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2020/10/02 21:42:21瀏覽481|回應0|推薦9

I just came back from Guguan, a famous resort in Taichung known for its onsen (Japanese-styled hot spring) and beautiful scenery.

I have never been there before, but to be honest with you, I could hardly afford such a relatively expensive "psudo-traveling-abroad" trip that my brother-in-law made for the 40th birthday of his son (my wifes nephew). My wife and I just shared a small portion of the expense at that prohibitive price.

Anyway, I spent three days there in a ritzy hotel of Jap fashion and style. (You know, I hate all things related to Japan.) Enjoying a hot spring? I have light hypertension, so I dare not immerse myself too long in that high-temperature onsen. So the only thing I got was fresh air and a pure Mid-Autumn night without that ridiculous barbecue binge everywhere in cities.

I am tired, and I have to go to bed. See you guys tomorrow!

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