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最辣的辣媽: 老乾媽---陶華碧
2018/04/19 22:03:56瀏覽564|回應0|推薦6

I remember I did mention Ms. Tao, that legendary Lao Gan Ma, to you in my previous writing.  How did she get up from an illiterate country woman in poor Guizhou province to the queen of chili paste in China?  How did she start from nothing to establishing her kingdom with market value of billions of dollars, but without borrowing, financial leverage, and IPO?  Attached below is a Q & A, and you could find the answers given by many netizens from different aspects: https://www.toutiao.com/a6545730791433830664/

P.S.  The legend of Lao Gan Ma can be seen as a miniature of Chinas growth in decades.  You know, I heard of many a story illustrating how peasant workers ate rice or noodle blended with that Chinese piri-piri only as their staple food, especially when they travelled long way en route to home during Spring Festival.  FYI, you could purchase Lao Gan Ma in convenient stores here in Taiwan.  The price per bottle is around TWD80, almost twice as much as that sold in Mainland.    

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