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英國樂團[莎黛]──Trip Hop/放克/流行-靈魂樂──[Soldier of Love/愛的士兵]
2020/05/31 12:44:48瀏覽444|回應0|推薦10

英國樂團[莎黛]──Trip Hop/放克/流行-靈魂樂──[Soldier of Love/愛的士兵]




Ive lost the use of my heart

But Im still alive

Still looking for the life

The endless pool on the other side

Its a wild wild west

Im doing my best

Im at the borderline of my faith,

Im at the hinterland of my devotion

In the front line of this battle of mine

But Im still alive

Im a soldier of love.

Every day and night

Im a soldier of love

All the days of my life

Ive been torn up inside (oh!)

Ive been left behind (oh!)

So I ride

I have the will to survive

In the wild wild west,

Trying my hardest

Doing my best

To stay alive

I am loves soldier!

I wait for the sound

(oh oh)

I know that love will come (that love will come)

Turn it all around

Im a soldier of love (soldier of love)

Every day and night

Im a soldier of love

All the days of my life

I have lost but I dont doubt

So I ride, I have the will to survive

In the wild wild west,

Trying my hardest

Doing my best

To stay alive

I am loves soldier!

I wait for the sound

I know that love will come

I know that love will come

Turn it all around

Im a soldier of love

Im a soldier

Still wait for love to come

Turning all around

Still wiat for love to come

Turning all around

Still wait for love to come

Turning all around

Still wait for love to come

Turning all around

Still wait for love to come

Turning all around

Im a soldier of love

Im a soldier

Still wait for love to come

Turning all around

Still wait for love to come

Turning all around

Still wait for love to come

Turning all around

Still wait for love to come

Turning all around

Still wait for love to come




在休息多年後, 2010年2月, 由51歲Sade Adu領軍的英國樂團莎黛(Sade)推出睽違9年3個月的第六張大碟[Soldier of Love/愛的士兵]

由他們跟Mike Pela共同製作


商業表現相當成功,登上英國榜#4(2000年終#123) 賣出十餘萬張 拿到金唱片

美國反應更佳, 成為莎黛第一次空降Billboard專輯榜冠軍 首週銷售達50萬張 

這是他們事業第二張美國冠軍大碟, 距上張[Promises]已25年之久


至今賣出130餘萬張  拿到白金唱片 2000年度排行#14

法國冠軍(2白金/20萬張+) 德國亞軍(金唱片/10萬張+)





此曲由Sade Adu ,Andrew Hale ,Stuart Matthewman ,Paul Spencer Denman譜寫

被製作成一首融合Trip Hop, Funk,流行-靈魂樂的歌曲, 節拍清晰, 獲得好評

莎黛從1990年代起, 單曲表現便已下滑(雖然專輯仍舊暢銷), Soldier of Love]只拿到英國單曲榜#123




國際:荷蘭#9 比利時法語區#9(2010年終#89) 瑞典#23 瑞士#25 比利時荷語區#47 西班牙#48 加拿大#84


以大碟提名美國音樂獎-最佳靈魂/R&B女藝人, 最佳靈魂/R&B專輯










Live 2011





( 休閒生活音樂 )
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