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彼前二4 ~ 5『你們來到祂這爲人所棄絕,卻爲神所揀選所寶貴的活石跟前,也就像活石,被建造成爲屬靈的殿,成爲聖別的祭司體系,藉着耶穌基督獻上神所悅納的屬靈祭物。』

雖然彼得前後書的主題是神的行政,特別是祂在審判上所顯示的行政,但這不是這兩卷書的中心焦點。神聖的行政也不是彼得書信的基本結構。這些書信的中心焦點是甚麼?基本結構是甚麼?…實際上,彼得前書只有一章半在生命上是要緊的。〔一1 ~二10。〕…此外,我們也需要把彼得在五章十節的話看爲重要的。彼得在這一節說,『但那全般恩典的神,就是那曾在基督耶穌裏召你們進入祂永遠榮耀的,等你們暫受苦難之後,必要親自成全你們,堅固你們,加強你們,給你們立定根基。』…在彼得後書裏,一章上半和末了一章最後一節在生命上是要緊的。在彼得前後書這些要緊的部分裏,有這些書信的中心焦點。(猶大書生命讀經,四七至四八頁。)









WEEK 1 — DAY 3

Morning Nourishment

1 Pet. 2:4-5 Coming to Him, a living stone, rejected by men but with God chosen and precious, you yourselves also, as living stones, are being built up as a spiritual house into a holy priesthood to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.

Although the subject of 1 and 2 Peter is God’s government, especially His government shown in His judgment, this is not the central focus of these books. Neither is the divine government the basic structure of the Epistles of Peter. What is the focus of these Epistles? What is their basic structure? In 1 Peter actually only one and a half chapters are crucial in relation to life [1:1—2:11]… In addition, we need to regard Peter’s word in 5:10 as crucial. In this verse Peter says, “The God of all grace, He who has called you into His eternal glory in Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a little while, will Himself perfect, establish, strengthen, and ground you.”…In [2 Peter] the first half of the first chapter and the last verse of the last chapter are crucial in relation to life. In these vital portions of 1 and 2 Peter we have the central focus of these Epistles.
(Life-study of Jude, p. 38)

Today’s Reading

In chapter 1 of 1 Peter we see the operation of the Triune God for His full salvation. In verse 2 we see the foreknowledge of God the Father, the sanctification of the Spirit, and the sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ. This verse reveals the Father’s foreknowledge, the Son’s redemption, and the Spirit’s application. This is the operation of the Triune God to carry out God’s full salvation. In verse 3 Peter says that the Father has regenerated us unto a living hope. The full salvation of God is composed of three elements: the Father’s regeneration, the Son’s redemption, and the Spirit’s application. When we experience this salvation, we have a life that is characterized by holiness and love. We are holy in our manner of life, and we love the brothers. Therefore, holiness and love are the issue of God’s full salvation. Furthermore, in this salvation there is a seed, the incorruptible seed, which is the living and abiding word of God. This is a simple sketch of chapter 1 of 1 Peter.

Let us now go on to consider 1 Peter 2:1-11. Having been regenerated, we are now newborn babes longing for the guileless milk of the word in order that by it we may grow unto salvation (v. 2). In chapter 1 we see that we have been regenerated and that the full salvation of God is our portion. Now we need to partake of and enjoy this salvation. For this, we need to feed on the milk of the word.

By feeding on the guileless milk of the word and by growing unto salvation, we will be transformed into precious stones. Therefore, Peter refers to the believers as living stones (v. 5). These stones are for the building up of a spiritual house, and this house is a holy priesthood: “You yourselves also, as living stones, are being built up as a spiritual house into a holy priesthood to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ” (v. 5). On the one hand, this spiritual house is God’s dwelling place; on the other hand, it is something that tells forth the virtues of God, that expresses what God is.

This spiritual house, of course, is a corporate matter. We are being built up together in a corporate way to afford God a dwelling place and to tell out God’s virtues, that is, to express Him.

In these two portions of 1 Peter, including 5:10, we have the central focus of this book. We need to be fully captured by this focus. Then we will not be in danger of being distracted from this focus as we pay attention to the other matters in this book.

We may compare the central focus of 1 Peter to the heart in the human body. We should not take care of the other members of the body at the cost of damaging our heart. We may lose a toe, an arm, or a leg and still live. But we cannot live without a heart. In a similar way, we need to care for the “heart,” the central focus, of 1 Peter. (Life-study of Jude, pp. 38-40)

Further Reading: Life-study of Jude, msgs. 4—5; CWWL, 1988, vol. 1, “Living in and with the Divine Trinity,” chs. 4, 6

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