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2020/03/14 06:06:57瀏覽153|回應0|推薦0
Iceland Bans Or Restricts These Religious Practices
  2020年 安德魯 · 霍爾

冰島是北大西洋的由維京人定居島國。發展上沒受歐美太多的影嚮。冰島的偏遠地理位置使其發展出一種獨特文化。 這種文化深深植根於世俗主義。 自美國總統唐納德 · 特朗普(Donald Trump)上台以來,冰島的回應是要保護其無神論文化。.
有一段時間,一些基督徒遊客的行為舉止很差勁。 他們沒有遵從本島社會世俗化文明。 一份政府報告劃出了典型的問題:
一個美國福音派旅行團在一個多神教的神龕裡到處亂扔反同性戀反演化論等漫畫小冊子ーー以漫畫書形式宣傳的短篇基督教福音派道德故事。 一個南方浸信會教徒家庭,通過基督教電視傳道者走私到這個國家。 根據《冰島心理防禦法》 ,他的家人和牧師立即被驅逐出境。 一位加爾文主義者在星巴克掀起了軒然大波,因為咖啡師把他點的咖啡的名字拼錯了——耶穌億萬富翁坎耶 · 韋斯特(一個支持美國總統川普的黑人歌星)。
Starbucks 星巴克咖啡館
Pagan sites 多神教遺址
Libraries 圖書館
Women health centers 婦女健康中心
Richard Dawkins Monument To Reason 無神論者理查 · 道金斯理性紀念碑
Hot water springs 溫泉
雖然有爭議,但 IDHA 法條做到了它的設計初衷。讓當地人對遊客的不滿減少得多。
2019年,冰島將美南浸信會列入恐怖組織名單。 此舉得到了強烈支持。
“什麼是恐怖主義? 利用恐懼來達到政治目的,”他解釋道。 “美國美南浸信會利用永久折磨的恐懼來幫助它實現反 同性戀者立法,支持持槍枝文化,支持廢除環保法規,試圖阻止大麻合法化,以及對非法工人的非人道待遇。 他們就是恐怖分子的定義。”
4.讀《聖經》已證實會導致美國總統唐納德 · 川普病症的爆發.
這個新的法令還要求每出售的聖經書都必須用塑料包裝。 這樣做的目的是防止小孩子拿起書會讀到詩篇這類的恐佈言語,比如詩篇137:9~拿你的嬰孩摔在磐石上的,那人便為有福!
冰島總理安德魯 · 卡納德簽署了Icelandic Psychological Defense Act (IPDA) 冰島心理防禦法(IPDA) 這樣一來,任何美國電視布道者進入都是違法的
我們冰島重視我們與美利堅合眾國的關係。這是一個有著驕傲歷史的偉大國家。 然而,目前,他們似乎停止了醫生為他們開的任何藥物。冰島希望派員去支持受困境的美國朋友。本著這種精神,我們將派遣教師去那裡教育和幫助那些被愚昧和迷信感染的美國農村社區。我們決不允許自己被美國電視布道者來宣揚無知和迷信。
:略查精神疾病的定義就會發現有些宗教可列在其中。 看看最近信宗教的。對於朋友和家人來說,這個可憐的靈魂顯然正遭受著情緒的困擾和功能的損傷。你曾到美國基督教的創世紀博物館參觀嗎? 如果那個地方不是精神分裂症患者常見的思維混亂的溫床,我真不知道什麼才是。 

Iceland Bans Or Restricts These Religious Practices

Iceland is a North Atlantic island country. Originally settled by Vikings, this nation was far enough away from Europe and North America to develop without too much interference. While Australia’s isolation was instrumental to the development of its unique fauna and flora, Iceland’s remoteness helped it develop a quirky culture. This quirky culture is firmly grounded in secularism. Since Donald Trump took office, Iceland responded by protecting its godless culture.

Here are some of the restrictions the government placed on religious extremism.

Christians Are Prohibited From Several Tourist Sites

For quite some time some Christian tourists behaved poorly. They did not adhere to the secular nature of the island’s society. A government report illustrated typical problems:

One tour group of American evangelicals littered a pagan shrine with Chick tracts — short evangelical morality stories told in a comic book format. A family of Southern Baptists smuggled in a Christian televangelist into the country. The family and the minister were deported immediately in accordance with the Icelandic Psychological Defense Act. One Calvinist created a stir at a Starbucks because the barista got the name wrong for his coffee order — Jesus Billionaire Kanye West .

In 2019 the country passed The Iceland Heritage Defense Act (IDHA).

The IDHA strictly prohibits Christians from entering the following locations:

  • Starbucks
  • Pagan sites
  • Libraries
  • Women health centers
  • Richard Dawkins Monument To Reason
  • Hot water springs

While controversial, the IDHA did what it was designed to do. Locals are far less irritated with visitors.

Southern Baptist Churches Are Considered Terrorist Organizations

In 2019 Iceland placed The Southern Baptist Convention on its list of terrorist organizations. There was strong support for the move.

A local representative explained the reason why Southern Baptists are, in fact, terrorists:

“What is terrorism? Using fear to achieve political goals,” he explained. “The Southern Baptist Convention uses the fear of eternal torment to help it achieve anti-LGBTQ legislation, a pro-gun culture, gutting pro-environment regulations, attempting to stop the legalization of marijuana, and inhumane treatment of undocumented workers in the United States. They are the very definition of terrorists.”

There Are Warning Labels On Bibles

In 2017, Iceland’s parliament chose to warn its citizens of the inherent dangers of taking the “Good Book” seriously.

These warnings include but are not limited to:

  • Taking the Bible literally can lead to irrational decision making.
  • Reading the Bible to young children is shown to cause nightmares and bedwetting.
  • The Bible contains God approved genocide, misogyny, and a serious lack of humor.
  • Reading the Bible has been shown to cause an outbreak of Donald Trump.
  • Reading the Book of Revelation is positively correlated with speaking in tongues and other psychotic events.
  • This new statute also demands that every Bible sold must be wrapped in plastic. The intent is to keep small children from picking up the book and reading verses like Psalm 137:9 Happy is the one who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks.

American Televangelists Aren’t Allowed

Icelandic Prime Minister Andrew Canard signed the Icelandic Psychological Defense Act (IPDA) and in doing so made it illegal for any American televangelist to set foot in the country.

At the time, Prime Minister Canard voiced what many of his constituents felt:

We in Iceland value our relationship with the United States of America. It is a great nation with a history they should be proud of. Currently, however, they seem to off whatever medication their doctor prescribed for them. Iceland wishes to support our friend in need. In that spirit, we are sending teachers over there to educate and assist rural communities infected with ignorance and superstition. What we will not do is allow ourselves to be invaded by that ignorance and superstition which is propagated by televangelists.

All Religions Are Considered Mental Disorders

In trying to undo centuries of damage done to humanity by religion, the government officially declared in 2020 all faiths to be psychologically maladaptive.

Iceland’s Prime Minister  gave a full-throated defense of why religion is a psychological disorder:

A cursory look at any of the common definitions of mental illness reveals that religion is, in fact, the most common malady of them all. Look at any recent convert. It’s plain to friends and family the poor soul in question is suffering from emotional disturbances and impaired functioning.

Have you been to the Creation Museum in the United States? If that place isn’t a hotbed for disordered thinking common to those inflicted with schizophrenia, I don’t know what is.

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