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2024/05/03 13:12:43瀏覽255|回應1|推薦5
.俄羅斯軍事專家瓦西里·卡申在接受俄羅斯衛星通訊社採訪時稱:“如果 ‘福建’號航母成功服役,中國海軍將獲得全新的水上能力。“福建 ”號航母將使中國人民解放軍海軍能夠在距離海岸很遠的地方作戰,這將增強北京影響世界偏遠地區政治局勢的能力.


“福建 ”號航母是中國的第三艘航母,也是第一艘從零開始設計並由中國工業建造的航母。與中國人民解放軍海軍的前兩艘航母不同,“福建 ”號航母的建造採用了美國和法國主要使用的CATOBAR方案:飛機使用彈射器起飛,並使用航空阻攔裝置(一種用於制動飛機的裝置)降落在甲板上。

卡申稱:“中國的前兩艘航母‘遼寧’號和 ‘山東’號是蘇聯 1143.5 型航母的發展產物,俄羅斯唯一的航母 ‘庫茲涅佐夫海軍上將 ’號就是基於該設計方案建造的。它們採用了成熟的技術方案,飛機從斜坡上起飛,不使用彈射器,從而簡化了整個設計。 ‘福建’號航母是繼美國 ‘傑拉爾德·福特’號航母之後世界上第二種使用電磁彈射器起飛飛機的航母。”

卡申指出,美國的 “傑拉爾德·福特 ”號航母儘管在建造航母方面有著豐富的經驗,但卻面臨著大量的技術問題。中國航母的創新能力也不遜色,因此關鍵問題是電磁彈射器和新動力系統在測試中的表現如何。
如果 “福建 ”號航母成功服役,中國海軍就將獲得全新的能力。

卡申認為:“KJ-600 遠程雷達探測飛機將以‘福建’號航母為基地,這種飛機最近正在進行緊張的飛行測試。與遼寧艦和山東艦相比,中國現有的殲-15艦載機將能夠攜帶更多的燃料和有效載荷從該艦起飛。 先進的第五代殲-35艦載機也將能夠從該艦上起飛。這些能力將使中國艦隊能夠在遠離海岸的地方作戰,並增強中國影響世界偏遠地區政治局勢的能力。”

Авианосец Китая Фуцзянь - 俄羅斯衛星通訊社, 1920, 03.05.2024

國際軍事戰略學者專家分析認為: 中國海軍強勢崛起僅次於美國海軍,但以航空母艦戰鬥群的配置實力而言,中國尚未挑戰美國海軍的實力, 其中之一的情況就是遠洋洲際作能力與後勤補給問題 ,明顯敵是中國需要更多海外軍事基地的取得..



China Geared to Tip Naval Scales as New Super Carrier Hits Sea Trials.

.Images of Chinas most advanced aircraft carrier yet, the Fujian, were first shown to the public in June 2022. The first to be both designed and built domestically, Fujian is the country’s third such warship. The other two are the Shandong, commissioned in 2019, and the Liaoning.

China’s much-talked about next-generation warship, the Fujian, has started maiden sea trials.
The first entirely Chinese-designed and built aircraft carrier — the countrys third — left its berth at Jiangnan Shipyard on May 1.
The other two such warships of the Peoples Republic of China are the Shandong, built domestically and commissioned in 2019, and the Liaoning — a Soviet Kuznetsov-class carrier purchased from Ukraine after the break-up of the Soviet Union.
The Peoples Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) said the Fujian’s sea trials would assess the “reliability and stability of the carrier’s propulsion and electric power systems.” It added that the carrier was among “the most important military hardware” being developed by the country.


.China’s brand new advanced carrier Fujian embarks on sea trials

The aircraft carrier, which is the country’s third, has departed from Shanghai’s Jiangnan Shipyard for the East China Sea. Here is what we know about Chinas next-generation warship: The carrier is fully domestically developed and constructed. Its displacement is over 80,000 metric tons, with a length of approximately 316 meters and hull beam at waterline level – around 39 meters.

The carrier can accommodate 2,000 ship crew and 1,000 aircrew.

It has a flat, straight flight deck equipped with a key feature – electromagnetic catapults and arresting devices. Its launch and recovery system is called CATOBAR (Catapult Assisted Take-Off But Arrested Recovery).

It has three catapult lanes with blast shields to launch aircraft off deck The Fujian is powered by conventional fuel, and its propulsion is based on conventional steam turbines with diesel generators.

Its estimated cruising speed is 30–31 knots (56 km/h). As per media reports, the

Fujian can be paired with an estimated 60 aircraft, including 40 fighters, such as the J-15, anti-submarine helicopters, and airborne early warning and control aircraft. The carrier’s greater combat range is expected to provide China’s Navy with “blue-water” capabilities, or in other words longer-range maritime area control.


Could Chinas Fujian Warship Challenge US Carriers?

All eyes are now on the Fujian regarding how it may stack up against up against the USNs newest carrier, USS Gerald R Ford.
Although the US warship is linger at 333 meters, boasts greater displacement at 100,000 tons and is nuclear-powered as compared to the conventional-powered Fujian, there are several aspects where the Chinese vessel claims to have the edge.
The Fujian’s key feature – its three electromagnetic catapults and arresting devices — is on a par with the Ford’s. But the Fujian is described as having direct current EM catapults, reportedly more energy efficient and easier to integrate with energy storage devices than the US warship’s four alternating-current catapults.
The Chinese vessel may have three integrated separate switches for the catapults, unlike the US carrier. The USS Gerald R Ford cannot disconnect the power supply to just one catapult, meaning all launch operations must be stopped if repairs are needed.
Unlike the Ford, with its two Bechtel A1B nuclear reactors, the Fujian is believed to use an integrated electric propulsion supported by steam generators. This is thought to provide highly versatile power distribution and reduces the ships overall energy consumption.
The Fujian’s multifunctional integrated electronic mast is reportedly ahead of the Ford’s traditional configuration; the radar systems of the Chinese warship are more compact and subsumed, with reduced mutual interference between sensors.
The Minimalist design of the Fujians mast, made of grey composite material on the ‘island’ command center masks antennas and sensors.
The Fujian could have a more powerful radar than the Ford if the performance of its gallium nitride-equipped air search sensors lives up to expectations.
Two aircraft elevators on the starboard side of the Chinese ship, as opposed to the Ford’s three, offer more available deck space.
( 時事評論政治 )
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