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East of the Sun West of the Moon~Billie Holiday /Sarah Vaughan
2011/08/09 00:48:34瀏覽158|回應0|推薦0

East of the sun and west of the moon
We'll build a dream house of love dear
Close to the sun in the day
Near to the moon at night
We'll live in a lovely way dear
Sharing our love in the pale moonlight
Just you and I, forever and a day
Love will not die; we'll keep it that way
Up among the stars we'll find a harmony of life to a lovely tune
East of the sun and west of the moon dear
East of the sun and west of the moon
East of the sun and west of the moon
We'll build a dream house of love dear
Close to the sun in the day
Near to the moon at night
We'll live in a lovely way dear
Sharing our love in the pale moonlight
Just you and I, forever and a day
Love will not die; we'll keep it that way
Up among the stars we'll find a harmony of life to a lovely tune
East of the sun and west of the moon dear
East of the sun and west of the moon
west of the moon

Sarah Vaughan Toronto 1981 East of the sun

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