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2019 俄羅斯新年假期結束
2019/01/09 14:54:28瀏覽433|回應0|推薦6

New Year firework in the center of Moscow.

Russians have an extended New Year, starting in either the end of December or January 1. The number of days vary from year to year, depending on government announcements

In October 2012, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree that has added additional holidays to the Russian calendar.

Russians had a 10 day New Year break, starting December 30 that year and ending the day after the Russian Orthodox Christmas Day on January 8 the following year.




"And let be. But we all know for sure that achieving the best for ourselves, for our families, for our home country is only possible through our own efforts and joint coordinated work. We have to perform a number of urgent tasks in economy, science and technology, health care, education and culture and, most importantly, ensure that we increase prosperity and standards of living step by step," Putin stated.



.HAPPY NEW YEAR 2019! Russia Celebrates New Year 11 times!.


Putin Congratulates New Year 2019: Russia Will Succeed Only If Russians Are Able To Work Together   .The Russian president added that in 2019 every Russian citizen should see a change for the better.

俄羅斯普京大帝在2019年元旦致辭,強調舉國上下,團結一至,合作無間,迎向成功."We have never had and will never have help. That is why it is important to be a cohesive, united and strong team. And let friendship and good hope, which unite us now, be here in the future, help us in work and in achievement of common goals," Putin said.



St. Petersburg: Russian Language and Culture 2019.

City: St. Petersburg, Russia
Topic: Russian Language & Culture
Credit: 2 Brown courses/credits
Approximate Dates: June 9 - July 27, 2019
Application Deadline: February 15, 2019
Faculty: Professor Svetlana Evdokimova, Brown University; Lynne deBenedette (Senior Lecturer), Brown University


Now in its tenth year, Brown’s St. Petersburg program offers an intensive language program coupled with extensive exposure to culture and art.  Students spend seven weeks at the Nevsky Institute of Language and Culture, enjoying one of the most beautiful cities in the world, living with local families and taking advantage of the local museums and historic landmarks. Language classes are complemented by afternoon field visits, guest speakers, and lectures. Weekend excursions and activities center around famous palaces and parks in St. Petersburgs suburbs.



( 休閒生活旅人手札 )
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