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第二週■週一 晨興餧養 徒七2『…當日我們的祖宗亞伯拉罕在米所波大米…,榮耀的神向他顯現。』 羅九23『且要在那些蒙憐憫、早豫備得榮耀的器皿上,彰顯祂榮耀的豐富。』 提前一11『這是照着那託付與我,可稱頌之神榮耀的福音說的。』 〔在行傳七章二節〕司提反所說榮耀的神,符合神新約的經綸。彼得在他第二封書信裏告訴我們,神用祂的榮耀呼召我們,把我們召到祂的榮耀裏。(彼後一3。)因爲我們由神我們救主的榮耀所呼召,(1,)使我們至終接受了主耶穌,領畧到祂比別的人事物都好。 榮耀的神呼召亞伯拉罕,亞伯拉罕就被那榮耀吸引並抓住。今天對我們原則也是一樣。…我們已被祂的榮耀擄去。有一天,神的榮耀藉着福音的傳揚臨到我們,我們被吸引並折服,就開始珍賞祂。那段期間,榮耀的神將祂所是的某種元素灌輸到我們裏面,我們就自然而然的相信祂。被榮耀的神吸引,意思就是神將自己灌輸到祂所呼召的人裏面,而他們並不領悟或感覺這事。…我們若與祂同在一段時間,祂就要將自己灌輸到我們裏面。這種灌輸產生注入、浸透並充滿。一旦神將自己灌輸到我們裏面,我們就無法逃跑;我們必須相信祂。(新約總論第一册,四三至四四頁。) 信息選讀 神創造人作器皿以備裝祂;從這些器皿中祂揀選我們,盛裝祂這尊貴的神,而成爲祂貴重的器皿。至終祂將祂的榮耀彰顯在我們這器皿上,使我們成爲祂榮耀的器皿。(羅九23。)這些都是出於祂的憐憫,也都是在於祂的憐憫,是我們的努力所望塵莫及的!爲此我們當敬拜祂!和祂的憐憫!(聖經恢復本,羅九21 註1。) 神的經綸是『照着…可稱頌之神榮耀的福音』。(提前一11。)你以前聽過這話麼?許多人聽過恩典的福音、赦罪的福音、稱義的福音、和重生的福音,卻沒有聽過榮耀的福音。這福音不僅帶來關於罪得赦免和因信稱義的福音;榮耀的福音乃是神經綸的福音。榮耀是彰顯出來的神。因此,榮耀的福音就是彰顯出來之神的福音;卽彰顯神的榮耀的福音。 『可稱頌之神榮耀的福音』是個絕佳的發表,這是指提前一章四節所說神的經綸。那託付與使徒保羅的福音,乃是可稱頌之神榮耀的光輝。這福音在基督裏,將神的生命和性情分賜到神所揀選的人裏面,藉此照出神的榮耀,使神在這榮耀裏,在祂子民當中得着稱頌。這就是使徒從主所領受的託付和職事。(12。)這福音在地方召會中該普徧的教導並傳講。 在十七節保羅說,『但願尊貴榮耀歸與那永世的君王,就是那不能朽壞、不能看見、獨一的神,直到永永遠遠。阿們。』這話需要在與召會敗落的關係上來領會。保羅在獄中時,眾召會開始敗落,情況非常令人失望。許多人很灰心。甚至有些保羅的同工也離開他。但他有堅強的信心和絕對的把握:他所相信、那將福音託付給他的神,乃是永世的君王。祂永不改變。沒有一個地上的君王能稱爲永世的君王。該撒是暫時的統治者,但我們的神何等不同!保羅所事奉的神實在是永世的君王。這就是說,祂是永遠的王。祂永不改變;祂始終如一。(提摩太前書生命讀經,一六至一七、二○頁。) 參讀:提摩太前書生命讀經,第一篇。 WEEK 2 — DAY 1 Morning Nourishment Acts 7:2 ...The God of glory appeared to our father Abraham while he was in Mesopotamia... Rom. 9:23 In order that He might make known the riches of His glory upon vessels of mercy, which He had before prepared unto glory. 1 Tim. 1:11 According to the gospel of the glory of the blessed God, with which I was entrusted. Stephen’s word about the God of glory fits in with God’s New Testament economy. In his second Epistle Peter tells us that God has called us by His glory and to His glory (2 Pet. 1:3). Because we were called by the glory of God our Savior (v. 1), we eventually received the Lord Jesus, realizing that He is better than anything and anyone else. The God of glory called Abraham, and Abraham was attracted and caught by that glory. The principle is the same with us today...We have been captured by His glory. One day the God of glory came to us through the preaching of the gospel, and we were attracted and convinced and began to appreciate Him. During that time, the God of glory transfused some element of His being into us, and we believed in Him spontaneously. To be attracted by the God of glory means that God transfused Himself into His called ones without their realizing it or being conscious of it...If we stay with Him for a period of time, He will transfuse Himself into us. This transfusion will cause infusion, saturation, and permeation. Once God has transfused Himself into us, we cannot escape; we must believe in Him. (The Conclusion of the New Testament, pp. 36-37) Today’s Reading God created man as a vessel to contain Him, and out of the many vessels He chose us to contain Him, the God of honor, that we might be vessels of honor. Finally, He makes known His glory upon us, the vessels, that we might become vessels of His glory (Rom. 9:23). All this is out of His mercy and according to His mercy; it cannot be obtained by our efforts. For this reason we must worship Him, and we must worship Him for His mercy! (Rom. 9:21, footnote 1) God’s economy is “according to the gospel of the glory of the blessed God” (1 Tim. 1:11). Have you heard this expression before? Many have heard of the gospel of grace, the gospel of forgiveness, the gospel of justification, and the gospel of regeneration but not the gospel of glory. This gospel not only brings good news concerning forgiveness of sins and justification by faith; the gospel of glory is the gospel of God’s economy. Glory is God expressed. Thus, the gospel of glory is the gospel of the expressed God; it is a gospel that expresses God’s glory. The gospel of the glory of the blessed God is an excellent expression. It refers to God’s economy mentioned in verse 4. The gospel with which the apostle Paul was entrusted is the effulgence of the glory of the blessed God. By dispensing God’s life and nature in Christ into His chosen people, this gospel shines forth God’s glory, in which God is blessed among His people. This is the commission and ministry the apostle received of the Lord (v. 12). This should be commonly taught and preached in a local church. In verse 17 Paul says, “Now to the King of the ages, incorruptible, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.” This word needs to be understood in relation to the decline of the church. When Paul was in prison, the churches began to decline, and the situation was very disappointing. Many were discouraged. Even some of Paul’s coworkers left him. But he had a strong faith with an absolute assurance that the very God in whom he believed, the One who had entrusted him with the gospel of glory, is the King of the ages. He never changes. No earthly king can be called the King of the ages. Caesar was a temporary ruler, but how different is our God! The God whom Paul served truly is the King of the ages. This means that He is King of eternity. He never changes; He always remains the same. (Life-study of 1 Timothy, second edition, pp. 12- 13, 15) Further Reading: Life-study of 1 Timothy, msg. 1 |
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