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前納粹黨戰犯Oskar Groening96高齡去逝
2018/03/13 10:51:37瀏覽973|回應0|推薦3

'Book-keeper of Auschwitz' Oskar Groening unlikely to serve a single day behind bars due to ill health

Oskar Groening, 96, a self-confessed “enthusiastic Nazi”, finally faced justice 70 years after he spent his time counting out the money of those condemned to the gas chambers.

The former Auschwitz guard Oskar Groening - sentenced to four years in jail for assisting the murder of 300,000 Jews - is unlikely to serve a single day behind bars.


Groening, 94, a self-confessed “enthusiastic Nazi”, finally faced justice 70 years after he spent his time counting out the money of those condemned to the gas chambers.




Known as the Book-keeper of Auschwitz, he took cash and valuables from thousands as they arrived by train at the German death camp, sending it to the SS offices in .Berlin. 




人稱「奧斯威辛帳房」的前納粹黨衛隊(SS)幹部葛朗寧(Oskar Groening)9日在醫院過世,終年96歲。葛朗寧當年在奧斯威辛集中營擔任帳房,負責整理和計算火車載來猶太人身上的紙鈔,並把這些錢寄給柏林的上司。在集中營裡,這些猶太人不是被處決就是充當奴工。






 Flag of the Schutzstaffel.svgBundesarchiv Bild 183-H04436, Klagenfurt, Adolf Hitler, Ehrenkompanie.jpg

親衛隊(德語:Schutzstaffel,通稱「SS」,常以埃爾梅寧盧恩字母代表;是納粹德國阿道夫·希特勒與其所屬的納粹黨所領導的一支準軍事組織。親衛隊從納粹黨志願者組成的「會堂警備隊」(Saal-Schutz)開始,初期其負責維持該黨在慕尼黑舉行大會活動時的保安工作。1925年,海因里希·希姆萊加入該組織,同年通過重新整合而獨立出來成為直接隸屬於納粹黨部的組織,並最終將其重新起名為「親衛隊」,在希姆萊的領導下,親衛隊從一個小小的衛隊成長成為納粹德國最為龐大而顯赫的權利機構。自1929年至納粹政權瓦解的1945年期間,從1929年希姆萊正式掌控親衛隊到1945年第三帝國崩潰之間的17年中,親衛隊的職責從希特勒的私人護衛擴展到整個納粹帝國和其佔領下的歐洲各地German-occupied Europe的情報蒐集,監視,保安和恐怖行動。



 The Schutzstaffel (SS; also stylized as with Armanen runes; German pronunciation: [ˈʃʊtsˌʃtafl̩] (About this sound listen); literally "Protection Squadron") was a major paramilitary organization under Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party (NSDAP) in Nazi Germany, and later throughout German-occupied Europe during World War II. It began with a small guard unit known as the Saal-Schutz ("Hall Security") made up of NSDAP volunteers to provide security for party meetings in Munich. In 1925 Heinrich Himmler joined the unit, which had by then been reformed and given its final name. Under his direction (1929–45) it grew from a small paramilitary formation to one of the most powerful organizations in Nazi Germany. From 1929 until the regime's collapse in 1945, the SS was the foremost agency of security, surveillance, and terror within Germany and German-occupied Europe.






( 時事評論國際 )
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