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讀經: 提前二4、7, 三15, 四3, 提後二15、25,三7,多一1


壹 主的恢復乃是恢復真理的亮光—約壹一5 ~ 6:

一 真理就是光的照耀,是神聖之光的彰顯—約八12、32,約壹一5 ~ 6:

1 真理是光的流出—約一4、7、9,三21,八32。

2 沒有光的知識就是道理,但滿了光的知識乃是真理—約壹一5 ~ 6,四6。

二 聖經所啓示的真理,歷經各世代,已經被遺失、忽畧、誤會、誤解並錯誤應用—約十七17:

1 主恢復的目標是要恢復聖經裏所啓示之事物的實際、生命、活力、力量、能力和衝擊力。

2 主恢復裏的真理乃是已過十九世紀以來所有真理的終極完成—提後二2。


三 我們需要得着真理作到我們裏面,並構成到我們全人裏面—約壹一8,二4,約貳1 ~ 2,約叁3 ~ 4:

1 由真理構成,就是得着神聖啓示內在的元素作到我們裏面,成爲我們的構成成分,我們內在的所是,我們生機的構成。

2 我們迫切需要活的真理,以產生召會,幫助召會存在,並建造召會—提前三15。

3 構成到我們裏面扎實的真理,在我們裏面成爲一種常時並長期的滋養—四6。

4 如果真理作到我們裏面並構成到我們裏面,我們就能保護神神性豐富的權益,以及祂終極的成就—啓二一12 上、17。

5 主的話就是真理,乃是在聖經裏,但聖經需要正確的解釋—提後二15。

6 我們需要付代價學習真理—箴二三23。

7 真理本身是絕對的,我們必須對真理絕對—約貳1~2、4,約叁3 ~ 4、7 ~ 8。


貳 神願意我們『萬人…完全認識真理』—提前二4:

一 主的恢復乃是要恢復對真理完全的認識—7 節,四3:

1 召會的敗落源於對真理的忽畧。

2 今天,主的恢復乃是完全恢復聖言中的神聖真理—約一14、17,八32。

二 保羅作使徒不僅是照着信仰,更是照着對真理的完全認識—提前二4,多一1:

1 信乃是接受神爲我們所計畫的一切、神爲我們所作成的一切以及神所賜給我們的一切—提前一4,二7。

2 在提摩太前、後書中,保羅強調信徒需要完全認識真理—提前二4,四3,提後二25,三7。

3 對真理完全的認識就是對真理的透徹領畧,是對我們藉信所領受一切屬靈、神聖事物之實際的完全承認—提前四3。

三 所有的信徒都需要對真理有完全的認識並留於其中—3 節:

1 每位信徒都有性能可以完全認識真理—二4。

2 對真理有完全的認識,就是充分的明瞭真理;這樣認識真理乃是保障。


四 所有的信徒都需要對主觀的真理有認識、有經歷並且絕對—約八32,十四6:

1 聖經中的真理有客觀的一面和主觀的一面—羅八34、10,西三1,一27。

2 客觀的真理是爲着主觀的真理,主觀的真理是爲着產生召會—約貳1 ~ 2、4,約叁3 ~ 4、7 ~ 9 上。

3 主渴望恢復聖經中的主觀真理,就是關於三一神和召會之真理的主觀一面—約一14,十四16 ~ 20,提前六15 ~ 16,提後四22,三15 ~ 16。

4 約翰福音是一卷說到主觀真理的書,爲着產生召會—四14,六57,十四16 ~ 17、20,三15 ~ 16。

5 主觀的真理是聯於那靈和生命,並且是用那靈和生命構成的—羅八2,林後三6:

a 那靈和生命就是主觀真理的本質;若沒有那靈和生命,就沒有主觀的真理。

b 當我們憑那靈和生命活着,我們就有主觀真理的經歷—羅八2、4、14。

c 召會生活是我們經歷主觀真理的結果;當我們經歷主觀的真理,召會自然就產生了—10 ~ 11 節,十二4 ~ 5,十六1、4 ~ 5,林前一9、30,十五45 下,六17,一2,十二27。


五 我們應當完全認識最高的真理,並對此絕對—羅八3,一3 ~ 4,十二4 ~ 5:

1 最高的真理就是神在基督裏成爲人,爲要使人在生命、性情、構成和彰顯上成爲神,只是無分於神格,好使救贖的神與蒙救贖的人聯結、調和、合併在一起,成爲一個實體—約一12 ~ 14,十四20,啓二一2、10 ~ 11。

2 神聖啓示的高峯—聖經這『盒子』裏的『鑽石』—乃是一個啓示,就是神在基督裏成爲人,爲要使人在生命和性情上(但不在神格上)成爲神—撒下七12 ~ 14 上,羅八3,一3 ~ 4,弗三17 上。

3 神成爲人,是藉着成爲肉體;人成爲神,是藉着重生、聖別、更新、變化、模成和得榮—約三5 ~ 6,一12 ~ 13,羅六19、22,十二2,八29 ~ 30。

4 惟有藉着神成爲人,使人成爲神,才能產生並建造基督的身體;這就是神所給我們神聖啓示的高峯—3節,一3 ~ 4,八14 ~ 16,十二4 ~ 5。

六 主恢復的標準在於我們所陳明之真理的標準;真理乃是衡量和標準—約十八37。

Message Three

The Full Knowledge of the Truth


Hymns: 799

Scripture Reading: 1 Tim. 2:4, 7; 3:15; 4:3; 2 Tim. 2:15, 25; 3:7; Titus 1:1

§ Day 1

I. The Lords recovery is the recovery of the light of the truth—1 John 1:5-6:

A. Truth is the shining of light, the expression of the divine light—John 8:12, 32; 1 John 1:5-6:

1. Truth is the issue of light—John 1:4, 7, 9; 3:21; 8:32.

2. Knowledge without light is doctrine, but knowledge full of light is truth—1 John 1:5-6; 4:6.

B. The truths as revealed in the Scriptures have been lost, missed, misunderstood, misinterpreted, and wrongly applied throughout the ages—John 17:17:

1. The goal of the Lords recovery is to recover the reality, life, livingness, strength, power, and impact of the matters revealed in the Bible.

2. The truth in the Lords recovery is the consummation of the truth of the past nineteen centuries—2 Tim. 2:2.

§ Day 2

C. We need to have the truth wrought into us and constituted into our being—1 John 1:8; 2:4; 2 John 1-2; 3 John 3-4:

1. To be constituted with the truth is to have the intrinsic element of the divine revelation wrought into us to become our constituent, our intrinsic being, our organic constitution.

2. There is the desperate need of the living truth to produce the church, to help the church to exist, and to build up the church—1 Tim. 3:15.

3. The solid truth that is constituted into us becomes in us a constant and longterm

4. If the truth is wrought into us and constituted into our being, we will be able to protect the interests of the riches of Gods divinity and the attainments of His consummation—Rev. 21:12a, 17.

5. The Lords word, the truth, is in the Bible, but the Bible needs the proper interpretation—2 Tim. 2:15.

6. We need to pay the price to learn the truth—Prov. 23:23.

7. The truth is absolute in itself, and we must be absolute for the truth—2 John 1-2, 4; 3 John 3-4, 7-8.

§ Day 3

II. God desires that we "all...come to the full knowledge of the truth"—1 Tim. 2:4:

A. The Lords recovery is to recover the full knowledge of the truth—v. 7; 4:3:

1. The degradation of the church issued from the neglect of the truth.

2. The Lords recovery today is the full recovery of the divine truths in the holy Word—John 1:14, 17; 8:32.

B. Paul was an apostle not only according to the faith but also according to the full knowledge of the truth—1 Tim. 2:4; Titus 1:1:

1. Faith is to receive all God has planned for us, all God has done for us, and all God has given to us—1 Tim. 1:4; 2:7.

2. In the books of 1 and 2 Timothy, Paul emphasizes the need of the believers to come to the full knowledge of the truth—1 Tim. 2:4; 4:3; 2 Tim. 2:25; 3:7.

3. The full knowledge of the truth is a thorough apprehension of the truth, a full acknowledgement of the reality of all the spiritual and divine things that we have received through faith—1 Tim. 4:3.

C. All the believers need to come to and be in the full knowledge of the truth—v. 3:

1. Every believer has the capacity to come to the full knowledge of the truth—2:4.

2. To have the full knowledge of the truth is to fully know the truth; knowing the truth in this way is a safeguard.

§ Day 4 & Day 5

D. All the believers need to know, experience, and be absolute for the subjective truths—John 8:32; 14:6:

1. The truths in the Bible have both an objective aspect and a subjective aspect—Rom. 8:34, 10; Col. 3:1; 1:27.

2. The objective truths are for the subjective truths, and the subjective truths are for the producing of the church—2 John 1, 4; 3 John 3-4, 7-9a.

3. The Lord desires to recover the subjective truths in the Holy Scriptures—the subjective aspect of the truth concerning the Triune God and the church— John 1:14; 14:16-20; 1 Tim. 6:15-16; 2 Tim. 4:22; 3:15-16.

4. The Gospel of John is a book on the subjective truths for the producing of the church—4:14; 6:57; 14:16-17, 20; 3:15-16.

5. The subjective truths are linked to the Spirit and life and are constituted with Spirit and life—Rom. 8:2; 2 Cor. 3:6:

a. The Spirit and life are the substance of the subjective truths; without the Spirit and life we do not have the subjective truths.

b. When we live by the Spirit and life, we have the experience of the subjective truths—Rom. 8:2, 4, 14.

c. The church life is an issue of our experience of the subjective truths; when we experience the subjective truths, the church is spontaneously produced—vv. 10-11; 12:4-5; 16:1, 4-5; 1 Cor. 1:9, 30; 15:45b; 6:17; 1:2; 12:27.

§ Day 6

E. We need to fully know and be absolute for the highest truth—Rom. 8:3; 1:3-4; 12:4-5:

1. The highest truth is that in Christ God became man to make man God in life, nature, constitution, and expression but not in the Godhead so that the redeeming God and the redeemed man can be united, mingled, and incorporated together to become one entity—John 1:12-14; 14:20; Rev. 21:2, 10-11.

2. The high peak of the divine revelation—the "diamond" in the "box" of the Bible—is the revelation that in Christ God has become man in order that man might become God in life and nature but not in the Godhead—2 Sam. 7:12-14a; Rom. 8:3; 1:3-4; Eph. 3:17a.

3. God became man through incarnation, man becomes God through regeneration, sanctification, renewing, transformation, conformation, and glorification—John 3:5-6; 1:12-13; Rom. 6:19,22; 12:2; 8:29-30.

4. It is only by Gods becoming man to make man God that the Body of Christ can be produced and built up; this is the high peak of the divine revelation given to us by God—v. 3; 1:3-4; 8:14-16; 12:4-5.

F. The standard of the Lords recovery depends upon the standard of the truth we put out; the truths will be the measure and the standard—John 18:37.

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