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202405.習老大對俄羅斯普京下戰略指導棋(俄烏戰爭)謀和,Xi holds restrictive meeting with Putin at Zhongnanhai.
2024/05/17 13:39:21瀏覽276|回應1|推薦4


.Xi Jinping talks to Putin at night in Zhongnanhai to discuss how to resolve the Ukraine crisis..

Xi holds restrictive meeting with Putin at Zhongnanhai.

 Chinese President Xi Jinping held a restrictive meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday at Zhongnanhai in Beijing, during which they had in-depth exchanges on strategic issues of common concern.

The world is undergoing changes unseen in a century and entering a new period of turbulence and transformation, Xi noted, adding that in the face of the ever-evolving world landscape with volatility and turmoil, China has maintained its strategic resolve.

He said that under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the Chinese people have overcome various difficulties and challenges, and are striving to promote high-quality development and Chinese modernization.

China is willing to work with Russia and other countries to enhance solidarity and cooperation, steer global governance in the right direction, jointly safeguard international fairness and justice, and promote world peace and common development, Xi said.

Noting that Chinas development is unstoppable and that no force can contain Chinas growth and progress, Putin said that Russia is willing to improve cooperation with China and other Global South countries to promote international fairness and justice, and to work toward a more equal and multipolar world.

The two heads of state had an in-depth exchange of views on the Ukraine crisis.

Xi elaborated on Chinas consistent position and efforts to promote the political settlement of the Ukraine issue, stressing that to deal with any major issue, it is necessary to address both the symptoms and the root causes, and to plan for the present as well as for the long term.

He said the core of the Global Security Initiative is advocating the vision of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security, and the fundamental solution to the Ukraine issue is to promote the establishment of a new balanced, effective and sustainable security architecture.

Xi said China supports the convening of an international peace conference recognized by Russia and Ukraine at an appropriate time with equal participation and fair discussion of all options, so as to push for an early political settlement of the Ukraine issue, and China stands ready to continue to play a constructive role in this regard.

Putin introduced the relevant views and positions of Russia, saying that Russia appreciates Chinas objective, just and balanced position on the Ukraine issue and welcomes China to continue to play an important and constructive role in the political settlement of the issue. Russia is committed to resolving the Ukraine issue through political negotiations and is willing to demonstrate sincerity and maintain close communication with China in this regard, he said.

Xi said that over the years, they have had many meetings and every exchange has been candid, in-depth and fruitful.

"I am ready to stay in close contact with President Putin and work together to steer the development of China-Russia relations in the right direction, guide the China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination for the new era to achieve steady and lasting progress, bring more benefits to the two peoples, and contribute to world security and stability," Xi said.

Putin thanked Xi for his warm hospitality, saying that he is willing to maintain close communication with Xi, implement the important consensus reached between them, and ensure the full development of the Russia-China comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination for the new era.









5:俄羅斯同意西伯利亞遠東經濟特區的投資開發,由中國主導,農業,工業, 礦業等重大投資開發案,只須向俄羅斯政府報備即可執行,其中海篸葳港口重新開發建設項目,已於2023年底正式展開,從此以後中國的船舶可以利用此港運輸,加速國際貿易,促使中國東北地區的經濟產物活躍及部份的商品,藉由海篸葳港口對海外輸出增加東北地區的經濟成長.


7:傳聞俄羅斯提供核子動力航空母艦的反應爐技術,給予中國,蒲京向中國融資300億美元,建造2 艘.核子動力航空母艦,同時期傳聞中國正在建造2艘核子動力航空母艦,如果屬實則2030年,中國與俄羅斯將各自擁有2艘核子動力航空母艦.?

除此之外俄羅斯要購買4艘中國海軍055D.導向飛彈驅逐艦以及12 艘052D.導向飛彈驅逐艦,佈署於波羅的海艦隊及黑海艦隊,抵抗美國及歐盟的海軍?.

8:俄烏戰爭進行.2.年有餘,國際局勢變化莫測,此番中俄元首高峰會,中國業已 指出明確的解決方案,只要俄羅斯正確認真執行,則和平協議頂60天內搞定,至於美國及歐盟,屆時在中國外交政治的斡旋下,遲早同意停火和談..

9:國際戰略觀察家分析認為俄烏和談的地點在中國的西安,行進行至少3 回和的談判,包括戰後重建等重要議題,中國是中間調庭者也就是說見證人....




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red square 123
2024/05/18 13:48



red square 123(dff1baf6) 於 2024-05-18 13:49 回覆:

Putin and Xi no longer have a partnership of equals.

Vladimir Putin’s state visit to China this week was a show of strength. It was a chance for the Russian president to prove to the world that he has a powerful ally in his corner.

The Russian leader is widely regarded as a pariah after ordering the invasion of Ukraine. But to China’s President Xi Jinping, he is a key partner in seeking a new world order that is not led by the US.

And Mr Xi made his guest welcome. He rolled out the red carpet, the band played old Red Army songs, and cheering children greeted both leaders as they strolled through Tiananmen Square. There was even a brief hug for the cameras.

Russian and Chinese state media focused heavily on the camaraderie between the two leaders. But in truth, this is no longer a partnership of equals.

Mr Putin came to China cap in hand, eager for Beijing to continue trading with a heavily sanctioned and isolated Russia. His statements were filled with honeyed tones and flattering phrases.