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拉丁流行舞曲團體〔封面女郎〕──抒情佳作──精緻的〔We Can't Go Wrong/我們不能犯錯〕
2009/08/14 17:38:08瀏覽46|回應0|推薦0


拉丁流行團體〔封面女郎〕──抒情佳作──精緻的〔We Cant Go Wrong


For so long, I kept these feelings for you locked up inside
And there were nights that I would cry myself to sleep and wonder why

Now I dont wanna tell you how to live
Dont wanna put the blame
But dont you think its time for you and I
To try to make a change

We cant go wrong
[Loving one another]
We cant go wrong
[Caring for each other]
We cant go wrong
If the love we have is real
We cant go wrong

There was a time when things were better than the way they are today
But we forgot the vows we made and love got lost along the way

Now I can tell just by the way you look at me that you feel the same
So dont you think its time for you and I to try to make a change

We cant go wrong
[Loving one another]
We cant go wrong
[Caring for each other]
We cant go wrong
If the love we have is real
We cant go wrong

We cant go wrong
[Loving one another]
We cant go wrong
[Caring for each other]
We cant go wrong
If the love we have is real
We cant go wrong

We cant go wrong
We cant go wrong
We cant go wrong
We cant go wrong
We cant go wrong
We cant go wrong
If the love we have is real

封面女郎(The Cover Girls是活躍於80年代末期/90年代初期的一個美國女子Latin Freestyle團體

由三個外表亮麗 身材窈窕的年輕女孩在1986年組成


1986年 封面女郎推出首張大碟〔Show Me

總共有5首單曲打入單曲榜Hot 100

1989年  她們發行第二張大碟〔We Can’t Go Wrong

首支單曲成績不錯 拿下美國榜#38


這是一首編曲華麗 精緻柔美的抒情佳作


結果登上美國榜#8 成為封面女郎最成功的單曲

湊巧的是 她們在92年時又以一首老歌新唱〔Wishing On A Star〕得到另一首Top10

We Can’t Go Wrong〕是我在接觸歐美流行樂早期聽到的歌曲 所以印象十分深刻

這是一首十分動聽的抒情佳作 推薦給各位




( 休閒生活音樂 )
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