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年年選舉: 台灣墮落的根源.
2018/01/26 16:04:30瀏覽382|回應1|推薦8

Yesterday I talked about Wonky Cais "Taiwan Value", a vague, disguised term to continue fooling people of Taiwan.  Ironically, her "Value" stemmed from the so-called "universal value"--- universal suffrage, in which politicians and the majority of islanders have delighted and never got tired of it. 

There are two major elections in every four years, presidential/legislation and mid-term.  In the intervals are the time for hysterical media to crazy about the forecast on the next one.  Therefore, that is why I said in Taiwan every year is an election year.  Under this circumstance, politicians most likely would not have interest nor extra energy to map out any positive plans within his or her tenure.  All the things they devote to are short-termed and superficial projects, trying to please their constituencies for winning the re-election. 

Before the elections, the candidates resort to the tactics of negative measures like whispering campaign and mudsling.  After the campaign, the winners are busy repaying their supporters by pork barrel, boondoggle, wheel and deal, and so on, not to mention working on their own grafts.  How about the losers, especially those of DPP?  They use stonewalls in legislation and obstruction on streets to paralyse all operations of the government, by the cheapest but most effective way: having recourse to ideology and populism.  In a nutshell, since the universal suffrage took place during that Jap Li era, Taiwan has doomed to endless degeneration, no way to get back any more.   

Is election in Taiwan devoid of any merit?  No, at least its negative influence has given Chinas Mainland a salutary warning.  Thanks to Taiwan! 


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2018/01/27 01:45
Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2018-01-27 14:22 回覆:
Yeah, 絕對權力使人絕對腐敗(DPP 已掌握全部權力)