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2020/02/28 12:34:10瀏覽407|回應0|推薦10

Retiredbum notes: 

The letter is a piece of contribution sent to Lancet reputedly by two murses from Guangxhou to Wuhan as to reinforce fighting against COVID-19.  Bascially, it is a letter of calling for international help because of the medical personnel in Wuhan having worked so hard and so long that they were unable to endure the pressure any longer. 

They claimed that they were among the first batch of enforcement list from Guangzhou to Wuhan, but later evidences showed they were not.  So Lancet withdrew the contribution.  I guess there might have been a ghostwriter who wrote the letter for the extremely distressed nurses.   

I think the letter itself did not necessarily bring disgrace to China; anyway, similar embarassing situation would happen to any country in the incipient stage.  Lancet, a renowned periodical, also has right to withdraw the contribution at its own discretion.  Please do not reprimand the nurses for writing the letter under their name; but blame it on those media who thrilled to ultilize the opportunity to vilify China Mainland for not having done her best to fight the plague.   


PS  The letter is beautifully written in English, an excellent piece of essay.

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