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保羅被主得着後,就開始奔跑屬天的賽程,並且不停的奔跑(林前九24 ~ 26,腓三12 ~ 14),爲要跑完這賽程(徒二十24)。現今他終於得勝的宣告說,當跑的賽程他已經跑盡了。爲此,他要從主得着賞賜,就是公義的冠冕(提後四8)。…保羅能見證,當守的信仰他已經守住了。…守住信仰,就是守住整個神新約的經綸,就是關於基督是神的具體化身也是神的奧祕,以及召會是基督的身體也是基督的奧祕之信仰(提摩太後書生命讀經,七三頁)。



保羅說他守住信仰,不是守住道理。在新約裏,『信』字…首先…是指我們相信的行動或能力;信是相信聖經,相信神,並相信基督的行動或能力。這是我們的信,主觀的信。信也有另一個意義,指我們所相信的事物。這是客觀的信仰。我們說到信仰上的一,信仰是客觀的,是我們所相信的事物,不是相信的行動,相信的能力。我們必須爲這信仰爭戰。倘若任何人說(如摩登派所說的),基督只是人,不是神的兒子,我絕不會與他握手。他是敵基督者之一(約壹四3,約貳10 ~ 11)。我絕不會承認這樣的人是我的弟兄。然而,因主的恩典和憐憫,我不在意某人是贊成灑水施浸或浸水施浸。只要他相信,只要他有這信仰,他就是我的弟兄(李常受文集一九七一年第四册,一九九頁)。




WEEK 3 — DAY 2


Morning Nourishment

2 Tim. 4:7 I have fought the good fight; I have finished the course; I have kept the faith.

1 Tim. 6:12 Fight the good fight of the faith; lay hold on the eternal life, to which you were called and have confessed the good confession before many witnesses.

A proper Christian life has three aspects. It involves fighting the good fight, or “struggling the good struggle,” against Satan and his kingdom of darkness for the interests of God’s kingdom (1 Tim. 6:12), running the course for the carrying out of God’s economy according to His eternal purpose (Heb. 12:1), and keeping the faith for participation in the divine riches in God’s economy (1 Tim. 3:9). In this Paul set up an adequate pattern for us.

Paul began to run the heavenly race after the Lord took possession of him, and he continually ran (1 Cor. 9:24-26; Phil. 3:12-14) that he might finish it (Acts 20:24). Now at the end he triumphantly proclaimed, “I have finished the course” [2 Tim. 4:7]. For this he will receive from the Lord a reward—the crown of righteousness (v. 8). Paul could testify that he had kept the faith… To keep the faith is to keep the entire New Testament economy of God—the faith concerning Christ as the embodiment of God and the mystery of God and the church as the Body of Christ and the mystery of Christ. (Life-study of 2 Timothy, 2nd ed., pp. 59-60)

Today’s Reading

Paul does not say that he had kept various doctrines but that he had “kept the faith” [2 Tim. 4:7]. Paul was a man who could tolerate any kind of practice and could give up any doctrine, but he could never give up the faith. Rather, he kept the faith to the end. (CWWL, 1964, vol. 3, p. 38)

Paul said that he kept the faith, not the doctrine. In the New Testament the word faith…[first] refers to our believing action or ability. It is the action or ability to believe in the Bible, in God, and in Christ. This is our faith, the subjective faith. Faith also has another meaning, referring to the things in which we believe. This is the objective faith. When we speak of the oneness of the faith, faith is objective, the things in which we believe, not the believing action, the believing ability. We have to fight for this faith. If anyone would say, as the modernists do, that Christ is only a man and not the Son of God, I would never shake hands with him. He is one of the antichrists (1 John 4:3; 2 John 10-11). I would never recognize such a one as my brother. By the Lord’s grace and mercy, however, I do not care whether someone is for baptism by sprinkling or by immersion. As long as he believes, as long as he has this faith, he is my brother. (CWWL, 1971, vol. 4, “Enjoying the Riches of Christ for the Building Up of the Church as the Body of Christ,” p. 144)

[Regarding the] main items of the proper Christian faith,…some may disagree with the point concerning one city, one church, but as a proper Christian we have to believe that the church is both universally one and locally one. As the Body of Christ, the church is universally one; as the expression of the Body of Christ, a local church is locally one. This does not mean, however, that a real believer in Christ who does not agree with one city, one church is not saved. He or she is saved, but there is something lacking, not for salvation but for the proper church life.

The faith is the speciality of the church life. This is something very specific, very special…If we are going to fight for something, we have to fight for this. There is no need for us to fight for other things. We have to fight the good fight of such a faith (1 Tim. 6:12). We have to contend for such a faith (Jude 3). We have to teach and preach such a faith. (CWWL, 1971, vol. 3, “The Speciality, Generality, and Practicality of the Church Life,” p. 419)

Further Reading: Life-study of 2 Timothy, msg. 7; CWWL, 1971, vol. 4, “Enjoying the Riches of Christ for the Building Up of the Church as the Body of Christ,” ch. 14

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