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第六週■週二 晨興餧養 彼後一3『神的神能,藉着我們充分認識那用祂自己的榮耀和美德呼召我們的,已將一切關於生命和敬虔的事賜給我們。』 林後十二9『祂對我說,我的恩典彀你用的,因爲我的能力,是在人的輭弱上顯得完全。所以我極其喜歡誇我的輭弱,好叫基督的能力覆庇我。』 彼得…說,神已用祂自己的榮耀和美德呼召我們。…神知道我們需要保證、鼓勵和力量,所以將又寶貴又極大的應許賜給我們。這些應許中的一個例子,是主在林後十二章九節對保羅所說的話。…這應許賜給保羅,使他能忍受肉體上的刺。要忍受『刺』,我們需要主彀用的恩典。這是個例子,說明一個事實,就是我們需要許多應許,幫助我們達到神的榮耀和美德之目標。 我們無法憑自己達到神的榮耀和美德這高超的目標。爲此,我們需要主。因爲我們不知道前途如何,神就將寶貴的應許賜給我們。(彼得後書生命讀經,四八至四九頁。) 信息選讀 神將又寶貴又極大的應許賜給我們,是爲着一個特別的目的。祂的目的是要我們藉着這些應許,得有分於神的性情。藉着又寶貴又極大的應許,我們在基督裏的信徒,在與祂生機的聯結裏,得有分於神的性情。在行傳二、三章,彼得和其他門徒必定有分於神的性情;難怪別人看門徒,就看見神的彰顯。因爲門徒享受神並有分於神,他們就被神構成。 這也該是我們今天的經歷。我們若享受神並有分於祂,我們就會被祂構成。當然,我們絕不會在達到神格或成爲敬拜的對象這意義上成爲神。然而,我們可以透徹的被神的性情構成。 我們都在肉身一面被我們所喫的食物構成。…同樣,我們也許被神構成,以致在我們一切的所是所作上彰顯神。我們甚至可能發出神聖的香氣。我們若天天有分於神,至終就會不知不覺的有分於祂。別人接觸我們,就會在我們身上看見三一神的彰顯。 我的願望是在主恢復裏的眾聖徒,都完全被神的性情浸透。我們越被神浸透,就越彰顯祂。 有分於神的性情,就是有分於神之所是的元素、成分。我們有分於神,神所是的各方面就成爲我們的享受。我們有分於祂的公義、聖別、恩慈、愛、憐恤,這就是享受神性情的構成成分。神將又寶貴又極大的應許賜給我們,目的是我們得有分於神的性情。 彼後一章四節說到有分於神的性情的條件:『旣逃離世上從情慾來的敗壞。』我們越逃離這敗壞,就越享受神的性情。同樣,我們越有分於神的性情,就越逃離世上從情慾來的敗壞。這是個循環。…我能見證,因爲這有分和逃離的循環在我裏面有力、快速的作工,我就很難接受任何世界的敗壞。我有分於神的性情,這神的性情加強我,使我遠離敗壞。然後我越遠離世界的敗壞,就越享受神性情的豐富。這是對神經綸的經歷。一至四節實際上就是我們對神經綸的享受一幅完全的圖畫。(彼得後書生命讀經,五一至五二頁。) 參讀:彼得後書生命讀經,第五篇。 WEEK 6 — DAY 2 Morning Nourishment 2 Pet. 1:3 Seeing that His divine power has granted to us all things which relate to life and godliness, through the full knowledge of Him who has called us by His own glory and virtue. 2 Cor. 12:9 …My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is perfected in weakness. Most gladly therefore I will rather boast in my weaknesses that the power of Christ might tabernacle over me. Peter…says that God has called us by His own glory and virtue… Knowing our need for assurance, encouragement, and strength, God has given us precious and exceedingly great promises. An example of these promises is the Lord’s word to Paul in 2 Corinthians 12:9…This promise was given to Paul to enable him to suffer the thorn in the flesh. In order to bear with a “thorn,” we need the Lord’s sufficient grace. This is an We cannot reach the high goal of God’s glory and virtue by ourselves. For this, we need the Lord. Because we do not know what lies ahead of us, God has given us precious promises. (Life-study of 2 Peter, pp. 40-41) Today’s Reading God has granted to us precious and exceedingly great promises for a specific purpose. His purpose is that through these promises we may become partakers of the divine nature [2 Pet. 1:4]. Through the precious and exceedingly great promises, we, the believers in Christ, have become partakers of His divine nature in an organic union with Him. In Acts 2 and 3 Peter and the other disciples surely were partaking of the divine nature. It is no wonder then that when others looked at the disciples, they saw the expression of God. Because the disciples enjoyed God and partook of God, they were constituted of God. This should also be our experience today. If we enjoy God and partake of Him, we will be constituted of Him. Of course, we will never become God in the sense of attaining to the Godhead or becoming an object of worship. However, we may be thoroughly constituted of God’s nature. We all are constituted physically of the food we eat…In like manner, we may become so constituted of God that we express God in all that we are and do. We may even give off a divine fragrance. If we partake of God day by day, eventually, we will partake of Him unconsciously. When others contact us, they will see in us the expression of the Triune God. My desire is that all the saints in the Lord’s recovery would be fully saturated with the nature of God. The more we are saturated with God, the more we will express Him. To be a partaker of the divine nature is to be a partaker of the elements, the ingredients, of God’s being. When we partake of God, the aspects of what God is become our enjoyment. We partake of His righteousness, holiness, kindness, love, and compassion. This is to enjoy the constituents of the divine nature. God’s purpose in giving us the precious and exceedingly great promises is that we may become partakers of the divine nature. In 2 Peter 1:4 there is a condition for becoming partakers of the divine nature: it is “having escaped the corruption which is in the world by lust.” The more we escape this corruption, the more we will enjoy the nature of God. Likewise, the more we partake of the divine nature, the more we will escape the corruption that is in the world by lust. This is a cycle…I can testify that because this cycle of partaking and escaping works within me in a strong, rapid way, it is difficult for me to take in any of the corruption of the world. I partake of the divine nature, and this divine nature strengthens me to stay away from corruption. Then the more I stay away from the corruption of the world, the Further Reading: Life-study of 2 Peter, msg. 5 |
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