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第一週■週五 晨興餧養 彼後三15 ~ 16『並且要以我們主的恆忍爲得救的機會,就像我們所親愛的弟兄保羅,照着所賜給他的智慧,也寫了信給你們;他在一切的信上也都是講論這些事;信中有些是難以明白的,那無學識不堅固的人曲解,如曲解其餘的經書一樣,就自取毀壞。』 〔彼得前書〕的心臟乃是三一神的工作,爲要完成祂的三重救恩,包括了重生、救贖和實施。我們藉着重生已經成爲神的兒女,如今就需要從祂的話得餧養,爲要長大以致完全得救。這樣,我們就會被變化,爲要建造在一起,好給神一個居所,並成爲祂的彰顯。爲着這個目的,全般恩典的神要成全我們,堅固我們,加強我們,給我們立定根基。(猶大書生命讀經,五○頁。) 信息選讀 我所關切的是,〔彼得前後書和猶大書〕中所說種種不同的事會把聖徒從這個基本結構岔開。我不是說,我們不該留意這些事。…這個基本結構就是三一神在工作,要完成三重的救恩,使我們得重生,從祂的話得餧養,並且長大、變化、建造,叫祂能得着一個居所,我們也能彰顯祂。 這個基本思想在保羅的書信中也能看到。因這緣故,彼得說,『就像我們所親愛的弟兄保羅,照着所賜給他的智慧,也寫了信給你們;他在一切的信上也都是講論這些事。』(彼後三15 ~ 16。)保羅也啓示我們能從主得餧養並且長大,爲要被建造成爲屬靈的殿,使神能得着團體的彰顯。所以,這兩位使徒都傳講同樣的事,但措辭多少有點不同。彼得和保羅都有同樣的中心。我盼望我們…沒有一人從新約所啓示使徒職事的中心點和基本結構岔開。(猶大書生命讀經,五一頁。) 保羅在他的著作中也說到『這些事』,(只是沒有說到新天新地,)因此,彼得題到保羅的著作以加強自己的著作,特別是關於神對信徒行政和管教的審判。…這種推薦是何等美麗、超絕!雖然哥林多人照自己分門別類的喜好,想要把彼得和保羅分開,(林前一11 ~ 12,)彼得卻推薦保羅,說保羅和他一樣,教導『這些事』;又說保羅的著作不該被曲解,乃該被重看,和其餘的經書一樣,該得着與舊約同樣的尊重。他這樣推薦保羅不是一件小事,因爲在新約信仰上曾被保羅當面責備的,就是他。(加二11 ~ 21。)這指明彼得放膽承認,早期的使徒如約翰、保羅和他自己,雖然風格、辭句、發表、見地的角度、教訓的陳明,各不相同,但他們都有分於同樣惟一的職事,就是新約的職事;(林後三8 ~ 9,四1;)這樣一個職事的中心點,乃是將包羅萬有的基督這三一神的具體化身供應給人;這三一神經過了成肉體、過人生、釘十架、復活、升天等過程後,藉着基督的救贖並憑着聖靈的運行,把祂自己分賜給祂的贖民,作他們惟一的生命之分,並生命的供應和一切,好照着父永遠的定旨,建造召會作基督的身體,總結於三一神完滿的彰顯,就是三一神的豐滿。(彼得後書生命讀經,一三六至一三七頁。) 參讀:彼得後書生命讀經,第十三篇。 WEEK 1 — DAY 5 Morning Nourishment 2 Pet. 3:15-16 And count the long-suffering of our Lord to be salvation, even as also our beloved brother Paul, according to the wisdom given to him, wrote to you, as also in all his letters, speaking in them concerning these things, in which some things are hard to understand, which the unlearned and unstable twist, as also the rest of the Scriptures, to their own destruction. The heart of 1 Peter is the operation of the Triune God to carry out His threefold salvation, which includes regeneration, redemption, and application. We have become God’s children through regeneration, and now we need to feed on His word in order to grow unto full salvation. Then we will be transformed in order to be built together to provide God a dwelling place and to be His expression. For this purpose, the God of all grace will perfect, establish, strengthen, and ground us. (Life-study of Jude, p. 40) Today’s Reading My concern is that the saints may be distracted from this basic structure by the various matters covered in 1 and 2 Peter and Jude. I am not saying that we should not pay attention to these matters…This basic structure is the Triune God operating to accomplish a threefold salvation so that we may be regenerated, that we may feed on His word, and that we may grow, be transformed, and be built up in order that He may have a dwelling place and that we may express Him. This basic thought can also be seen in the Epistles of Paul. For this reason Peter says, “Even as also our beloved brother Paul, according to the wisdom given to him, wrote to you, as also in all his letters, speaking in them concerning these things” (2 Pet. 3:15-16). Paul also reveals that we may feed on the Lord and grow in order to be built up into a spiritual house so that God may have a corporate expression. Therefore, these two apostles ministered the same thing, but with somewhat different terminology. Both Peter and Paul had the same focus. I hope that none of us…will be distracted from the central focus and the basic structure of the apostles’ ministry revealed in the New Testament. (Lifestudy of Jude, pp. 40-41) Paul in his writings also spoke concerning “these things” (except for the new heavens and new earth). Hence, Peter referred to Paul’s writings to strengthen his own writings, especially concerning God’s governmental and disciplinary judgment upon the believers…What beauty and excellency are in this commendation! Although the Corinthians attempted to divide Peter and Paul according to their own divisive preference (1 Cor. 1:11-12), Peter commended Paul, saying that both of them taught the same things, “these things,” and that Paul’s writings should not be twisted but should be regarded like “the rest of the Scriptures” and should receive the same respect as the Old Testament. For Peter to make such a commendation was not a small thing, for it was he who was rebuked to his face by Paul regarding the New Testament faith (Gal. 2:11-21). This indicates that Peter was bold in admitting that the early apostles, such as John, Paul, and himself, although their style, terminology, utterance, certain aspects of their views, and the way they presented their teachings differed, participated in the same unique ministry, the ministry of the New Testament (2 Cor. 3:8-9; 4:1). Such a ministry ministers to people, as its focus, the all-inclusive Christ as the embodiment of the Triune God, who, after passing through the process of incarnation, human living, crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension, dispenses Himself through the redemption of Christ and by the operation of the Holy Spirit into His redeemed people as their unique portion of life and as their life supply and everything, for the building up of the church as the Body of Christ, which will consummate in the full expression, the fullness, of the Triune God, according to the eternal purpose of the Father. (Life-study of 2 Peter, pp. 114-115) Further Reading: Life-study of 2 Peter, msg. 13 |
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