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英國-澳洲歌壇天后[奧莉薇亞紐頓-強]─成人抒情曲─[Don't Cut Me Down/別丟下我]
2020/10/12 12:44:39瀏覽392|回應0|推薦11

英國/澳洲歌壇天后[奧莉薇亞.紐頓-強]──成人抒情曲──哀悼森林過度砍伐的[Dont Cut Me Down/別丟下我]




Im tall I need room to grow

I need the sun in my eyes

My home is the earth below

One day I know I will touch the sky

Dont cut me down

For I am innocent

Dont cut me down

For I am your friend

I sign when the four winds blow

I cry when the cool rains fall

I shine in the moonlights glow

I am a home for the great and small

Give me a year

A year another year

It take me time for new life to appear

Quicker than I can regrow

Give me a chance

I am the air you breathe

Imagine what life would be without me

I have been here

Longer than you have you know

Harvest the seeds you sow

Give me a year

A year another year

It take me time for new life to appear

Quicker than I can regrow

Give me a chance

I am the air you breathe

Imagine what life would be without me

I have been here

Longer than you have you know

Harvest the seeds you sow

Im tall I need room to grow

I need the sun in my eyes

My home is the earth below

One day I know I will touch the sky

For I will never mend

Dont cut me down

I am your friend



1992年 英國/澳洲籍歌壇巨星奧莉薇亞.紐-頓強(Olivia Newton-John)積極復出, 卻被診斷患有乳癌

在治療痊癒後, 熱心參與乳癌議題事務, 同時也影響她的音樂走向


1994年7月 將屆46歲的紐-頓強在澳大利亞Festival唱片旗下推出大碟[Gaia: One Womans Journey/蓋亞:一名女子的旅程]

當時奧莉薇亞與MCA唱片約滿, 這是她成名後首張非國際大公司出版的專輯

歌曲全由紐-頓強譜寫, 描述她對環境保育的興趣

並由她Murray Burns&Colin Bayley 製作, 樂評優異


首支正式主打[No Matter What You Do/不管你做什麼]登上澳大利亞單曲榜#45

第二主打為[Dont Cut Me Down/別丟下我], 歌詞哀悼舊世界的森林過度砍伐

此曲被製作成一首成人抒情曲, 旋律優美,並加入中國樂器二胡伴奏, 呈現出一股靜謐的聖潔感


[Dont Cut Me Down]並搭上紐-頓強參與演出的美國戲劇電影[Its My Party](1994), 訴說對AIDS病人的憐憫之情



[Gaia: One Womans Journey]登上澳大利亞專輯榜#7 是1981年[Physical](#3)後首張打進Top10的大碟

國際市場則由某些獨立場牌發行, 登上英國專輯榜#33


雖然進入1990年代後 紐-頓強的唱片銷售力已明顯下滑, 但音樂品質卻仍維持高水準












( 休閒生活音樂 )
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