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Fall 2014 Morning W1-1
2014/11/15 19:47:17瀏覽167|回應0|推薦0

WEEK 1 — DAY 1

Morning Nourishment

Eph. 1:4-5 Even as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world to be holy and without blemish before Him in love, predestinating us unto sonship through Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will.

Eph. 1:10 Unto the economy of the fullness of the times, to head up all things in Christ, the things in the heavens and the things on the earth,in Him.

  There are three main items concerning the church in the economy of God.The first is that the church might have the sonship and that God might be expressed through this sonship. Ephesians 1:5 says that God predestinated us unto sonship. What does this word sonship mean, and what does it include? Briefly, it means the birth, plus the growth, plus the birthright. First of all, we must be born of God. By this divine birth we become the sons of God because we have the life of God. This is the very beginning of God's mingling with us.But it is only through the growth of this life that we can enjoy the birthright.Birth is one thing, but the birthright is quite another. Esau and Jacob both had the same birth, but only one obtained the birthright. Esau had the life of the son, but he did not have the sonship because the sonship includes both the birth and the birthright. We may have the birth but not the birthright. In Romans 8:14-17, there is a real difference made between the children and the heirs. The children are the ones who have only the birth, but the heirs have not only the birth but also the birthright. First of all, we must become the children of God; then through growth we will become the heirs. We may be a child without the birthright and therefore not have the full sonship. (God's Purpose for the Church, pp. 5-6)

Today's Reading

  The first item of God's purpose for the church [is] to express Himself through many matured sons....The second item of the purpose of God for the church is to deal with His enemy. In chapter 1 of Ephesians there is the positive side of God's purpose for the sonship; and in chapter 3 there is the negative side against the enemy, that the enemy may be subdued and come to know God's multifarious wisdom. God is not sorry that there is such an evil one as Satan, because without such a one, God's multifarious wisdom could not be manifested. It is through all the troubles originating from Satan that God has a chance to show forth His wisdom. Suppose you have a car,and this car never gives you any trouble. If this is the case, no one could know how wise you are. A car without problems would not demonstrate your wisdom. But if you have a car that needs wisdom to handle, your wisdom will be brought to light, and all your passengers will marvel. It is a problem car, but what a wonderful driver! The whole universe has been damaged by Satan, but God needs such a one in order that His wisdom might be shown.

  The church was predestinated to the sonship of God, and it was also purposed to subdue the enemy. The church is built up by the sonship, and through the building up of the church, the enemy is subdued and God's wisdom is displayed. There is a real order here. The more life we have, the more built up we will become as a display to Satan. This is a real challenge to the enemy, a shame to him, and a glory to God.

  The third main aspect of the church in God's economy is the heading up of all things in Christ. We have seen that the first item of the sonship is for the church positively. The second item is that the church might make known to the rulers and the authorities the multifarious wisdom of God,in defeating the enemy negatively. Now the third item is the heading up of all things in Christ universally. The church has to have the sonship, Satan has to be subdued and cast out, and the whole creation has to be brought into the proper order and oneness. (God's Purpose for the Church, pp. 12-15, 20)

Further Reading: God's Purpose for the Church

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