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澳洲歌壇天后[蒂娜亞瑞娜]&英國歌手[露露]的交集─流行搖滾曲─[To Sir with Love]
2020/02/07 12:43:43瀏覽407|回應0|推薦12

澳大利亞歌壇巨星[蒂娜亞瑞娜]&英國歌手[露露]的交集──流行搖滾曲──[To Sir with Love


Those schoolgirl days

Of telling tales and biting nails are gone

But in my mind

I know that they will still live on and on

But how do you thank someone

Who has taken you from crayons to perfume

It isnt easy, but Ill try

If you wanted the sky, I would write across the sky in letters

That would soar a thousand feet high

To Sir, with love

The time has come

For closing books and long last looks must end

And as I leave

I know that I am leaving my best friend

A friend who taught me right from wrong

And weak from strong, thats a lot to learn

What, what can I give you in return

If you wanted the moon I would try to make a start

But I would rather you let me give my heart

To Sir, with love

If you wanted the world, Id surround it with a wall, Id scrawl

These words with letters ten feet tall

To Sir, with love



2007年12月 42歲的澳大利亞歌壇巨星蒂娜亞瑞娜(Tina Arena)推出第七張大碟[Songs of Love & Loss

距上張專輯[Just Me]已6年之久


邀來Duck Blackwell ,Paul Guardiani ,Paul Manners擔任製作人


原本蒂娜寫全部翻唱英國歌姬達絲蒂史賓絲菲爾(Dusty Springfield)的歌曲,

後來覺得會限制創意, 所以最後加入風格類似的傷心情歌

大碟主要在倫敦與義大利灌錄, Simon Hale指揮倫敦錄音室管弦樂團伴奏

後來亞瑞娜與EMI簽約, 唱片便交由它們出版

Songs of Love & Loss]登上澳大利亞專輯榜#3 賣出7萬張以上, 取得白金唱片


並提名2008年 ARIA 音樂獎的最高銷售專輯

(另取得法國榜#31 比利時(法語區)#35)


大碟唯一單曲為[To Sir with Love

這是翻唱英國名歌手露露(Lulu)的金曲(UK#11, US#1

此曲由Don Black 譜寫, Mark London作曲

被改編成一首流行搖滾曲風, 蒂娜以白人靈唱腔來演繹

To Sir with Love]登上澳大利亞單曲榜#62

Songs of Love & Loss]廣受好評 加上銷售良好





Dancing with The Stars, Australia 6 Nov 2007



Tina Arena Live - To Sir With Lo..Je Mapelle..Medley







( 休閒生活音樂 )
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