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約六27 不要為那必壞的食物勞力,要為那存到永遠生命的食物勞力,就是人子要賜給你們的

    32 耶穌說,我實實在在的告訴你們,不是摩西把那從天上來的糧賜給你們,乃是我父把那從天上來的真糧賜給你們。









WEEK 7 — DAY 2

Morning Nourishment

John 6:27 Work not for the food which perishes, but for the food which abides unto eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you…

          32 Jesus therefore said to them, Truly, truly, I say to you, Moses has not given you the bread out of heaven, but My Father gives you the true bread out of heaven.

The most important point in the whole chapter of John 6 is that the Lord is our food, the bread of life [vv. 27, 32-35, 47-58, 63a, 68b]. To eat Him is not a once-for-all matter. It is a daily matter and even a moment-by-moment experience of the Lord…We all must…contact the Lord and eat Him. We are not merely weak people but hungry people who need the Lord as our life supply. The Lord is edible because He is the bread of life…We must exercise our spirit to feed on Him as the word and as the Spirit. Then we will receive Him into us, digest Him, experience Him, and apply Him moment by moment. This is all—there is nothing else. We must forget about our doing and our working and learn to eat Christ and live by what we have eaten of Him. This is the divine way of life for our daily living. (Life-study of John, 2nd ed., p. 194)

Today’s Reading

For our experience and enjoyment Christ is the bread of life…He is the bread with eternal life. Spiritually speaking, everyone is hungry and in need of Christ as the bread of life. Our unique need…is Christ as our food…Even though you may have been a Christian for many years, you still need Christ as your food every day. Christ is not only your life; He, as the bread of life, is also your life supply, your daily food.

[In John 6:27] eternal life is the divine life, the uncreated life of God, which is not only everlasting with respect to time but also is eternal and divine in nature. The food which abides to eternal life is the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. He came from the heavens not only to be our Savior—He came also to be our food. This means that He came to be the tree of life. What we need today is Christ as the eternal food, as the tree of life.

In verse 32 the Lord Jesus referred to Himself as the true bread…As the true bread Christ is the bread of truth, or reality. Christ is true, real. He is the true food, and all other kinds of food are mere shadows of Him as the real food. The physical food we take in every day is a shadow of Christ. The reality of the food we eat daily is Jesus Christ. Christ is the true bread of life sent by God to bring us eternal life. We all need Christ to be the bread of life, the true bread, to us. We need to be deeply impressed with the fact that we need Christ as the true bread of life sent by God to bring us eternal life. Therefore, through the Word we need to feed on Christ as the living bread.

In verse 33 we see that Christ is the bread of God who, through incarnation, came down out of heaven and gives life to the world. As the bread of God He is God, He was sent by God, and He was with God. Although Christ is the very God, He became flesh in order to be the bread of life for us to eat. In verse 35 the Lord Jesus said, “I am the bread of life,” and in verse 51 He said, “I am the living bread.” Bread of life refers to the nature of the bread, which is life; living bread refers to the condition of the bread, which is living. In verse 47 the Lord Jesus said, “Truly, truly, I say to you, He who believes has eternal life.” From this we see that everyone who believes in Him receives eternal life.

According to the word of the Lord Jesus in verse 29, the work of God is that we “believe into Him whom He has sent.” The Lord’s concept concerning God is that man should believe into Him, that is, receive Him as life and the life supply. This is the principle of the tree of life, which brings in life, as seen in Genesis 2. (The Conclusion of the New Testament, pp. 2873-2875)

Further Reading: The Conclusion of the New Testament, msg. 279

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