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約六33 因為神的糧,就是那從天上降下來賜生命給世人的。

     35 耶穌對他們說,我就是生命的糧,到我這裏來的,必永遠不餓








WEEK 7 — DAY 1

Morning Nourishment

John 6:33 For the bread of God is He who comes down out of heaven and gives life to the world.

          35 Jesus said to them, I am the bread of life; he who comes to Me shall by no means hunger…

If we read John 6 carefully, we should have a deep impression of this chapter…First, the Lord is the bread of life (vv. 35, 48). Second, the Lord gives this bread of life, His flesh, for man to eat (v. 51). Third, the Lord also gives His blood for man to drink (v. 53). When the Lord spoke of flesh and blood, it was with the Jewish Passover as the background. During this feast every family killed a lamb, ate its flesh, and applied its blood. Just as the lamb had to die, the Lord Jesus also had to die. Fourth, He not only died but also resurrected (v. 56). The resurrected Lord will enter into whoever eats His flesh and drinks His blood to be joined and mingled with him as one. Fifth, because He lives in man, man lives because of Him and lives before God (v. 57). Sixth, His Spirit, not His physical flesh, gives man life and makes man live (v. 63). Seventh, His Spirit is in His spoken words—rhema. His words are spirit and are life (v. 63). When a person hears and receives the Lord’s words, the Lord’s Spirit enters into him to be his life. This life is “the bread of life,” “the true bread,” and “the living bread.” When a person eats this bread and digests it, it becomes his constitution, and he is joined and mingled with the Lord as one. As a result, he can live before God. (CWWL, 1959, vol. 1, p. 243)

Today’s Reading

The manna in the Old Testament came down out of heaven, but those who ate it still died [John 6:49]. In contrast, the Lord Jesus came down out of heaven to be the bread of life so that anyone who eats of Him would not die (v. 50).

The Lord’s purpose in coming to the earth was not to perform signs and wonders or to ask people to labor and work. He is the bread that came down out of heaven in order for man to eat. He who comes to Him will by no means hunger, and he who believes into Him will by no means ever thirst (v. 35). The Lord’s words clearly show the form in which He came to the earth, His status, the purpose He wanted to fulfill, and the relationship He wanted to have with people in the world.

The Lord Jesus came down out of heaven to earth in the form of food. This is a special matter. No sage has had this thought. The Lord said that He is the bread of life. We should not think that this word is shallow. This is a profound word. Those with a philosophical mind know the profoundness of the thought contained in this word…No ordinary man can speak such extraordinary words. The Lord being the bread that came down out of heaven means that He came to the earth in the form of food. He does not want us to prostrate ourselves before Him or to offer sacrifices to Him. He wants us to receive Him and take Him in as life.

In [John 6] the Lord did not have the status of a king or an archangel. His status was the bread of life. We often neglect this matter when we read the Bible because we have not touched the Lord’s thought. When we touch the Lord’s thought, we will marvel that the Lord came to the earth in the form and status of food. His work on the earth was for Him to be eaten by man to be man’s life. When some people read the Bible, they see that the Lord Jesus came to the earth to do God’s will and to accomplish God’s plan. Some people think that because He came to serve people, He did many things for them. Strictly speaking, the Lord Jesus came to the earth to accomplish one central matter, that is, to give Himself to man as food so that He could be eaten by man as spiritual nourishment and be digested to become man’s constitution. This is the primary purpose for which the Lord came down out of heaven. (CWWL, 1959, vol. 1, pp. 232-233)

Further Reading: CWWL, 1959, vol. 1, pp. 229-243

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