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2019/10/17 11:06:50瀏覽439|回應0|推薦11

I seldom watched TV in Taiwan except some sports telecasting and news broadcasting during lunch time(I would rather call it 車禍時間).  Yesterday when I took my lunch at noon, there were pieces of news concerning Wonky Cai.   The news about her was a scripted speech she delivered in some occasion, after that she also received some interviews from reporters.  I did not pay much attention to the contents of the interview; what really interested me was the tone of her speaking.

Well, she used too many (unnecessary) modal particles at the end of each sentence she uttered just like ordinary young women had been doing in Taiwan.  (so as most young men)  Such a manner of speaking would make people think speakers are kind of sissy, being absolutely not suitable to a "president" like her.  But I guess she wont care at all, as long as those brainless young people of Taiwan like her better.

No wonder she has earned much higher poll than Han among young fellows.  Congratulations, the brainless, you ask for it.   

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