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2018/03/12 00:59:27瀏覽1209|回應1|推薦40 | |
某君正在屋檐下避雨,突然見觀音撐著傘走過來。 他走進寺廟,見一個正在求觀音的人,竟然跟觀音長得一模一樣, 「我正是觀音。」那人回答說。 A gentleman was under the eaves of a building taking shelter from the rain when suddenly he saw the Guanyin holding an umbrella coming toward him. He was delighted, and said hastily, "The bodhisattva of all sentient beings, could you please help take me home?" "You stand under the eaves where there is no rain, but I am in the rain, so how can I help you?" The Guanyin replied. Once he heard it, he ran into the rain and said, "Here I am in the rain, can you help me now?" "You are in the rain; I am also in the rain, but you get wet from the rain because you did not bring an umbrella. I do not get wet because I have an umbrella. Therefore, the umbrella shields me, and you have no umbrella, so you should look for an umbrella instead of me." With that, the Guanyin disappeared. Later, the man encountered difficulties and went to the temple to beg for mercy of the Guanyin. He went into the temple, and saw a man who was looking for a Guanyin, who looked precisely the same as the Guanyin, and asked, "Are you the bodhisattva?" "I am." The man replied. The gentleman was a bit more surprised, “Since you are Guanyin, why should you worship yourself?" The Guanyin smiled and said, "Like you, I also encountered a difficult problem, but I know that it is better to depend on yourself than to ask for help from others."
https://ck101.com/thread-1017995-1-1.html |
( 心情隨筆|心情日記 ) |