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2018/04/26 23:11:28瀏覽586|回應0|推薦6

Yesterday "the brave of 800 veterans", along with retired policemen and firefighters, gathered in Taipei and protested against the "pension reform" that DPP administration insisted to make law of it in Legislation Yuan next week.  The furious demonstrators tried to break through the police cordons, which had been heavily installed, thus caused severe conflicts, even involved reporters from various media.  At last, the riot police thwarted the "rioters" from occupying Legislation Yuan, and the latter apologized and proclaimed they will come again. 

No one wants to see such an outcome happen, except DPP administration, perhaps.  Again, I must point out that the so-called problem of government finance or sources redistribution that affect those veterans welfare can boil down to money,or the lack of it, for almost everybody in Taiwan have become poorer and poorer now.  By contrast, the relatively "lucrative" income that those veterans received every month seems an unfair and unjust previlege.  But the root cause for such a reduced circumstance in Taiwan could be attributed to the "national" policy of Taidu or Dutai, for the governments spent too much money in purchsing unnecessary junk weapons, playing sucker diplomacy, being reluctant to have cross-fertilization with Chinas Mainland.  Therefore, there have had not enough wherewithal to be put into the upgrade on technology and economy as to make everybody happy.

Needless to say, for once more a stark double standard that DPP and philo-green media already defined between the "riot" of yesterday and 418 Sun Flower Movement four years ago. 

P.S.  A bonus is given at: http://www.guancha.cn/local/2018_04_26_454918.shtml?s=sygdkx

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