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第二週■週六 晨興餧養 腓二15 ~ 16『使你們無可指摘、純潔無雜,在彎曲悖謬的世代中,作神無瑕疵的兒女;你們在其中好像發光之體顯在世界裏,將生命的話表明出來…。』 林後四7『但我們有這寶貝在瓦器裏,要顯明這超越的能力,是屬於神,不是出於我們。』 基督榮耀的福音首先照進我們裏面,然後要從我們裏面照出來。榮耀越在我們裏面照耀,就越穿透我們並浸透我們。至終,這裏面的榮耀要銷毀、吞沒我們整個裏面的人。然後基督榮耀之福音的光要藉着我們照耀出去。這樣的照耀無法藉着教訓而來,惟有藉着經歷基督纔能臨到;基督自己就是神的榮耀,也是神的顯現。我們讚美主,基督已經照進我們全人的深處,現今祂正在我們裏面照耀,並且要照透我們裏面的人。因此,我們需要注意基督這榮耀在裏面之內裏的照耀。神經綸的目標,乃是要我們都照耀出祂的榮耀。當我們在這樣的光照之下,基督就要以祂自己浸透我們,我們就享受基督活在我們裏面作我們生命和人位的甜美。(新約總論第十册,二三二至二三三頁。) 信息選讀 〔林後四章六節說到,〕神照在我們心裏,結果使我們認識那顯在耶穌基督面上之神的榮耀,也就是光照我們,使我們認識基督榮耀的福音。…神照在宇宙中,產生了舊造。但祂照在我們心裏,使我們成爲新造,因這照耀將榮耀基督這奇妙的寶貝,帶到我們這瓦器裏面。 神照在我們心裏,是爲着光照我們,使我們能認識那顯在基督面上的榮耀。那顯在耶穌基督面上之神的榮耀,乃是榮耀的神藉耶穌基督得着彰顯;祂是神榮耀的光輝;(來一3;)認識祂就是認識榮耀的神。林後四章六節的光照,指神的光從那些心裏蒙神光照的人,發光照耀別人,與二節的『將真理顯揚出來』相合,也與馬太五章十六節的『照』,並腓立比二章十五節的『顯』相同。神照在我們心裏,爲叫我們光照別人,使他們認識神顯在耶穌基督面上的榮耀,也就是認識那彰顯神,表明神的基督。(約一18。) 我們要經歷神的照耀,就需要與基督有直接、個人、親密的接觸。這接觸使神照耀在我們心裏。神或許會照耀在我們身上,但我們若要祂照在我們裏面,我們就必須與祂有直接且親密的接觸。…我們藉着呼求主,就被帶進與祂面對面的接觸裏,經歷神照在我們心裏。惟獨我們與主有這樣直接、切身、並親密的接觸時,我們纔有內裏的照耀。每當我們親切、親密的呼求主,我們就在祂的面前,而神也照耀在我們的心裏。這樣,我們就把所接受的再照耀出來,使基督福音的榮耀得以照耀。 我們的傳福音該非常光照人。這就是說,在我們傳講時,神就照在那些和我們說話的人心裏。我們也要幫助他們呼求主耶穌的名,使他們被帶到基督面前,與祂有切身的接觸,並經歷神照耀在他們的心裏。這樣的傳講不僅僅是陳明某些事實,乃是陳明一種榮耀。那些接受榮耀福音的人,要得着基督作爲分賜到他們裏面的珍寶。這樣,他們就會和我們一樣,成爲盛裝這寶貝的瓦器。(新約總論第十册,二三三至二三四頁。) 參讀:新約總論,第三百一十七篇。 WEEK 2 — DAY 6 Morning Nourishment Phil. 2:15-16 That you may be blameless and guileless, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and perverted generation, among whom you shine as luminaries in the world, holding forth the word of life... 2 Cor. 4:7 But we have this treasure in earthen vessels that the excellency of the power may be of God and not out of us. The gospel of the glory of Christ first shines into us, and then it shines out from within us. The more the glory shines within us, the more it penetrates into our being and saturates it. Eventually, the inner glory will consume, swallow up, our entire inward being. Then the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ will shine out through us. Such a shining cannot come by way of teaching; it can come only through the experience of Christ who is Himself the glory of God and the manifestation of God. We praise the Lord that Christ has shone into the depths of our being, that now He is shining within us, and that He will shine throughout our inward being. Therefore, we need to pay attention to the inner shining of Christ as the glory within. The goal of God’s economy is that we all shine forth His glory. As we are under such a shining, Christ saturates us with Himself, and we enjoy the sweetness of Christ living in us to be our life and our person. (The Conclusion of the New Testament, p. 3207) Today’s Reading God’s shining in our hearts [in 2 Corinthians 4:6] results in the illumination of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ, that is, in the nlightenment that causes us to know the glory of the gospel of Christ...God’s shining in the universe produced the old creation. His shining in our hearts has made us a new creation, because this shining brings into us, earthen vessels, the marvelous treasure of the Christ of glory. The shining of God in our hearts is to illumine us that we may know the glory in Christ’s face. The glory of God manifested in the face of Jesus Christ is the God of glory expressed through Jesus Christ, who is the effulgence of the glory of God (Heb. 1:3); to know Him is to know the God of glory. In particular, the illumination in 2 Corinthians 4:6, which refers to the shining of God’s light on others out from those whose hearts have been enlightened by God, corresponds with the anifestation of the truth in verse 2 and is the same as the shining in Matthew 5:16 and Philippians 2:15. God shines in our hearts that we may shine on others so that they may have the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ, that is, the knowledge of Christ, who expresses and declares God (John 1:18). In order to experience God’s shining, we need to have direct, personal, and intimate contact with Christ. This contact will cause God to shine in our hearts. God may shine upon us, but if we want Him to shine in us, we need to have direct, intimate contact with Him...By calling on the Lord we are brought into face-to-face contact with Him and experience God’s shining in our heart. Only when we have such direct, personal, and intimate contact with the Lord do we have the inner shining. Whenever we call on the Lord in a dear, intimate way, we are before His face, and the shining of God is in our heart. Then we may shine out what we have received for the shining of the glory of the gospel of Christ. We need to preach the gospel in a very illuminating way. This means that while we are preaching, God shines into the hearts of those to whom we are speaking. We also need to help them to call on the name of the Lord Jesus in order that they would be brought to the face of Christ, have personal contact with Him, and experience God’s shining in their hearts. To preach in this way is to present not merely a gospel of certain facts but a gospel of glory. Those who receive the gospel of glory will have Christ as the precious treasure dispensed into them. Then, like us, they will be earthen vessels containing this treasure. (The Conclusion of the New Testament, pp. 3207-3209) Further Reading: The Conclusion of the New Testament, msg. 317 |
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