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美國鄉村樂歌姬[蘿莉摩根]──鄉村流行曲──優美的[Dear Me/親愛的我]
2020/02/12 12:42:41瀏覽289|回應0|推薦11

美國鄉村樂歌姬[蘿莉摩根]──鄉村流行曲──優美的[Dear Me/親愛的我]



Dear me

Im writing this letter to try and tell myself

Its time for me to feel better

Dear me

How could I turn away when he needed me?

Now all thats left to say is, dear me

Oh, what have I done?

Oh, and dear me

Hes my only one

If he could see me now

Sitting here all alone

If he could read these words

Would he run back home?

Dear me

Dear me

Do you really mind?

Youre the friend

Who will take the time to hear me

Oh and all the plans we made

If hell take me back

Id do anything to make him stay

Oh dear me

Well start all over again

Oh, and dear me

I hope hell stay to the end

If he could see me now

Sitting here all alone

If he could read these words

Would he run back home?

Dear me

Dear me

Well start over again

Oh, and dear me

I hope hell stay to the end

If he could see me now

Sitting here all alone

If he read these words

Would he run back home?

Dear me

Dear me

You know I need him near me

You know I love him, dear me





1959年6月出生的美國鄉村樂歌姬蘿莉摩根(Lorrie Morgan)是鄉村歌手喬治摩根(George Morgan)的第五個孩子

1979年踏進美國歌壇, 陸續發行數首單曲, 但反應不佳

1988年, 29歲的蘿莉與RCA Nashville唱片簽約

1988年底推出在新東家的首支單曲[Trainwreck of Emotion/情感的失敗] 首度登上Billboard副榜-鄉村歌曲榜Top20


1989年2月, 摩根乘勝追擊, 發行第二單曲[Dear Me/親愛的我]

Carson WhitsettScott Mateer譜寫 Barry Beckett製作成一首鄉村流行曲, 在優美的鋼琴聲中, 蘿莉細細傾訴心聲

Dear Me]登上鄉村歌曲榜#9 成為其首支Top10



1989年5月11日,摩根(Lorrie Morgan)出版首張大碟[Leave the Light On, 走新傳統鄉村曲風 Barry Beckett總製作

收錄前兩首單曲, 成為專輯先發主打

可是在大碟發行前夕, 其結褵三年的第二任丈夫──鄉村歌手Keith Whitley卻在5月9日因酒精中毒去世

不過蘿莉仍忍痛繼續宣傳, 結果市場反應良好, 五首單曲全打入鄉村歌曲榜Top20, 其中四首Top10, 一首封后

Leave the Light On]登上美國Billboard專輯榜#117 副榜-鄉村榜#6

銷售突破100萬張, 拿到白金唱片, 奠定摩根歌壇紅星的地位








July 1989 Live



1990 MCN Awards


( 休閒生活音樂 )
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