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【♫ 舞春風】Hustle(更多影片)
2014/03/16 14:38:57瀏覽1433|回應0|推薦3

舞蹈是很健康的運動2002-2007週末我到高中體育館跟多位美老師學舞,其中一對非夫妻老師得過老年組八屆冠軍可惜自2007年信主之後,因晚上工作關係又搬家我就不再跳舞了現在跟各位介紹美式快舞Hustle,這是我很喜歡的美式舞蹈之一舞步簡單: 心數1,2,1,2...........隨著音樂節奏飆

Hustle Heaven Sunday Tea Dance -- 1st Anniversary party

(2012年10月02日)Some of the "usual suspects" from the Los Angeles hustle dance scene attended the first anniversary hustle heaven Sunday Tea Dance on September 23, 2012. The dance was held at the Granada dance studio in Alhambra -- a city just NE of downtown Los Angeles. The dance is held at various times during the last year, often on the third Sunday of the month. To get on their mailing list write to hustleheaven@yahoo.com. To see some of the other Franklin Clay Films YouTube videos go to www.wxyzvideos.com

Disco America 2011 Professional Hustle Just Dance Division(更多影片)

( 興趣嗜好運動 )
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