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2007/03/16 12:12:25瀏覽4757|回應33|推薦111


想當年我也是文藝青年一名呢!雖然從來沒有夢想過要像納博可夫一樣,(Nabokov,Lolita 作者。他的母語是俄文,卻以英文寫作成名,為當代重要小說家之ㄧ)心裡那把想成為作家的,微渺的火焰,至今還沒有完全熄滅。加上每當美國人稱讚我的英文說得不錯,(只有我的教授和我知道,寫得不怎麼樣)內心深處的羞愧便在午夜夢迴時浮上心頭。好吧,就趁這個機會,看看自己到底有沒有這個能耐。於是,即使沒有三兩三,我還是很勇敢地上了梁山,到我家附近的New School(就是陳文茜姊姊念了很多年博士班的那間學校)和一堆懷有作家夢的,土生土長的美國同學一起上了一學期的散文創作課。




My French Class in Kyoto

I was a graduate student in the sociology Department of Kyoto University from 199X to 199X. In my first year in Japan I was overwhelmed by studying western sociological theories translated into Japanese and dealing with the culture shock of daily life as a foreigner. After I found a place for myself in Japanese society, I started to learn to live for myself. From my very first days studying at Kyoto University, I was attracted to the French cultural institute that was just across the street from campus. There were always interesting events like movies or parties going on at the institute. Teachers and students there always seemed to talk and laugh louder than others. Their laughter held such an allure for me as I made my way back and forth to sociology classes that I finally decided to take a French class myself.

I started French 101 in the spring semester. We met three times a week for a two-hour session. Our teacher was a French gentleman in his mid-forties. He had been living in Kyoto for more than ten years with his Japanese wife and their daughter. All of my classmates were Japanese and most of them were university students. So I started to learn French with a bunch of Japanese students while I struggled through weird Japanese translations of western sociology terminology. Our French textbook was printed on beautiful glossy paper and had many colorful illustrations. The textbook alone immediately made the class much more enjoyable than my others. We were like babies, learning a language from the beginning or parrots, trying to mimic each sentence, twisting our tongues to make the strange sounds before we had a chance to grasp the meaning. But it was all fun.

Sometimes our teacher would bring a loaf of bread, cheese and a bottle of nice wine when we were having a lesson about French food. Everybody enjoyed the food and wine more than the lesson. After we learned more grammar and vocabulary, we started to watch some simple French TV shows and even wrote a short play that we performed in class. Pretty soon I found that I stood out among my classmates, not because I wasn’t Japanese, but because I wasn’t as reserved as they were. In general, my fellow Japanese students studied hard but when our teacher asked questions they were all too shy to raise their hands. I was the only one who broke the ice. No matter if I used the correct tense or matched the male or female subject to the verb, I tried. I never minded making mistakes. I believe that’s the only way to fluently speak a foreign language. In the beginning, even after I replied, my classmates were still quiet. But, after a couple of months, some of them started to raise their hands or at least answer the questions when the teacher asked them directly.

At about the same time, some of us started to hang out after class. We would watch movies, and go to museums and restaurants together. I even made a very good friend, Megumi. After class we often went to a video store, looked through the movies, discussed our favorites and later had dinner together. I made much more progress in Japanese because I chatted with Megumi. Every hour in French class was like a happy hour away from school. Even the air in the French classroom smelled more liberal!

At the end of two full years of French classes, in the winter of 199X, my scholarship ended and I finished my school. It's time to go back to Taiwan. My French class decided to throw a party. I can’t remember if it was a party to greet the spring or a farewell party for me. Anyway it was the first and only time that everyone in the class went to a restaurant and a Karaoke bar together. Our teacher was in a good mood. As he drank warm sake from a little white bottle, he chatted about his life in France and Japan. Everyone was happy and a little exhilarated. Out on the street, after we left the Karaoke place, my classmates took a lot of pictures of one another and our teacher in a photo booth. The pictures then developed on the back of tiny stickers and we immediately traded them with each other.

Finally it was time to say good-bye. I heard everybody saying “Au Revoir.” Then it was my turn to say good-bye to our teacher. He said, “Au Revoir, Elaine. Soigne-toi Bien.”(Take care yourself.) Then he hugged me, kissed on my right cheek, then my left cheek, then right, then left…He kissed me eight times. I’ve always known that when the French say good bye they kiss both cheeks but I never knew they kissed each cheek four times!

After I went back to Taiwan the teacher and I wrote to each other in English for a while but then we naturally stopped. Now I don’t even remember his name. And yet the memories of my French class with curious Japanese classmates, and a “French Kiss” that ended the winter still remain.


這篇散文後來從老師那裡得到的評語是" Very sweet " 。本來想過,貼在這裡的時候,要把它翻成中文。但是我不知道,自己翻譯完以後,會不會覺得很羞愧,原來這篇散文用自己的母語讀起來,只是一篇平凡沒有韻味的小東西?城邦這裡有很多居住海外,中文文采過人、英文也很好的網友,不妨保留原文,可以聽聽大家對我英文及中文文筆的意見。



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English essey
2010/09/29 05:53
The essey is more about "an experience" than "kiss". Although at the end, there finally comes out the long awaited "French Kiss", it is not really relevant to the major content of the essey.
Also, in English essey, you want to layout the topic at the very beginning of each paragraph, then elaborate. Just take the first paragraph of this reply as an example. I told you my opinion about the essey first. ( The essey is more about "an experience" than "kiss".)
Then I went ahead and elaborate. (
Although at the end, there finally comes out the long awaited "French Kiss", it is not really relevant to the major content of the essey.)
You can note the same pattern in my second paragraph.
Of course, there can be varations after you master the fundamentals.
LINGNY(yuehlingchu) 於 2010-09-29 07:58 回覆:
這門課是creative writing class 不是正規論文或學術文章的寫作課
我在大學和研究所時修過幾年英文寫作 你說的破題寫作是正式申論和學術文章的規範 新聞寫作也是如此 我作過幾年文字記者 新聞報導也需要把重點或者主旨擺在第一段

不過 這門課並不是這樣的寫作課 任何文章只要不要寫成虛構小說 都可以當作作業提出 不一定都要採用上述文類的破題法 此外 教授對於內容是天馬行空 只要故事和他的大題目有關都可以自由發揮 只要故事裡出現kiss都可以 不一定整篇重點都必須圍繞著kiss 而且 我的題目是 My French Class in Kyoto(我在京都上的法文課)
基於教授當初給我們取材的自由度和我下的題目 我想我並未離題

這是個寫個人在異國體會文化差異和建立友誼的小故事 所以我不可能在文章一開始就寫老師的法國式親面頰 這會破壞我想塑造故事發展的氛圍

2007/09/20 12:22
我的英文畢業後都還給老師了呵     呵
LINGNY(yuehlingchu) 於 2007-09-21 08:56 回覆:
如果有興趣當嗜好 再把它撿回來也可!

2007/07/05 14:37



LINGNY(yuehlingchu) 於 2007-07-14 12:21 回覆:
LINGNY(yuehlingchu) 於 2007-07-14 12:20 回覆:

2007/06/05 01:06
莫大大早已推薦過本文啦! 又說現在才看........

算了 當你是說英文部份好了....
以禮相待 , 直言無諱

2007/06/04 12:22
不好意思,這兩天 沒怎麼上網,以致漏掉這麼要緊的文章

內人告訴我,你的那篇文章世界週刊改名登出來了,我沒到看報紙,內人是在岳父家看到了(今天本來想買世界日報的,但上freeway 前去一雜貨店要買,竟然賣完了,相信網路上應有吧,會去查看

2007/04/14 12:36
ylinny 好謙遜喔,在不懂英文的我看來根本就是厲害角色嘛!最song的就是英文比外國人還強,song!song!(爽)

2007/04/10 05:02


如果妳願意, 不妨試試:

1. 找出那些地方妳不應該用定觀詞"the"而不巧妳用上了。

2. 找出來那些地方妳的句子沒有"leading subject" - 尤其是稍微長一些的句子。而那些長句子裏又出現dangling modifiers? (就是用一個片語去形容前面的子句, 但片語本身不是很明確。)

3. 是不是有些地方時態不太一致?

4. This is a challenge: 可不可以把一些較短的句子結合成文法精確, 用辭簡練的複合句(compond sentences)

我還記得當年我讀研究所的第一學期, 我是班上唯一把papers拿去writing center請人改的學生。第二學期我修另一門課, 也是同樣的老師教。她說, "Andrew is the only one useing Writing Center's services, whereas many of you need to do the same.  I strongly advise some of you to check with Andrew for details." 這話讓我得了不少安慰... 後來我不去Writing Center, papers還是可以拿A。想起來15 年前的往事又歷歷在目, 也很感激那位非常tough的教授。

2007/04/07 14:42

謝謝妳的建議 現在頭像是用微軟軟體弄的 剛把電腦換成麥金塔 摸熟後試試看新照片效果


是的 文字語言是人類發明中最美的一項 是科學 也是藝術
不上城邦 我也不知道世界各地有這麼多 文字 攝影 寫作這麼傑出的同胞 在此分享生命經驗

2007/04/06 19:06





Happy writing
2007/04/06 16:17
妳的"My French Class in Kyoto"令B憶起在舊金山及布魯塞爾學英、法文的快樂時光. 多學一種語言猶如多開一扇窗, 這世界的奇妙即使是同樣的事物, 用不同語言形容總會給人迴異的情境. 這種奧祕的感覺就是學習語言最迷人的地方. 

散居全世界的華人漸次累聚於UDN, 能享受這樣多彩多姿的園地真令人愉快!
旅人世界 & B's 心眼 -
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