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第二週•週四 晨興餧養 林後四 18『我們原不是顧念所見的,乃是顧念所不見的,因爲所見的是暫時的,所不見的纔是永遠的。』 五 7『因我們行事爲人,是憑着信心,不是憑着眼見。』 任何屬於基督徒生活的事物都是看不見的。召會的墮落,乃是由於基督徒從看不見的事物轉向看得見的事物。…當我們照着調和的靈而行(羅八 4)以顧到活神(二者都是看不見的),我們就被恢復到正常的基督徒生活和召會生活。 我們要顧念看得見的事物,並不需要信。…憑信心行事爲人,意思是顧念看不見的事物。在召會生活中,我們不是憑眼見、憑外表行事爲人,乃是憑信心行事爲人(林後五 7)。我們藉着信知道我們得救了(弗二 8)。這信使我們經歷神聖的出生,而有神聖的生命。當我們重生時,天然感官所看不見的神聖生命,就分賜到我們裏面。這生命分賜的結果,使我們成了主裏的弟兄姊妹。卽使神聖出生和神聖生命都是看不見的,我們裏面卻有能力能質實彼此裏面的神聖生命。這質實的能力,能感知我們裏面看不見的神聖生命,這就是信(來十一 1)(李常受文集一九七五至一九七六年第三册,九二至九三頁)。 信息選讀 當我們仰望耶穌,祂就把祂自己作爲信的成分,灌輸到我們裏面,祂就成了我們的信心。…信心是質實的能力,好像我們的第六感。我們藉着福音的傳揚,就得了這質實的官能。正確的傳福音,不應當只是教訓,也必須是一種灌輸。假若我現在傳福音給一些罪人,在向他們傳之前,我必須先從主那裏得着一些出於主的東西。然後,當我傳講時,我所得着那出於主的東西,會像電一樣射入那些聽的人裏面。…他們也許會搖頭,不同意我的說法;然而在他們的深處,對我所說的有了信心。雖然有些人嘴裏說信耶穌太愚昧了,但是在他們裏面,有個東西繼續不斷的起反應,直到他們不得不說,『主耶穌,謝謝你,你太好了。主,你是我的救主。』因爲有一種成分灌輸到他們裏面,所以他們就能相信主。我知道有些很頑固的人,不肯在聚會中表示相信主耶穌。但他們回家之後,裏面沒有平安,因爲有東西在裏面攪動、煩擾他們。到下次福音聚會的時候,他們會說,『我還要去那裏。』這就是神藉着傳講的人灌輸信心的結果。 每一個傳福音的人,都必須是一個有吸引力的人。…他所講的也許不合邏輯,但他好像充了電的電池一樣,聽的人會被吸引。爲這緣故,召會傳福音,必須有彀多的禱告。禱告越多,福音聚會就越有吸引力。傳福音的人必須禱告到一個地步,滿有屬天的吸引力,並且完全被神聖的元素所充滿。…傳福音的人可能缺乏口才,但是因着他太吸引人,別人一聽他就被吸住了。藉着那種有吸引力的傳道人,某種成分就灌輸到聽的人裏面,是任何人所不能奪去的。這個注入的成分就是信心。 這個原則,不僅能應用在傳福音上,也能應用在其他盡職的事上。…你的職事若是正確,每逢你盡職時,不僅你自己被吸引,同時也吸引別人。正確的職事,完全是在於被神自己灌輸充滿。首先,我們被神聖的元素充滿;然後,在盡職時,我們很有吸引力的把這神聖的元素放射到別人裏面。這完全是神恩典的事(希伯來書生命讀經,六六四至六六六頁)。 參讀:李常受文集一九九四至一九九七年第一册,羅馬書結晶讀經,第二十三章。 WEEK 2 — DAY 4 Morning Nourishment 2 Cor. 4:18 Because we do not regard the things which are seen but the things which are not seen; for the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal. 5:7 (For we walk by faith, not by appearance.) Anything that belongs to the Christian life is invisible. The degradation of the church is due to the fact that Christians have moved from the unseen things to the seen things…When we care for the living God by walking according to our mingled spirit (Rom. 8:4), both of which are unseen, we are being recovered to the normal Christian life and church life. In order to regard the visible things, we do not need faith…To walk by faith means that we regard the invisible things. In the church life we are walking not by sight, by appearance, but by faith (2 Cor. 5:7). We know that we are saved through faith (Eph. 2:8). This faith causes us to experience the divine birth with the divine life. When we were regenerated, the divine life, something invisible to the natural senses, was imparted into us. As a result of this impartation of life, we became brothers and sisters in the Lord. Even though neither the divine birth nor the divine life can be seen, we have an ability within that is able to substantiate the divine life in one another. This substantiating ability that is able to sense the invisible divine life within us is faith (Heb. 11:1). (CWWL, 1975-1976, vol. 3, pp. 90-91) Today’s Reading When we look unto Jesus, He transfuses us with Himself as the believing element, and He becomes our faith…Faith, the substantiating ability, is like a sixth sense. We acquired this substantiating sense through the preaching of the gospel. Proper gospel preaching is not merely a matter of teaching; it must also be a matter of transfusion. Suppose I am preaching the gospel to some sinners. Before I can preach the gospel to them, I must first receive something of and from the Lord. Then, as I am preaching, what I have received of the Lord will enter, like electricity, into those who are listening… Although they may shake their heads, not consenting to my preaching, deep within they believe what I am saying. Although some may say to themselves Every gospel preacher must be a charming person…What he says may not seem logical, but, like a battery that is being charged, the hearers will be charmed. For this reason the church must pray a great deal for the preaching of the gospel. The more we pray, the more charming the gospel meeting will be. The gospel preacher must pray until he has a heavenly charm and is fully charged with the divine element…The gospel preacher may lack eloquence, but because he is so charming, others are charmed as they listen to him. Some element is infused into them through that charming preacher, and nothing can take it out of them. This infused element is faith. This principle applies not only to the preaching of the gospel but to other forms of ministry as well…If your ministry is correct, you will be charmed and charming whenever you come to minister. The proper ministry is altogether a matter of being fully transfused with God Himself. First, we are charged with the divine element, and then, in the ministry, we radiate that divine element into others in a charming way. This is altogether a matter of God’s grace. (Life-study of Hebrews, 2nd ed., pp. 540-541) Further Reading: CWWL, 1994-1997, vol. 1, “Crystallization-study of the Epistle to the Romans,” ch. 23 |
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