ardern)的淨資產已躍升至2500萬美元,而前一年11月的淨資產只有80萬美元。
負責監督《Shin Bet》安全機構運作的部長委員會週日投票決定,在這名長期領導人被趕下台六個月後,停止為前總理本雅明的妻子和成年兒子提供個人安全保護。儘管本雅明懇求說他的家人經常受到死亡威脅,但這一決定仍於週一生效。
當然,以色列本身以其目前的形式也不可能生存太久。總理納夫塔利·貝內特(Naftali Bennett)週日前往阿布扎比,與王儲謝赫·阿勒納哈(Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan)揚會面,這是以色列總理首次前往阿拉伯聯合酋長國。這與以色列在沙地阿拉伯的殖民地即將淪陷有關。
特朗普執政期間在國安委員會和五角大樓任職的厄爾·馬修斯上校(Col. Earl Matthews)指責弗林的弟弟和另一名美陸軍將軍拖延向美國會大廈派遣國民警衛隊,以應對1月6日的叛亂。
國會大廈警察局長史蒂文·桑德(Steven Sund)「懇請」在暴亂者突破外圍後立即向國會大廈部署國民警衛隊,而皮亞特和弗林拒絕了這一請求。

【原文】December 13, 2021 Benjamin Fulford Weekly Reports
Klaus Schwab and Christine Lagarde turned in major white hat victory
The coalition fighting to liberate the planet earth from Satanic control scored a major victory last week by seizing de facto control of the UN and the European Central Bank, Mossad and US Space Command (USC) sources say. This is what was behind the visits to Antarctica by World Economic Forum Director Klaus Schwab and EU Central Bank head Christine Lagarde last week. 
Schwab-Lagarde and their teams thought they were going to Rothschild Island in Antarctica to get new Khazarian mafia marching orders. What they did not know was that Rothschild Island has been taken over by the earth liberation alliance. 
This is what a USC source had to say:
The Schwab team did not know what the trip was about. They were following orders from their masters, or so they thought. A little deception was played. They were given the choice to either join the alliance/benevolent beings or be eliminated. They chose the former. “The proof will be in the pudding” as the saying goes.
We have been told to watch for the change when they return. There will be several government officials who will be tested positive and go into “self-quarantine” within the next 2 weeks or so. We know what that means.
There are signs already that Schwab, a member of the Rothschild family who owns the UN, has already given new marching orders to that agency. The biggest sign is the obvious unwinding of the “pandemic” fear and vaccination campaign as the following news shows:
The Epoch Times reported Friday that the WHO had finally returned its requests for comment and confirmed that the agency couldn’t specify a single death that’s attributable to omicron.
CDC Director Rochelle Walensky confirmed Friday afternoon that the US has only seen one patient hospitalized due to omicron
So suddenly a “500 times more deadly new variant” is officially turning out to be a dud.
This news also hints at the new marching orders given to Lagarde:
New German Finance Minister Christian Lindner has made his debut as finance minister by announcing a €60 billion euro injection in the climate. The funds will be sourced from previously unused debt.
This is a sign the German central bank has been taken over and the “unused debt” is fiat money being printed for environmental protection reasons.
So, we are seeing leaders downplay pandemic fears while they print money for reasons other than war and disease.
Remember, what we are ultimately dealing with is a battle over the psychological process of deciding what we as a species do in the future. The battle is between those who want to use fear and hate to enslave us and those who want to build a better future together. On this front, we are getting multiple contacts about a mass meditation on December 21st to promote positive thinking. These meditations are not religious but rather intended to increase positive thinking because the best way to deal with a negative is with a positive.
Speaking about positive, there are signs the corporate propaganda media is about to be taken over by the White hats. In particular, CIA sources are telling us that CNN is about to be purged root and branch and turned into what it was supposed to be: a source of truth and facts. This headline hints at what is happening:
“A CNN employee was charged Friday on three counts that he used a facility of interstate commerce to abuse underage girls.”
The key here is “facility of interstate commerce,” because it allows for CNN, Google and other corporate media giants to be systematically investigated for child abuse. Our sources say the official charged is already squeaking loud and clear about his CNN etc. bosses.
This is an agency response to the whitewash trial of Ghislaine Maxwell on Pedophilia charges. The biggest development there was that one of the victims in court stated she saw a picture where Ghislaine was nude and pregnant. What happened to the baby?
In any case, another indication the white hats are putting an end to media fakery is that actor Jussie Smollett was found guilty of faking a racial hate crime. This is evidence that the Chinese Communist Party financed Antifa’s attempts to create a race war in the United States are being shut down.
There is also a coordinated, international legal attack against the Khazarian mafia on multiple fronts.
Remember how Mark Zuckerberg’s alter-ego -US fake presidential spokestrans “Jens Psaki-” vanished for a couple of weeks while his Facebook corporation was taken over and renamed “Meta?” Well, now Meta’s lawyers are saying in open court that “fact checks” are “opinion.”
These same “fact-checking” communications networks are also now being fingered as the true cause of the “pandemic.” On November 23, 2021, 289 organizations and 34 individuals asked the United States Supreme Court to strike down, as unconstitutional, a clause in the Telecommunications Act of 1996 that prohibits local governments from regulating cell towers on the basis of health and the environment.
The worlds’ intelligence agencies are fully aware that most of the “coronavirus” deaths are actually the result of electromagnetic attacks, so this move is paving the way for mass arrests of telecoms officials, CIA sources say.
Also, the International Criminal Court received a complaint on December 6th, alleging crimes committed by UK government officials and international world leaders of various violations of the Nuremberg Code, crimes against humanity, war crimes and crimes of aggression perpetrated against the peoples of the UK.
This is a open sign criminal leaders of Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the UK will be facing war crimes charges soon, MI6 sources promise. Here is a look at just some of the crimes. Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison last week compared vaccinating Australians to “getting sheep through the gate.”
Meanwhile, New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern’s net worth has jumped to $25 million as of December 2021, compared to only a net worth of only $800k in November of the previous year.
Could it be her connection with Pfizer? Why else would she say “There’s not going to be an endpoint to this vaccination program… we need them to come back or we need to go to them.” Remember these so-called vaccines haven’t even been proven to prevent “Covid,” despite all their nasty side effects.
Also, should we call her Jacinda or Jack? The video below sure shows something swinging in the crotch.
In Canada meanwhile, an Ontario church pastor says church pastors in his area were “bought out…to get the members of our church to buy into this evil [Covid] agenda.”
Now, however, after trying to force as many of their citizens to get the COVID-19 jabs as possible, many countries around the world are backtracking and warning that these shots could cause serious heart problems etc.
It is a sure bet a lot of lawyers are about to get rich suing Pfizer, Moderna etc. over the coming months and years. The real question though is when these corporations’ Rockefeller/Rothschild overlords are finally removed from control.
As mentioned at the top of this story, the Rothschilds seem to have been turned so now we need to see when the Rockefeller-controlled fake Biden administration collapses.
A sign this could be soon is that corporate rats are abandoning ship. InsiderScore data shows corporate insiders sold a mindboggling $63.5 billion in shares through November, a 50% jump versus all of 2020.
The mega-corporations are also bailing out of the vaccine mandate as fast as possible.
As the chart below shows, the Rockefeller-controlled US stock market is obviously becoming a giant hallucination. It keeps rising even as real standards of living are falling at a rate of 10% a year (the real inflation rate minus GDP growth).
Angry citizens are turning to looting and lawlessness in retaliation. Looting has already turned San Francisco into a ghost town. Los Angeles, Chicago, New York etc, are not far behind.
The surviving Rockefellers are hiding out in Switzerland but Swiss sources promise they are being hunted down.
Of course, the Khazarian mafia is doing everything they can to stay in power. Japan is being threatened with earthquake weapons because their government is preparing to publicly announce that Fukushima was a terrorist attack directed from Switzerland and Israel, Japanese right-wing sources say.
A key witness to the Fukushima attack is also being intimidated by death threats as this news item shows:
The ministerial committee that oversees the operations of the Shin Bet security agency voted Sunday to stop providing personal security for former prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s wife and adult sons, six months after the longtime leader was ousted from power. The decision, which goes into effect Monday, came despite pleas from Netanyahu that his family is regularly subjected to death threats.
Netanyahu has been recorded calling then Japanese Prime Minister Kan Naoto on the day after Fukushima and threatening to cause Mt. Fuji to erupt unless Japan handed over all its foreign exchange holdings to Israel, NSA and Japanese military sources say.
Of course, Israel itself is not likely to survive much longer in its current form. Prime Minister Naftali Bennett went to Abu Dhabi on Sunday to meet with Crown Prince Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, on the first trip by an Israeli prime minister to the United Arab Emirates. This is related to the imminent fall of the Israeli colony of Saudi Arabia.
As the Mossad linked site Debka notes “The two leading Gulf rulers, MbS and the UAE’s Sheikh Muhammed bin Zayed (MbZ), feel they cannot rely on either the US or Israel for protection against Iran’s machinations.”
What this means is the US military is not going to fight for Israel any longer so that country now has to ask Iran for protection or else be taken over by Turkey.
The US military meanwhile is being systematically purged of fifth columnists like General Michael Flynn as this news item illustrates:
Col. Earl Matthews, who served in the National Security Council and Pentagon during Donald Trump’s administration, accuses Michael Flynn’s brother and another U.S. Army general of delaying sending the National Guard to the U.S. Capitol, in response to the Jan. 6 insurrection.
Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund “pleaded” for the immediate deployment of the National Guard to the Capitol after rioters breached the perimeter. Piatt and Flynn denied the request.
Remember the January 6 incident was Khazarian mafia-designed cockroach motel trap for US patriots.
The US military has abandoned Washington DC since January of 2020 and is now run by the Space Command out of Cheyenne Mountain and the Thule Airbase in Greenland, USC sources say. They promise big moves soon. By all means, please make your anti-gravity flying saucers available to the general public. Of course, as with all space-type stuff, believe it when you see it.
On that note, this week we will conclude with a mystery photograph sent to us by Russia’s FSB intelligence service. What do you think, can this be for real?
( 時事評論國際 )
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