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《當教皇方濟各被踢出梵蒂岡 是血系與光明會和談的掀章》
在公眾面前,這一根本性的變化可以從最近10位紅衣主教被革職的事實中看出。最近的一位是法國紅衣主教菲利普·巴巴林(Philippe Barbarin),於上週被判掩蓋戀童癖。
在這方面,對西方罪惡的主要根源猶太復國主義的持續打擊是一個好跡象。眾議員伊爾漢·奧馬爾(Ilhan Omar)關於猶太復國主義對美國國會的影響的真實言論(非基於投票;只有900萬猶太選民;是基於賄賂、敲詐和謊言)已經把民主黨推入了一場可能導致其滅亡的危機。
前中情局運營官羅拔·斯蒂爾(Robert David Steele)說,中情局和五角大樓消息人士稱賈里•庫什納(Jared Kushner)和約翰·博爾頓(John Bolton)很快就會被踢出白宮,特朗普將打破911真相的魔咒,以終止猶太復國主義持續影響美國經濟、政府和社會。」
五角大樓說,稱「猶太復國主義已經死了。當眾議院通過407至23號決議,該決議沒有譴責伊爾汗·奧馬爾(Ilhan Omar),而是淡化了反猶太主義,眾議院議長南希·佩洛西(Nancy Pelosi)解僱了她的猶太幕僚長丹尼·韋斯(Danny Weiss)時,他們的遊說力量就被削弱了。」現在敘利亞正式警告以色列撤出戈蘭高地,否則將面臨戰爭。
一名五角大樓消息人士指出:「鐵鎚即將落下,因為在《FISA》解密和大逮捕之前,司法部長比爾·巴爾(Bill Barr)會見了約翰·胡貝爾(John Huber)。」消息人士指的是,胡貝爾被迫就鈾壹公司(Uranium One)等問題對希拉莉和奧巴馬等人採取行動。
五角大樓指出,製藥行業也「受到了攻擊,因為禮來·李立(Eli Lilly)被迫以半價引入非專利胰島素,而FDA局長和大型製藥公司的大咖司考特·哥德立普(Scott Gottlieb)因推動各州取消疫苗豁免而被炒掉。」
在所有軍官離開特朗普政權之後,波音公司高管帕特里克·沙納漢(Patrick Shanahan)被任命為美國代理國防部長,這當然不是巧合。沙納漢對美軍沒有實權,因為他們不再服從破產的華盛頓。五角大樓消息說,這是一家總部設在美國的公司政府,關於這種情況中,X檔案的一名消息人士是這樣說的:「許多蜥蜴家族都持有波音公司的股份,而波音公司也與洛希·馬丁公司有關聯。」
無論如何,為非洲而進行的秘密戰鬥在其他方面繼續進行,特別是在控制礦物資源方面。這場戰爭的跡象可以在最近的各種新聞標題中看到,最離奇的是鑽石億萬富翁埃胡德·拉奈多(Ehud Lanaido)死於「陰莖增大手術」的報導。
事實上,「他在深夜被帶到巴黎香榭麗舍大街的一家特殊私人診所,而這家診所早已關閉,」一名摩薩德消息人士說,「他是賓尼·斯坦梅茨(Benny Steinmetz)的直接競爭對手,直到幾個月前,斯坦梅茨還在比利時和非洲等多個國家的政府中逃亡,因為非法購買和銷售從安哥拉和塞拉利昂走私出來未經加工和拋光的鑽石,多年來據稱拖欠了數十億美元的稅款。」
據消息人士說,與此相關的還有印度鑽石大亨尼羅夫·莫迪(Nirov Modi)將被引渡的消息。據稱,莫迪攜20多億美元從印度銀行潛逃。消息補充說,「別忘了,他並不是圈內人--非血系,因此在這場與可薩暴徒猶太復國主義者的權力遊戲中是可以犧牲的。」
【原文】2019-03-11 Benjamin Fulford
《Pope Francis fired as 13 bloodlines, Gnostic Illuminati negotiate end of Western civil war》
Pope Francis has been relieved of power as a part of a deal being negotiated between the Gnostic Illuminati and the 13 ruling bloodlines, say two sources, one a European royal, the other a Pentagon boss.  The two Western power centers, one based on meritocracy, the other on historical rule, have agreed to a jubilee and a massive campaign to 「save the planet,」 the sources say.
The Gnostic Illuminati, strongest in the military-industrial complex, and the bloodlines, who control finance and the media, agreed to compromise because they have to present a united Western front in order to make a deal with a resurgent Asia, they said.
Francis, who may stay on as a figurehead, was relieved of power because of the fiasco over convicted pedophile Cardinal Pell who ran the Vatican Bank, the sources say.  The Vatican and the Vatican Bank with its 6,000 bribery accounts of so-called 「world leaders」 are now run by 「a troika of cardinals,」 the Pentagon source says.
In public, this fundamental change can be seen in the fact that ten cardinals have been defrocked recently.  The most recent was French Cardinal Philippe Barbarin, who was convicted last week of covering up pedophilia.
Here is what the representative of the 13 bloodlines had to say about the situation:  「Cardinal Pell was an admission and acceptance of the Satanic Practices at our orders.」  He added that the other cardinals were removed as part of a process of 「weaning them off」 of Satanic practices.
「Pope Francis was fired because he was too high-profile in the National Cyber Security Center.  His past life in Argentina came back to haunt him.  Nobody—nobody in the outside world—is allowed to occupy office if they cannot be controlled by their compromise,」 the source said.
Furthermore, today (March 11, 2019) is the eighth anniversary of the mass-murder attack against Fukushima, Japan, and the deal is being reached in part because the bloodlines were threatened with retaliation for this attack unless they reached a deal, Asian secret society sources say.
In addition, Asian secret society sources say the West needs to finish cleaning itself up before a final agreement on saving the planet can be reached.
On this front, a sustained attack against Zionism, the main source of Western evil, is a good sign.  「The truthful words of Representative Ilhan Omar about Zionist influence over the U.S. Congress (not based on votes—there are only nine million Jewish voters—but rather on bribery and blackmail and lies) have thrown the Democratic Party into a crisis that could lead to its demise.
CIA and Pentagon sources say Jared Kushner and John Bolton will be dismissed from the White House soon, and President Trump will disclose 9/11 truth in such a way as to terminate Zionist influence over the U.S. economy, government, and society,」 was how former CIA operations officer Robert David Steele described the situation.
A Pentagon source agreed, saying 「Zionism is dead.  Their lobby was neutered as the House passed a resolution 407 to 23 that did not rebuke Ilhan Omar but watered down anti-Semitism, and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi fired her Jewish chief of staff Danny Weiss.」
Now Syria has formally warned Israel to withdraw from the Golan Heights, or face war.
Syria did this because it has the backing of Turkey, Russia, and Iran to force Israel to respect international law, while the U.S. military has made it clear that it will not fight for Israel, according to Pentagon and other sources.
The royal family and Pentagon sources both confirmed that Israel’s nuclear arsenal—its 「Samson option」—has been neutralized, which is why that rogue state can now be forced to cease its messianic anti-social behavior.  If they think God wanted them to murder over 100 million people so they could rebuild an ancient temple, they clearly do not understand God.
Meanwhile inside the U.S., targeted assassinations of key individuals have been taking place at an accelerated pace in order to restore democracy and the rule of law, CIA sources say. 
「The hammer is about to drop, as Attorney General Bill Barr met John Huber prior to FISA declassification and mass arrests,」 a Pentagon source noted.  The source was referring to the fact that Huber is being forced to finally take action against Hillary Clinton, Obama, etc. for Uranium One, etc.
The pharmacidical industry is also 「under assault as Eli Lilly was forced to introduce generic insulin at half price while FDA director and Big Pharma shill Scott Gottlieb was fired for pushing states to cancel vaccine exemptions,」 the Pentagon sources note. 
A huge, secret war is also being waged by the Khazarian mafia to grab control of Africa’s resources in a desperate attempt to avoid the bankruptcy of their Washington, D.C.-based United States Corporation, say Mossad and CIA sources.  Africa is nearly twice as big as Russia and larger than Canada, and bigger than China plus the U.S. combined.  The last thing the Khazarian mafia wants is for Africans to take back control of their own resources.
The most visible recent move in this secret war was the downing on Sunday of an Ethiopian Boeing 737 aircraft.  Mossad sources say the aircraft was remotely hijacked and its passengers, including 19 UN officials, were killed as part of an attempt to disrupt a UN conference aimed at ending poverty and environmental destruction in Africa.
However, the remote hijacking of this aircraft is looking to have been a really stupid move by the Khazarians and is likely to lead to the bankruptcy of the Boeing Corporation.  That is because it is the second time in four months that a Boeing aircraft has been crashed via remote control by the Khazarian mafia.  China, Ethiopian Air (Africa’s largest airline), and the Cayman Islands have grounded all Boeing 737s, and other airlines and countries are sure to follow until the remote-control hijackers are removed from control of Boeing.
It is certainly no coincidence that after all military officers left the Trump regime, a Boeing executive, Patrick Shanahan, was made Acting U.S. Secretary of Defense.  Shanahan has no real power over the U.S. military, because they no longer obey the bankrupt Washington, D.C.-based corporate government, Pentagon sources say.  Here is what an X-files source had to say about the situation:  「Many of the lizard families have shares in Boeing, and Boeing is tied up with Lockheed Martian [sic] as well.」
In any case, the secret battle for Africa is continuing on other fronts, especially over control of mineral resources.  Hints of this war can be seen in various recent news headlines.  The most bizarre was the story about diamond billionaire Ehud Lanaido dying 「during penis enlargement surgery.」
In fact, 「he was taken to a special private clinic on the Avenue des Champs-Elysees in Paris late at night, long after the clinic was closed,」 a Mossad source said.  「He was a direct competitor of Benny Steinmetz, who up until a few months ago was on the run from several governments, including Belgium and Africa, for billions of dollars allegedly owed in back taxes from illegal purchases and sales of rough and polished diamonds smuggled out of Angola and Sierra Leone for many years,」 the source continued.
「These two diamond dealers, among the biggest in the world of diamond trading, were targeted by those at the very top.  One was removed, and one was put back on his pedestal as King of the business.  Notice how close the timing is on the rise and fall of the two titans,」 the source noted. Here is the second headline he was referring to:  「Mining Billionaire Ends Bitter Guinea Dispute After Months of Secret Negotiations.」
If you read the article, you can see that Steinmetz was helped by a who’s who in the Zionist Khazarian mafia, including George Soros (i.e., his cut-out), Tony Blair, and Nicholas Sarkozy.
Also related to this was the news that Indian diamond mogul Nirov Modi is to be extradited.  Modi allegedly absconded with over 2 billion dollars from Indian banks.  「I am told that he will be picked up and become the ‘poster child’ for the legal system to show the world that you cannot escape the long arm of justice,」 the Mossad source said.  「Don’t forget, he is not one of the inside ‘boys’—the wrong bloodline, and thus expendable in this Game of Thrones with the Khazarian Zionists,」 he added.
Further developments related to the ongoing African resource grab can be seen in a letter to the editor sent by the Khoi-San peoples, who warned of the use of a fake king in an attempt to steal their land and resources.
The Khazarian mafia are also attempting a similar resource grab in South America.  There, the latest move was the use of cyber and energy weapons to sabotage Venezuela’s energy grid.
The rest of the world has agreed to continue funding the U.S. military and transform them into a benevolent planetary protection force.  They can start earning their money by rounding up all these criminals and either putting them in jail or killing them.
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