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最才的女, 最賢的妻----張幼儀
2019/04/08 15:48:50瀏覽497|回應0|推薦6

"The most talented woman, and the most virtuous wife." is the words that Mr Qian Zhongsu praised his wife Ms Yang Jiang.  The same praise is definitely applicable to Ms Zhang Youyi, the jilted wife of that emotional and controversial poet Xu Zhimo.  Attached below please find a reportage about Ms Zhang: 


FYI, in my previous writing 人間四月天-----梁從誡 I said I love to see Ms Liu Ruoyin play in that namesake drama.  Whom did she play for?  Zhang Youyi, of course.  Kindly also see my another writing about her: "母擬出嫁,兒意云何" at http://blog.udn.com/kkuo0810/7894156

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