再一次騎上了六年前騎的車... I ride on the bike which I used to rode on six years ago...
感觸很多... I have a lot of emotions in my heart...
往事歷歷在目... I memorized many bygones...
閃亮的車身訴說著我們輝煌的過去... The shining bike remains the glorious life we shared together...
我勉勵自己要振作... I encourage myself to brace up...
儘管現在落魄... Although, I am jobless and listless...
總一天我一定要扭轉我的青春... I trust I will turn back my youth...
我會為故事寫下輝煌的句點... I will write down a glorious period for my story... (感謝正吉友情贊助整理我的戰車)