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Tver oblast, Russia travel guide
2018/04/24 08:09:35瀏覽223|回應1|推薦2





Tver region history

According to archaeological excavations, the first permanent settlement on the territory of the present Tver region existed in the 9th-10th centuries. In the 1130s-1140s, during the struggle of Rostov-Suzdal princes against Novgorod the Great, on the site of the former, unfortified settlement, a new fortress was built - Tver. It was first mentioned in the chronicles in 1208.

As an independent state, the Tver principality was formed in the 1240s-1250s. This initially sparsely populated and relatively remote from the Horde region attracted numerous settlers. From the first decades of its existence, the Tver principality played an important role in the social and political life of the Russian lands.

In the 14th-15th centuries, Tver competed with Moscow for leadership in the unification of Russian lands. It was one of the main centers of handicraft production and international trade. An indicator of the breadth of foreign trade relations of the Tver principality was the famous trip of the Tver resident Afanasy Nikitin to India in 1466-1472.



Tver Oblast vector image

 特維爾州(俄語:Тверская область羅馬化Tverskaya oblast)是俄羅斯聯邦主體之一,屬中央聯邦管區。位於東歐平原中部,是伏爾加河第聶伯河西德維納河的源頭




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2018/04/24 12:39