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2017/05/20 06:55:21瀏覽923|回應0|推薦36
更新: 2017-05-20 1:06 AM 大紀元時報文學世界

翻過舊的一頁,翻開一頁新頁。那是日曆,是書冊,是簿本,是雜誌,是報紙……。 翻過舊的一頁,翻開一頁新頁,所翻的是一日日,一月月,一年年。所翻的是世事,是歷史。
且讓舊的過去,新的來臨!那是一種必然,像一股洶湧的浪潮,要擋也擋不住,要堵 也堵不了。

New Page Hsu ChiCheng

No matter it’s the rule of nature, or it’s the function of man-made, the old must be past, the new must be here.
We often turn past the old page, and open a new page.
Turn past the old page, open a new page. That is the calendar, the book, the note book, the paper…Turn past the old, open a new page, all we turn is the day, the month, the year. What we turn are the affairs of the world, the history.
New page, is new, is the baby one and one, all red, brings laugh with joy and hope to people, is the bud just sprout, will be grow and strengthen, luxuriant in the branch, bear fruits and ripen, have rich harvest, is a maiden land undeveloped, a new mineral spring, awaits for exploit, cultivate, dig out, play the role of the favourable geographical condition, the sun just raised, will raise slowly, bring to the world warmth and bright limitless…
Compares to the old page, the new page will more abundant, more reinforce, more exquisite, more flourishing, more beauty, better, opener, wider, more magnanimous, more stability…This is all what we hope at least.
May let the old pass, come the new! That’s a necessary, like the tide surging, can’t stop if you want to stop, can’t block if you want to block. Don’t worry, don’t fear, turn past the old bravely, open the new, open the new page of the history!@
( 創作詩詞 )
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